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This is what I learned in sociology. The fact that drugs are illegal increases the incentives (profits) from those who sell them. This is big business, all untaxed and unregulated. Gangs & Cartels control most distribution. So even though something is illegal, doesn't mean that thing will cease to exist. Since drugs are a product, they are subject to the laws of supply & demand. Cops make a big bust, supply goes down. Demand will force the price up. Every bust the cops make simply create a market that is now willing to pay more for something than they used to. This creates more incentives for the next person to step up and help supply the market demand. This cycle has repeated for decades, and we haven't made any progress. Drugs are still available in all metropolitan areas in the US.
The fact remains that this person was involved with the illegal drug trade. This is big business, with few barriers to entry. You don't need training, education, or credentials to sell drugs. You just need a source, and clients. All the money is tax free, so I can see why it is easy for those who have grown up poor & uneducated to participate in this trade. The risks are apparent, but one can make profits with little investment, little startup costs, and little know-how. This happens to many of America's youth.
For somebody his age, he could have got employment at McDonalds, worked 40 hours a week, and earned about $250 after taxes. Instead, this young man decided to sell drugs, an occupation in which he could make that $250 in a few hours.
I don't see any gang members selling tobacco, or alcohol, because those demands are already satisfied by the legal, taxed, and regulated markets. Point is - the illegality of these drugs are what often causes the most societal damage.
For the harder drugs like Meth & Cocaine, I feel an approach similar to Methadone distribution clinics should be used. If you really need these substances, they should be available in a clean, monitored setting, with all of the resources one needs to get off them long term, while still satisfying their short-term needs for the substance. There are many methadone clinics in the OKC area, and last I checked, it isn't exactly the wild west. People go in, take their drugs, then go on about their day. They also have counseling resources available and addiction support groups.
The only people that want drugs illegal long term are those who profit from the situation in some way: 1. High level drug dealers. 2. Police/DEA
Please stop playing Cowboys & Indians with my tax money. Let's treat addicts in a non-militaristic way.