The new James Bond movie looks pretty good.
The new James Bond movie looks pretty good.
I've been looking forward to it so much I looked for reviews the other day and found these Variety Reviews Skyfall and Skyfall (James Bond) | Sounds like the best Bond in years.
I was fully prepared to get all "There Ain't No James Bond But Sean Connery" snarky . . . But then I watched the trailer. WOW! That looks like taking-out-a-loan-to-go-to-the-theater good. =) (I honestly can't remember the last first run film I saw in a theater . . . Probably something by the Coen Bros. or the "Best In Show" crew)
While I agree that Sean Connery was the ultimate James Bond, there have been many great Bond movies without him.
Is it coming out in imax? Yes it is. Guess I could have looked before posting...
I am so looking forward to this one. Plan to take the day off and see it at the Warren Theatre. Love the balcony there.
I have passes to see Skyfall on the 7th.Looking forward to seeing it.
Anyone else disappointed?
I am a huge Bond fan and I think that Skyfall is absolutely the best one to date. It could be that movie making technology keeps getting better could be that I had front row balcony seats at the warren and the beer just kept coming. I love the waiter call button on the chairs.
Saw it today at Tinseltown. 10:40am show was packed.
Wife and I liked the movie a lot. That said, I thought it was a little long and a lot predictable. But, still very enjoyable. Not enough to buy the DVD or watch it again, but still well worth the matinee price.
Skyfall ranks in the top 5 of Bond movies for me. I thought it was smart, thrilling, suspenseful, it really had it all. My favorite 007 was Goldfinger, then it gets pretty close between OHMSS, From Russia With Love, The Spy Who Loved Me, and Skyfall. The throwback style of theme song by Adele ranks near the top of many great Bond themes. If you like the 007 series at all Skyfall is a must see!
The previews look great.
RIght now I will say I am disappointed. Im going to have to see it again. After the titles it took a little bit too long for me to get things going. The last half was really good.
Plus, it didn't help that I had some people behind me who were very vocal movie goers, so that distracted me from the movie.
I loved it.
I have several gripes about it...But they're the same gripes I have with every Bond film, and I can shut that part of my brain off to enjoy them anyway.
Q, being a technological whiz kid, plugs a "master hacker's" laptop into the network? No sandbox, no nothing? DUH. And for a Bond movie...I thought the villain was pretty weaksauce.
But yeah...Great flick. I love Craig as Bond. From what I've read, he's filming the next two back-to-back as well. So we've got that to look forward to!
Agreed. That was really the primary point of weakness for me. I did love the throwback vibe and the nod to the older Bond films. Perhaps it's an age thing, but I prefer seeing a Bond that's more viscerally human. Craig (and Connery, to an extent) are the only two to have holstered the Walter PPK that ever really sold me on the concept that the character is a spy. The rest were just pretty faces in designer tuxedoes that could push buttons in tricked-out sports cars.
I love the Bond film series. I have enjoyed the suspension of disbelief involved in watching most of the movies, and I have been especially pleased with the Daniel Craig era with its grittier action and less dependence on over-the-top gagetry. However, one thing has bugged me more than the cliche of the bad guy detailing his master plan to Bond right before they initiate a protracted, overly-complicated method of killing him - how can he possibly be effective as a "spy" when he's so well known to his enemies?
Yeah. That particular "suspension of disbelief" has always bothered me too.
Like, why didn't Goldfinger simply bust a cap in his brain? Just goes to show what happens when you leave plan execution to flunkies....
(btw: i got into the entire James Bond book reading/collecting deal, as a kid and before the Matt Helm . . . Simon "The Saint" Templar . . . Conan the Barbarian . . . Louis Lamour . . . Kurt Vonnegut craze. Here's some trivia fer ya: when Ian Fleming was looking for the most boring, insipid name for a "super-spy" that he could think of he came up with James Bond. The best Bond flick ever--only in my opinion--was "From Russia With Love" . . . the most recent version of "Casino Royale" definitely made up for the Woody Allen Travesty Version of the same title. =)
Daniel Craig is the best Bond since Sean Connery even without all the special effects.
(of course, i lost interest in "The Franchise" after "Thunderball" . . .)
saw the movie on opening day at the Warren with my dad and loved it. No disappointment, some predictability, and some surprises as well. I will put Craig up there with Sean Connery as far as best Bond characters. He is supposedly more true to what the character was originally supposed to be, an assassin and less on the fluff or comedy of Moore and Brosnan.
strato, did you see it at the warren imax? i'm curious to see if it's worth the extra few dollars to see it in imax, rather than just a regular screen.
I saw it at the Quail Springs fauxMax, but I really enjoyed the movie. I actually really liked the villain and what they did with him, and the last act was the best there's been in any bond movie that I've seen. They overuse the whole stupidly convoluted and unrealistic villain plot thing that's in fashion, but you expect that more in a Bond movie.
Finally saw this last night and I liked it a lot.
My son and I saw Skyfall at the Warren IMAX last Saturday, and for my $ it rocked the house.
I guess I've become more tolerant as my age increases, but I didn't have much of a problem with the whacko villain, because a whacko villian is just about a necessity for Bond. I think they've really charted an intelligent course for 007, with an edgier, more "realistic" Bond without taking out the spy element.
I realize that all contemporary movies have to include references to computing and networks and technology, and the way they depict certain things is just ridiculously, well, wrong, but I turn up the Ignore That Part Of The Movie generator and plow on through.
Daniel Craig is a really good Bond, and I think he'll serve the franchise well. Always kinda felt bad for Pierce Brosnan, who deserved (and was given) a chance to take over Bond from Moore earlier, but Universal wouldn't let him out of his "Remington Steele" contract. By the time that had lapsed, it was too late, and when he took it over, the movies they made were really just kinda bad. I lost interest in the franchise at that point. The "reimagination" has kickstarted it for me again, so I'm looking forward to the next installment.
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