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Thread: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

  1. #1

    Default Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Hey guys, I was wanting to locate some sort of archive where I could look at a bunch of pictures of Oklahoma City throughout its history, and maybe purchase some. I was thinking it would be cool to have some photos of downtown hung in my home. I was hoping to maybe have several photos of the city and be able to see its progression through the decades. So maybe have some photos of OKC in the early 1900s through present. Do you guys know where I would be to locate these photos? I'd like to be able to blow them up to 11x14 or larger. Thanks for any help!

  2. Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Have... you met Doug? -Barney Stenson

  3. #3

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Two best places to start: RetroMetroOKC.org and Doug Dawgz Blog
    Thanks man, I'll check those out

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Hey would you guys happen to have an updated email for Doug Loudenback? Thanks!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    I bumped into an old friend over the weekend who knows a great deal about railroads, particularly tracks and lines going through OKC. He told me that 10-12 east-west tracks bisected downtown OKC in what sounds like a rail yard, but were abandoned in the 1920s. Built on that site was the OKC police station and city jail, Civic Center Auditorium, City Hall and the Oklahoma County Courthouse.

    I've checked RetroMetroOKC but can't find an aerial. Does anyone know any of this history, and where photographs might be found?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    I bumped into an old friend over the weekend who knows a great deal about railroads, particularly tracks and lines going through OKC. He told me that 10-12 east-west tracks bisected downtown OKC in what sounds like a rail yard, but were abandoned in the 1920s. Built on that site was the OKC police station and city jail, Civic Center Auditorium, City Hall and the Oklahoma County Courthouse.

    I've checked RetroMetroOKC but can't find an aerial. Does anyone know any of this history, and where photographs might be found?
    Check out the photos on Doug's Blog.

    Doug Dawgz Blog: Okc Trains Part 2

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    There is some fairly interesting stuff in here . . . But it doesn't even begin to approach the levels of Doug Dawg's Historical Commentary . . .
    Oklahoma City Oklahoma Vintage Postcards & Images

  8. #8

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    ljbab - That's a wealth of information, and puts me exactly where I wanted to be - thank you!

    What they undertook in the 20 years between 1910 and 1930 was the MAPS of its time (that significance seems to have been lost, which makes one wonder if people will have forgotten about our current MAPS by 2090). This east-west rail yard divided the city center and existed where Couch Drive is today, and required that all cars cross a yard of RR tracks in order to travel between the north and south sections. It was so formidable that it was called the "iron wall." The city passed a $4.4 million bond issue and purchased railroad right of way from the railroads, removed blocks of railroad tracks & ties, and opened the land for new public buildings. An $8.8 million bond issue was passed thanks to the leadership of Charles F. Colcord, which paid for the construction of the Civic Center, City Hall and County Courthouse.

    One interesting aside - on December 1, 1930 - 82 years ago tomorrow - C.F. Colcord boarded the last train out of Oklahoma City, as guest of honor and "wielding the fireman's shovel." It was 41 years earlier - in 1889 - that Colcord rode into OKC on it's FIRST train.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCTalker View Post
    One interesting aside - on December 1, 1930 - 82 years ago tomorrow - C.F. Colcord boarded the last train out of Oklahoma City, as guest of honor and "wielding the fireman's shovel." It was 41 years earlier - in 1889 - that Colcord rode into OKC on it's FIRST train.
    I trust you meant the last train out of the old yard. Union Station was still operating in the early 1950s, and the Heartland Flyer runs now. "The last train out of Oklahoma City" has not yet run...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    This is exactly the sort of fascinating information that drew me to Pete's site in the first place--via Doug L's excellent repository of OKC history, specifically that related to old downtown OKC and Springlake Amusement Park. (Kudos, again, to Doug.)

    Re: "Last Trains/OKC" . . .

    I definitely remember a rail trip we (Mom, my brother and I) made down here when I was a little kid. The trip started at The Depot in Denver and wound up wherever The Depot OKC was back in the very early sixties/late fifties. I might have been 8 or 10 years old (my younger brother and I wore matching sailor suits that Mom had made for us). It was an adventure but I still remember how the train stopped at every little town along the tracks--sometimes for what seemed like a very long time--as railroad cars were shuffled. I think this was because it was actually a freight train with a couple of passenger cars.

    I think this was after the one and only flight we made down here. My baby brother had ear problems and the unusual air pressures involved in flying caused him--as well as Mom, me and the rest of the passengers--a lot of grief.

    Later, we switched to The Greyhound Bus (actually, it was Continental Trailways) because it was much faster. Plus you didn't have to "dress up" like for an airplane excursion or train ride.
    I never saw "slums" such as those to the immediate SW of The Union Bus Station in OKC until I was old enough to go down to Sheridan Blvd. in Denver prior to their Urban Renewal Project.
    We used to toss quarters to the bums from a moving vehicle. What sorry little punks we were back then. Now I'm sorry about all that in a different way.

    The Point: "Last Train" (as noted by Mr. Kyle) is perhaps not a completley accurate descriptor.=)

  11. #11

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Jim - Yes. My apologies for broaching a sore topic for many!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post

    The Point: "Last Train" (as noted by Mr. Kyle) is perhaps not a completley accurate descriptor.=)
    That's what I was wondering too. I remember taking a school field trip on a train back in the mid 60's to Purcell but I have no idea where we got on the train at.

  13. #13

    Smile Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    There was a large railyard under the Walnut St bridge leading into Bricktown from the north. You can still see some remnants there, in addition to an old flyover that connects the old yard to the current BNSF tracks. If you continue west from that yard, just above Main St, that old line would have gone smack down in between Main St. and Robert S. Kerr, right through the middle of the Santa Fe parking garage. And right next to the Skirvin was the old depot that served OKC on that line. Continue due west through the current buildings, now in between Robert S Kerr and Park Ave., this was all rail yard where the Civic Center, Municipal Building, County, etc.. Continue west you'll notice Colcord Ave, curves to the northwest, as does Robert S. Kerr shortly thereafter. Here the old rail yard starts to end, this is where you see several streets and driveways start going northwest against the cities normal square grid of streets. You can see where the tracks crossed Classen, then Western, and hooked into the current railroad tracks that are there starting at Western Ave.

    Yes, RetroMetro has some pictures of the old depot and the Skirvin there.

  14. Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Just noticing this thread, I see that I've been mentioned. Anyone can email me at loudenbk@swbell.net or phone me at 405.830.1467 and I'll be glad to see if I can be helpful to what you're trying to figure ought what you're wanting to learn about.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Not photos, but very enjoyable drawings from an architect. We're working on getting his prints at DNA Galleries. OKC - a set on Flickr

  16. Default Re: Where can I find photos of OKC, old and new?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Just noticing this thread, I see that I've been mentioned. Anyone can email me at loudenbk@swbell.net or phone me at 405.830.1467 and I'll be glad to see if I can be helpful to what you're trying to figure ought what you're wanting to learn about.
    I noticed it then forgot all about it until today.

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