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I have absolutely no insider info of any kind, but from the day she was introduced I suspected Bobbie Miller was being groomed to take Marsh's place at some point. I strongly suspect (and suspect is all it is) that she was going to be moved into that position sooner, but her new baby delayed those plans. Now that's she's returning from maternity leave, the wheels are back in motion.
Although I greatly prefer Robin Marsh to Bobbie Miller, I'll probably still watch her and Stan in the mornings. Can't get into either KOCO's or KFOR's morning alternatives. I was sorta hoping part of KWTV's "big announcement" was that they were expanding into the 7-8AM hour to compete with some of the other stations still doing local news at that hour...just have zero use for network news, so once their local show is done, and that CBS logo comes on for their morning network news, out comes the remote (at least until I head out the door)...