It looks like the classrooms have a lot of windows, which is the important place. I don't think it's a bad design, it just doesn't wow me. I agree about the sidewalks. Too much landscaping maintenance, and why not put as much grass as possible in the playground, rather than around the school.
This has been officially approved. Construction starts in spring 2013.
Is this OKC public schools and what is the exact location?
This is really too bad. Those updated renderings looked horrible. Absolutely horrible.
This is really just the big difference I wish could be made... viva la difference..
Really don't like this style. Looks ugly. Weird modern look that I think people will hate in 20 years.
I agree. I love modern, but this just doesn't seem like it will age well aesthetically (not necessarily structurally).
Needs more windows.
Too many notes.
From what I understand from a friend at TAP, the facade is being revised.
I was hoping for a more traditional facade to the school. Call me old fashioned if you will, but I think the classic designs for urban schools give them more "presence" and a aura of being a place of learning. NW Classen high school or the old Central HS building are unmistakably institutions of learning. Combine that with some modern updates is what I had hoped for. But honestly, as long as the children are getting a quality education in downtown OKC, that is far more important to luring more families downtown than the appearance of the building (to state the obvious).
I think they tried to design this school a little too much like the new Cesar Chavez Elementary School on Grand Blvd and S. Lindsey.
New renderings just got approved. More windows, yay..but not where they were needed, boo.
The building has virtually no visual cohesiveness now. Will need to see more renderings to judge..only one up on NewsOK.
Yes, it looks much better.
Article Photos: Revised plans submitted for downtown Oklahoma City elementary, garage Gallery
I still don't understand why they want such a sheer mass of blank wall around the lobby.
From the Oklahoman:
The new designs, overseen by architect Kenneth B. Dennis, now reflect more of the Art Deco features of nearby buildings along W Sheridan Avenue (known as “Film Row”). Dennis said the design also is meant to serve as a transition between the taller, more densely developed Central Business District and the one-story and two-story buildings along Film Row.
The facade includes more windows and openings along Sheridan and Walker, Dennis said, and also includes an opening into the children's play area from Sheridan Avenue.
Compared to previous design:
I do think this revision is an improvement, but still could be better. Progress!
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