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Thread: Main Street interchange work starting next year

  1. #1

    Default Main Street interchange work starting next year

    I for one am glad this is getting done, it's about time. The way most drivers (or should I say wannabe racers) come off from I-35 having absolutely no regard for Main Street traffic is dissapointing. When there is a clearly marked "Yield" sign right before the exit merges onto Main, but hardly anyone seems to care. The new design will put an end to all of that.

    Source: Norman Transcript

  2. #2

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    i love the interchange at Morgan road. can't wait for it to be at main street!

  3. #3
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    This is going to be a very nice upgrade and I look forward to the finished product!

    On a related note, are they going to be redoing the lanes of I-35 in conjunction with this bridge work like they did on I-40 and Morgan Rd. or is that even in the plans?

    I also saw that they're going to be redoing the bridge over the Canadian River south of this area. Lots of work getting ready to start in Norman.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    It’s good to see this starting.

    Traffic over the river is going to be backed up even more during construction. I hope the state strongly suggest alternative routes.
    It’s too bad we don’t have a second bridge over the river in the Norman area. We need one.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    ODOT’s suggested construction sequencing has the interchange at Main and I-35 closed during part of the construction. ODOT is currently allocating 500 days for construction. Once completed, the bridge will have eight lanes, three in each direction and two turn lanes onto I-35. That will mean that Main St. will have three lanes in each direction between 24 St. NW and 36 St. NW.

  6. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    It’s good to see this starting.

    Traffic over the river is going to be backed up even more during construction. I hope the state strongly suggest alternative routes.
    It’s too bad we don’t have a second bridge over the river in the Norman area. We need one.
    The river shouldn't be too bad. Since they are just adding an additional lane each way (going to 10 total) it should only impact the far right lanes. Of course it still gets backed up now during certain times, but shouldn't be as bad as it was the last time they worked on it.

  7. #7
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Venture, I'm rarely down that far south, but is traffic that bad that we really need to expand that bridge already? Perhaps the casino is really drawing that many people...

    Thinking about the expansion on both sides, the area around Lindsey St. is going to be an absolute nightmare bottleneck for awhile.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    The river shouldn't be too bad. Since they are just adding an additional lane each way (going to 10 total) it should only impact the far right lanes. Of course it still gets backed up now during certain times, but shouldn't be as bad as it was the last time they worked on it.
    I would bet that traffic counts have substantially increased since the last major work was done.
    The I-35 backup will be well north into Norman during peak periods of time and will mean more traffic on city of Norman streets.

  9. #9
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    This is really going to be a pain in the ass for awhile, but I really believe the end result will be worth it. It's going to be nice.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by ouman
    The way most drivers (or should I say wannabe racers) come off from I-35 having absolutely no regard for Main Street traffic is dissapointing. When there is a clearly marked "Yield" sign right before the exit merges onto Main, but hardly anyone seems to care.
    on robinson, you get your own lane coming off the interchange. i don't know if i'm "most drivers" but not being a regular visitor to the area, i typically get the layout of the two confused. i've been overly cautious merging onto robinson and have had a few "oh crap" moments merging onto main for this exact reason. -M

  11. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Venture, I'm rarely down that far south, but is traffic that bad that we really need to expand that bridge already? Perhaps the casino is really drawing that many people...

    Thinking about the expansion on both sides, the area around Lindsey St. is going to be an absolute nightmare bottleneck for awhile.
    I normally only see it backed up around the bridge during times when there is something major going on at Riverwind or there is an accident. I've seen far more slow downs due to heavy congestion further north mainly due to the narrowing at Main Street.

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    I would bet that traffic counts have substantially increased since the last major work was done.
    The I-35 backup will be well north into Norman during peak periods of time and will mean more traffic on city of Norman streets.
    There will be backups but nothing of a Carmegeddon nature. LOL

    More traffic on city streets is bound to happen. What else are building streets for except to use them? If we want a community of higher density than that will equate to higher traffic levels. If the issues on 35 become to much, then people will adjust and we can see traffic shifting more to Sooner Road/12th and Flood/77.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    I had no idea what a SPUI was or how it worked so I went and found this video if anyone else is interested.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    About the second needed River Bridge near Norman…

    This is where an east metro by-pass could incorporate a river bridge just northwest of Noble.
    A Norman spur from Jenkins should be built south to connect the by-pass on the north side of the bridge.
    Thru I-35 traffic and traffic headed to points east and north could use the by-pass reducing traffic loads on I-35 for the rest of us.

  14. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by ou48A View Post
    About the second needed River Bridge near Norman…

    This is where an east metro by-pass could incorporate a river bridge just northwest of Noble.
    A Norman spur from Jenkins should be built south to connect the by-pass on the north side of the bridge.
    Thru I-35 traffic and traffic headed to points east and north could use the by-pass reducing traffic loads on I-35 for the rest of us.
    Don't really see a point there. A better option would be having a by pass along Indian Hills out to Hwy 37/I-44. Another option would be a bridge along what would be 48th SW down to Hwy 9.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Don't really see a point there. A better option would be having a by pass along Indian Hills out to Hwy 37/I-44. Another option would be a bridge along what would be 48th SW down to Hwy 9.
    An I-35 by-pass around the east metro has been discussed by state officials.

    After crossing the bridge over the river west of Noble the freeway would -- Y-- with on branch headed to south Jenkins and with the other branch headed toward the SE area of Norman before turning to the north and around the east OKC metro.

    This option would give the OKC metro a ligament by-pass to I-35. It would provide a southern entrance to OU and help relive congestion on Lindsey and on highway 9 on a daily bases. By 4 landing such streets as Lindsey and Robison to the east, the east by- pass would let football traffic enter and leave Norman much faster. Fans from the eastern side of the metro or from the eastern parts of the state would use it reducing traffic out of Norman and make Norman safer by decongesting the local streets much quicker.

    I would agree that a by-pass is needed somewhere along Indian Hills out to Hwy 37/I-44.
    But this by-pass should extend the all the way to the I -35 eastern by pass around the east side of the OKC metro.

  16. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    I can respect what you are proposing, since I'm backed an eastern loop for East Norman and relieving Sooner Road. I just see easier bridges that can be done quicker than a new highway. Plus chances are it will need to be a turnpike as well to even take place, and we know how well that will go over. LOL

    We also have to be concerned with allowing too much sprawl to get encouraged without filling in central areas of Norman. We already let the NW side go crazy.

  17. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    I don't want to de-rail the topic but the east side bypass has always brought up the following questions in my mind:

    Since Norman officially goes all the way to the eastern edge of Lake Thunderbird I'm wondering if the area know nas the "east side" i.e. east of downtown would now be actually part of central Norman? Or is it still the east side as is known colloquially?

    On a separate note, Norman's estimated 2011 population at least as listed on Wikipedia is 113,273 residents, can anyone confirm that?

  18. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by OUman View Post
    I don't want to de-rail the topic but the east side bypass has always brought up the following questions in my mind:

    Since Norman officially goes all the way to the eastern edge of Lake Thunderbird I'm wondering if the area know nas the "east side" i.e. east of downtown would now be actually part of central Norman? Or is it still the east side as is known colloquially?

    On a separate note, Norman's estimated 2011 population at least as listed on Wikipedia is 113,273 residents, can anyone confirm that?
    Yeah it is hard to say how to divide Norman up. You could almost say East Norman is the Lake area. Central Norman is the area from the Western edge of the lake to about 12th East. West Norman anywhere west of 12th. I would imagine any East Side By-Pass would need to come up between 48th and 60th and then probably stay to the west side of Draper Lake.

    Right now I take East Norman to be pretty much anything east of the tracks outside of Downtown.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by OUman View Post
    ... The way most drivers (or should I say wannabe racers) come off from I-35 having absolutely no regard for Main Street traffic is dissapointing. When there is a clearly marked "Yield" sign right before the exit merges onto Main, but hardly anyone seems to care. ...

    Source: Norman Transcript
    The first time I drove myself to Norman to attend OU, almost 30 years ago, I almost had a wreck coming off of SB I35 and merging onto EB Main. I was used to driving in Tulsa, and had never encountered an interchange exit like that, where you didn't have a dedicated merge lane. Yes, I should have noticed and been aware of the situation, but as a newly arriving college freshman...

    That is a poorly designed intersection, and fixing it is long overdue; I see cars having this issue (zooming on to EB Main from SB 35, assuming there's a merge lane) several times a year.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    I tend to consider central norman: bounded on east and west by 24th streets, on north by robinson and south by lindsey or imhoff.

  21. #21
    HangryHippo Guest

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Are there any images available detailing what's to be built at Main St. and Lindsey St.? I remember there were a series of images available awhile back, but I'm having trouble finding them with the search.

    Found what I was looking for -- http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/meeti...esentation.pdf

    It appears that Lindsey St. is going to be another SPUI, but I had forgotten they're going to put in loops at Highway 9. Why don't they use flyover bridges? That Hwy 9/Lindsey St. exchange will still be funky after the improvements if this is still the plan.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    Quote Originally Posted by OnlyOne View Post
    Why don't they use flyover bridges?
    Cost. Also at one point they were considering removing one of the two exits because they are so close but Norman was very opposed that idea.

  23. Default Re: Main Street interchange work starting next year

    I'm not too upset with the Hwy 9 interchange. The one thing I would change though is the intersection at 24th SW. I would make that a typical highway interchange taking Hwy 9 over 24th and put in ramps. Getting rid of that light would be amazing when it comes to eliminating any congestion.

  24. #24

  25. #25

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