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Thread: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

  1. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    How about... OKC

    I'll just go ahead and take credit for that one now.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    I don't think Big Friendly works for our Blvd.

    However maybe a district name or future point of interest. Kind of like the Magnificent Mile in Chicago. The Friendly.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    I think it should be called tornado alley big friendly is just a little weird

  4. #29

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Nothing involving Friendly. That's lame. Not only is it lame, it's an in-joke that most people won't get. There are maybe a few hundred people in the world who will know why it is named that. And no, it won't inspire people to research the name and figure out why someone would pick it. They will just think it is lame. You could pick a weird star trek reference and at least a few million people would understand what it meant. This? Many people on this forum don't even get it.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    You could pick a weird star trek reference and at least a few million people would understand what it meant...
    "It's life, Jim, but not as we know it."

  6. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by hoyasooner View Post
    Yeah, this thread is one of the worst ideas to ever come out of this forum lol

  7. #32

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    I think Oklahoma City Blvd or Thunder Blvd would be good choices. "Big Friendly" is corny and lame. If OKC had a history with the slogan or had a better national image then it might work, but OKC isn't in a position now where it could pull something like that.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    It looks like most everybody thinks "The Big Friendly Boulevard" doesn't work. I just think The Big Friendly Boulevard is so quirky, no one will ever forget it.

    A little less quirky, but in the theme of Las Ramblas, we might name our boulevard "The Friendly".

    Any more opinions or other memorable alternate names for our new boulevard?
    I was trying to be nice earlier when I said I didn't think it works, but to be honest, anything with 'Friendly' sucks.

    I kind of liked the 'OKC' Spartan had.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    you know what came to mind (and was SICK AND WRONG) would be to offer it up for naming rights and let the "purchaser" paint their logo big and bright as day all over it!

  10. #35

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Again, I'd like to ask the question. What is kind of goofy or catchy that we should/could latch on to as a community?

    (please don't say energy anything)
    How about a take off from the skydance bridge and call is 'Scissortail Blvd'...? or 'Flycatcher', no one would forget that one. lol

  11. #36

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Along with the state themed names, someone in the past mentioned "Rose Rock Avenue".

  12. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    I forgot that Thunder Road was a popular alternative name for the OKC Boulevard. I like it better than any of my Ray Ackerman road name suggestions (The Big Friendly) or Oklahoma City Boulevard. It's apropos since our boulevard runs directly in front of Chesapeake Energy Arena.

    But we have to convince Mayor Cornett, the city manager & the city council & I believe they've all already approved Oklahoma City Blvd. Maybe the owners of the Thunder will push the City Council to adopt the "Thunder Road" name. I hope the new boulevard will have a large tree-lined sidewalk in the center median like Boston Commonwealth Ave. or Barcelona's Las Ramblas.

    I suggest that the sidewalk in the center median be embedded with bronze plaques commemorating famous Oklahomans. The sidewalk might be dubbed "the Oklahoma Walk of Fame". This will encourage people to walk the length of the Boulevard, like people do on Los Angeles's Hollywood Blvd (Hollywood Walk of Fame), to check out all the famous names.

    Here's a link to a fun-loving video condensing the 1958 Robert Mitchum movie named Thunder Road: Thunder Road Song & Video

    Any additional comments?

  13. #38

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    The Big Apple has been associated with New York for forever. The Big Friendly has been associated with OKC since never. I could ask a thousand people in OKC where the Big Apple is an virtually every one of them will say New York. I could ask a thousand people in OKC where the Big Friendly is and none of them will say here. It's not a nickname. I'm reminded of the Seinfeld episode where George decided he wanted to be called T-Bone. Except no one had ever called him T-Bone. Except T-Bone is kinda cool, so the analogy would be better if he tried to get everyone to call him Elroy McSissypants The Big Friendly is not our nickname. It's something a guy thought should be our nickname that never ever caught on except for like 6 people on this website. You sound like Berry Tramel trying to get people to call the Thunder the Boomers.

    As far as a name? Well, all kinds of crap is already named after Will Rogers. We need a famous Oklahoma Citian that doesn't already have something named after him. That'll be hard.

    You really want to piss people off? Do something daring and controversial, while honoring someone with a very strong connection to our state?

    John Steinbeck Blvd

  14. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Sounds like a little road rage on Big Friendly Boulevard.

  15. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Skyline Drive
    Or a nod to a classic Oklahoma street name, Division.

    Or better yet, California Ave/SW 3rd St. =)

  16. #41

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    First, you know I am just keeping this up because this is an internet forum...

    Second, the Big Apple was started by a couple of laymen (journalists). It is a little bit besides the point to say that everyone doesn't know our 'catch phrase' at the moment you are trying to create one. Obviously, I'm thinking that we should think about what we want to be when we grow up if you will. It would take time, lots of time. Which was also the point I made earlier about other projects that people ridiculed but eventually become iconic.

    Anyway, I think it's worth the dare. Completely understand if others don't.
    I don't really want Big Friendly to become associated with my city.

    We've got Indians, weather, oil, buffalo, cowboy stuff, red dirt...

    Hey, what if we called it Red Earth Blvd and had a bunch of Indian themed public art in the median and on the sides? Like sidewalks that had Indian markings and arrows and feathers engraved into them? Color the sidewalks so it looks like sandstone and there you go. I'm not aware of anywhere else in the world that has a street like that.

  17. #42

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Land Run Avenue

    The Lane (So people can say they drove "The Lane" to a Thunder game...)

    ...Thunder Alley

    ...OKC Boulevard (OKC not Oklahoma City)

    All of these are horrible ideas compared to what CuatrodeMayo offered up. Let's stick with SW 3rd/California

  18. #43

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Actually...all the more reason to have the grand Roundabout that was drawn up when FBB first started. We'll call it Ackerman Boulevard, and instead of calling it Market Circle, we'll call it "The Big Friendly"

    And there will be a Build-a-Bear shop

  19. #44

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    I think we should call it Smuckers.

    With a name like Smuckers, it has to be good!

  20. #45

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    How about Red Earth Blvd? I like the idea of having a Native American theme to the Blvd and it would be completely unique to OKC. This is OKC's chance to create something memorable and iconic to this city to set it apart from anywhere else.

  21. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Praedura View Post
    I think we should call it Smuckers.

    With a name like Smuckers, it has to be good!
    Then people driving down it could be the Smuckers Truckers on their commute out west to Yukkers

    Best idea yet, clearly.

  22. #47

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    Again, I'd like to ask the question. What is kind of goofy or catchy that we should/could latch on to as a community?

    (please don't say energy anything)
    Energy Blvd.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Boulevard!

  24. Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Part of the "not risky, goofy, or silly" (forgettable) list:

    Oak Avenue
    Elm Street
    Oklahoma City Street
    Bill's Road
    Smith Boulevard
    Jones Lane
    The Other Main Street
    Metropolitan Avenue
    2nd Street

    Whatever it turns out to be will hopefully be what it is meant to be and will have some prominence while being beneficial.

  25. #50

    Default Re: Tribute to Ray Ackerman: Renaming our OKC Blvd to The Big Friendly Boulevard

    Going all out on the silly front...

    Larry's Lane
    Nichol's Frills
    Mick's Meander
    Cornett's Crosstown
    Okie Fin Okie
    OK Can You C
    The Wooly-vard
    Rumble's Rampart
    Durant's Detour
    Thunder Pass
    Pedestrian Way
    Scissortail Slice
    Interurban Artery
    Yellow Brick Road <-- this one might already be taken
    Electric Avenue <-- ditto
    Les Boulevards de OKC <-- French, very classy

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