Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
Do you ever wonder why someone would risk years in prison over getting high? Does that seem like a logical well thought out decision, or do you think it is possible that smoking an addictive substance might be clouding their judgment just a bit?
So? Anti marijuana laws are crazy and hypocritical, made in very poor judgment from the past. One is free to grow tobacco in Oklahoma, even though it's been proven smoking it causes lung cancer. Since it's been proven that smoking pot can't cause lung cancer, the ones smoking pot, rather than tobacco, are actually doing something in smarter, better judgment. It's further smarter, considering how cigarettes contain over 1000 chemicals, while joints contain a little over 400 chemicals.

So it's really Oklahoma's insane laws against marijuana, made decades ago are what is cast in clouded judgment, likely drawn up by ignorant legislators while working in a tobacco smoke filled room at the State Capitol.