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Thread: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

  1. #51

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I don't really want Big Friendly to become associated with my city.

    We've got Indians, weather, oil, buffalo, cowboy stuff, red dirt...

    Hey, what if we called it Red Earth Blvd and had a bunch of Indian themed public art in the median and on the sides? Like sidewalks that had Indian markings and arrows and feathers engraved into them? Color the sidewalks so it looks like sandstone and there you go. I'm not aware of anywhere else in the world that has a street like that.
    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    How about Red Earth Blvd? I like the idea of having a Native American theme to the Blvd and it would be completely unique to OKC. This is OKC's chance to create something memorable and iconic to this city to set it apart from anywhere else.
    I really like those ideas!

  2. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Agreed. Red Earth is an easy theme to build to. Not a bad name either.

  3. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    I don't really want Big Friendly to become associated with my city.

    We've got Indians, weather, oil, buffalo, cowboy stuff, red dirt...

    Hey, what if we called it Red Earth Blvd and had a bunch of Indian themed public art in the median and on the sides? Like sidewalks that had Indian markings and arrows and feathers engraved into them? Color the sidewalks so it looks like sandstone and there you go. I'm not aware of anywhere else in the world that has a street like that.
    I think Red Earth Blvd sounds cool & the Native American theme would be a BIG tourist draw plus we could possibly extend our Red Earth Boulevard beyond I-35 to the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum (if we ever get it completed).

  4. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Sorry - Big Friendly sounds like OKC is trying to copy off of New Orleans' slogun (the Big Easy). Please stop copying other cities' and come up with something original already.

    Central Boulevard (or even just 'Boulevard' by itself) gets my vote.
    Oklahoma City, the RENAISSANCE CITY!

  5. #55

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by HOT ROD View Post
    Sorry - Big Friendly sounds like OKC is trying to copy off of New Orleans' slogun (the Big Easy). Please stop copying other cities' and come up with something original already.

    Central Boulevard (or even just 'Boulevard' by itself) gets my vote.
    Yeah 'Big Friendly' to me is so corny yet so unoriginal its embarrassing just discussing it. I also believe Columbia, SC already has the nickname 'Big Friendly.'

    How about a faux French name for the Boulevard.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Yeah 'Big Friendly' to me is so corny yet so unoriginal its embarrassing just discussing it. I also believe Columbia, SC already has the nickname 'Big Friendly.'

    How about a faux French name for the Boulevard.
    Le Grand Amour?

  7. #57

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    Le Grand Amour?
    that's it... (for the crime of trans-lingual punning)

  8. #58

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    For suggestion's sake and from one who has not lived in OKC since 1962, how about:
    Oklahoma Blvd., Oklahoma River Blvd, or perhaps... Rush Drive (as in "Land Rush")?

  9. #59

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by HotStuff80 View Post
    For suggestion's sake and from one who has not lived in OKC since 1962, how about:
    Oklahoma Blvd., Oklahoma River Blvd, or perhaps... Rush Drive (as in "Land Rush")?
    I like Land Rush Boulevard

  10. #60

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    If it's not elevated....

    Bob Kemper Drive.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    I bet Stephen Colbert would pay money to get it named after him!

  12. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    If he manages to have one or two Larry O'Brien trophies in the bag by the time the boulevard is completed I am perfectly fine with the street being named Kevin Durant Boulevard.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Is there another grandfather of the original MAPS besides Norrick? Only saying so because none of this is essentially possible without those who got us to where we are today. Ron already has the downtown Library named after him so if there's no one else, I say change the name of the library and name the boulevard in his honor.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Enjoy the topic of odonyms or street names, I'd suggest starting with the Wikipedia article: Street or road name - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I like the Themes section.
    I like your point about themes. It's not in the Wikipedia article, but I love Austin's use of Texas rivers from north to south as their north-south street names.

    What is the origin of downtown OKC street names? Is there any existing sense of theme?

  15. #65

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    How about 'Bison Boulevard' ?

    I'd say Buffalo Blvd but there is a Buffalo Speedway in Houston.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    How about 'Bison Boulevard' ?

    I'd say Buffalo Blvd but there is a Buffalo Speedway in Houston.
    I like! I like!


  17. #67

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by stjohn View Post
    I like your point about themes. It's not in the Wikipedia article, but I love Austin's use of Texas rivers from north to south as their north-south street names.

    What is the origin of downtown OKC street names? Is there any existing sense of theme?
    It does not seem like it we have any consistent scheme. We have names after civic leaders, tribes, directions, the railroads, cities/towns in the region the road was the primary route to at one time, major cities in the US, states, trees/plants, names that fit in with editions branding and I am probably missing some others.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    It does not seem like it we have any consistent scheme. We have names after civic leaders, tribes, directions, the railroads, cities/towns in the region the road was the primary route to at one time, major cities in the US, states, trees/plants, names that fit in with editions branding and I am probably missing some others.
    Don't forget:
    local rock bands (Flaming Lips Alley)
    rockabilly singers (Wanda Jackson Way)
    baseball players (Mickey Mantle Drive, Johnny Bench Drive)
    country singers (Toby Keith's I Love This Street)

    ok, I made the last one up...

  19. #69

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    Don't forget:
    local rock bands (Flaming Lips Alley)
    rockabilly singers (Wanda Jackson Way)
    baseball players (Mickey Mantle Drive, Johnny Bench Drive)
    country singers (Toby Keith's I Love This Street)

    ok, I made the last one up...
    There is Toby Keith Drive in Moore. It's a stretch of Eastern Ave.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Hey, here's an idea:

    Why not have an Oklahoma Walk of Fame -- or something like that. You know, a section of street (brick or stone paved) with embedded plaques of famous Okies, particularly entertainment people. You could stick this on the new boulevard, or it would go just as well somewhere in Bricktown.

    Now I know this suggestion sounds corny, cheesy, kitschy, and all that. And it probably is. But still, people would love it. Hey, Hong Kong made their own "Avenue of Stars" for their local celebs (Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan).

  21. #71

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    Hey, here's an idea:

    Why not have an Oklahoma Walk of Fame -- or something like that. You know, a section of street (brick or stone paved) with embedded plaques of famous Okies, particularly entertainment people. You could stick this on the new boulevard, or it would go just as well somewhere in Bricktown.

    Now I know this suggestion sounds corny, cheesy, kitschy, and all that. And it probably is. But still, people would love it. Hey, Hong Kong made their own "Avenue of Stars" for their local celebs (Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan).
    Could we at least do it slightly different though

  22. #72

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    Hey, here's an idea:

    Why not have an Oklahoma Walk of Fame -- or something like that. You know, a section of street (brick or stone paved) with embedded plaques of famous Okies, particularly entertainment people. You could stick this on the new boulevard, or it would go just as well somewhere in Bricktown.

    Now I know this suggestion sounds corny, cheesy, kitschy, and all that. And it probably is. But still, people would love it. Hey, Hong Kong made their own "Avenue of Stars" for their local celebs (Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan).
    I like the idea and thought that myself. I think it should be fitting for Oklahoma and be in a shape other than a star. That's Hollywood's claim and we shouldn't copy. I would like to see a boot, twister, or something resemblant of Western. Maybe kick off with a set number of people (25 to 50) and then add a certain number every year. This could become a bit of a media day and something those people could be proud of. Maybe if it were incorporated in Bricktown or along the OK River, more people would be inclined to visit.

  23. #73

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Something like "The mile in their shoes" with monuments or plaques or something, and a little history written out, etc.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by okrednk View Post
    I like the idea and thought that myself. I think it should be fitting for Oklahoma and be in a shape other than a star. That's Hollywood's claim and we shouldn't copy. I would like to see a boot, twister, or something resemblant of Western. Maybe kick off with a set number of people (25 to 50) and then add a certain number every year. This could become a bit of a media day and something those people could be proud of. Maybe if it were incorporated in Bricktown or along the OK River, more people would be inclined to visit.
    I'm with ya man. Well, except for the boot thing -- not everyone's a cowboy here, heh.

    Along the river would be nice in many ways -- there certainly would be lots and lots of space to span the walk. Although the nature of the thing seems to fit in with Bricktown's feel.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    This is an old thread, and I'm certainly not one for trolling about on internet forums, but seeing as this is the first time I've been able to bring myself to google my grandfather's name after his passing, I just had to.

    Admiral Ray Ackerman was a great man, in so many more ways than the public of Oklahoma City will ever know. "The Big Friendly" suits him all too well. There are tributes to my grandfather all over downtown OKC, subtle as some of them are. In my opinion, "Ackerman" just doesn't cut it. This man did more with his one life than most of us could do given nine. Screw "eloquence," screw "themes." If this is truly a tribute to Ray Ackerman, "the Big Friendly" shouldn't hurt anyone's feelings.

    It's not a tribute to modern design, it's a tribute to a man who made a diference. A rather gigantic one, if I do say so myself.

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