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Thread: Teens and summer activites

  1. #1
    beatlesbrat Guest

    Default Teens and summer activites

    I wonder what kinds of summer activites any of your teens have been engaged in this summer. I have a 14 year old daughter who is in desparate need of summer activity. My husband and I work rather far from home, so it can be difficult to have her in one place for just a couple of hours only. It seems that at this age they are too old for day camps, but too young to work or be a volunteer. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Default Re: Teens and summer activites

    Hi and welcome to the forum!

    We had a few discussions a while back about some summer activities.. you might find something here... I have two boys age 13 and 8 so they do different activities than what a girl might do so I don't really have any personal suggestions..

    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  3. #3
    beatlesbrat Guest

    Default Re: Teens and summer activites

    Hello and thanks for the welcome, Karried!
    Thank you for the link to the previous discussion. Unfortunately, when I checked into the applicable ones a few months back, they were full. Most of the others she is too old for. She seems to be in this hard age group to find activites for - and she doesn't have any sports related activities yet this summer.

  4. Default Re: Teens and summer activites


    What about the YMCA? They have teen camps... I'm not sure what area you are in but they have quite a few facilities in OK.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  5. #5
    beatlesbrat Guest

    Default Re: Teens and summer activites

    That's a great thought! I'll check into it.

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