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Thread: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

  1. Default Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Thunder Road is a popular alternative name for the OKC Boulevard. I like it better than any of my Ray Ackerman road name suggestions (The Big Friendly) or Oklahoma City Boulevard. It's apropos since our boulevard runs directly in front of Chesapeake Energy Arena.

    But we have to convince Mayor Cornett, the city manager & the city council & I believe they've all already approved Oklahoma City Blvd. Maybe the owners of the Thunder will push the City Council to adopt the "Thunder Road" name. I hope the new boulevard will have a large tree-lined sidewalk in the center median like Boston Commonwealth Ave. or Barcelona's Las Ramblas.

    I suggest that the sidewalk in the center median be embedded with bronze plaques commemorating famous Oklahomans. The sidewalk might be dubbed "the Oklahoma Walk of Fame". This will encourage people to walk the length of the Boulevard, like people do on Los Angeles's Hollywood Blvd (Hollywood Walk of Fame), to check out all the famous names.

    Here's a link to a fun-loving video condensing the 1958 Robert Mitchum movie named Thunder Road: Thunder Road Song & Video It's pretty cool.

    What are your thoughts?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    I don't like Oklahoma City Boulevard or Thunder Road. Both sound very generic. I'd prefer something like "Ellison Boulevard" after Ralph Ellison, but I fully expect something generic in the end.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Personally I think the Ray Ackerman Blvd. is an awesome name.

  4. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Yes, Thunder Road sounds good...not at all generic like Elm Street or Oklahoma City Blvd. Direct tie to a successful OKC entity and instant positive recognition for OKC.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    I hate to make a downer note on this idea, but what if many years in the future the Thunder moved to another city? (perish the thought)

  6. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I hate to make a downer note on this idea, but what if many years in the future the Thunder moved to another city? (perish the thought)
    The city voted for "Thunder" because, in part, thunderstorms are so prevalent and deemed a part of Oklahoma (my guess)...it would still apply, NBA or not. BTW thought has been extinguished.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    It's not a bad name, but it could also be better.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Color Me Badd Boulevard?

    but seriously... Ackerman Boulevard is the best suggestion so far, methinks

  9. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    Thunder Road is a popular alternative name for the OKC Boulevard. I like it better than any of my Ray Ackerman road name suggestions (The Big Friendly) or Oklahoma City Boulevard. It's apropos since our boulevard runs directly in front of Chesapeake Energy Arena.

    But we have to convince Mayor Cornett, the city manager & the city council & I believe they've all already approved Oklahoma City Blvd. Maybe the owners of the Thunder will push the City Council to adopt the "Thunder Road" name. I hope the new boulevard will have a large tree-lined sidewalk in the center median like Boston Commonwealth Ave. or Barcelona's Las Ramblas.

    I suggest that the sidewalk in the center median be embedded with bronze plaques commemorating famous Oklahomans. The sidewalk might be dubbed "the Oklahoma Walk of Fame". This will encourage people to walk the length of the Boulevard, like people do on Los Angeles's Hollywood Blvd (Hollywood Walk of Fame), to check out all the famous names.

    Here's a link to a fun-loving video condensing the 1958 Robert Mitchum movie named Thunder Road: Thunder Road Song & Video It's pretty cool.

    What are your thoughts?
    My thoughts are can you stop creating threads whenever you come up with a new idea for the boulevard name?

    Maybe Oklahoma City Boulevard isn't so bad after all.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    thunder road? no

  11. #11

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Someone please advise why we even need this boulevard no matter what the name.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    The Big Friendly was Ackerman's suggested nickname for the city, not the boulevard. It is what we're known for besides the bombing and the dust bowl.

  13. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by krisb View Post
    The Big Friendly was Ackerman's suggested nickname for the city, not the boulevard. It is what we're known for besides the bombing and the dust bowl.
    ...and the Thunder.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thundercitizen View Post
    ...and the Thunder.
    "Bum Friendly Blvd" because that's who will be down there in the evenings after everything closes up. I can see the benches in the median full of bums already.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCRT View Post
    "Bum Friendly Blvd" because that's who will be down there in the evenings after everything closes up. I can see the benches in the median full of bums already.
    We have to remain PC about this, and bum is not a PC term... I believe the appropriate term is "Shelter-impaired"...

  16. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    My thoughts are can you stop creating threads whenever you come up with a new idea for the boulevard name?

    Maybe Oklahoma City Boulevard isn't so bad after all.
    Sorry if my multiple posts offend you. I've been off OKC Talk and Facebook for a couple of months & I'm just having a little fun. Look at a couple of posts I made in the Politics section the last couple of days. I sometimes think it is fun to rile the feathers of the tea party conservatives in OKC. At least I make them think. I know they believe they're right as much as I believe I'm right. We all have different preconceptions and opinions based on our backgrounds and education. We then assimilate what we're taught and believe - I reject a lot of teachings that other people accept as truth. As some of my employees used to tell me, you don't think like anyone else we know!

    Actually, I would support Oklahoma City Boulevard in the blink of an eye. It's a distinguished name. But I know my 2 threads have generated a lot of suggestions and thought. We may be able to select an even better name. (I loved the Thunder Road song as a young boy.) PS: Bruce Springsteen has a Thunder Road song, but I don't like it.

  17. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Originally Posted by hoyasooner in another thread:

    "We've got Indians, weather, oil, buffalo, cowboy stuff, red dirt...

    Hey, what if we called it Red Earth Blvd and had a bunch of Indian themed public art in the median and on the sides? Like sidewalks that had Indian markings and arrows and feathers engraved into them? Color the sidewalks so it looks like sandstone and there you go. I'm not aware of anywhere else in the world that has a street like that."

    I think Red Earth Blvd sounds cool & the Native American theme would be a BIG tourist draw plus we could possibly extend our Red Earth Boulevard beyond I-35 to the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum (if we ever get it completed).

  18. #18

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    I kind of like Red Earth Blvd. It would substantiate one of our local cultural flavors.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    Sorry if my multiple posts offend you. I've been off OKC Talk and Facebook for a couple of months & I'm just having a little fun. Look at a couple of posts I made in the Politics section the last couple of days. I sometimes think it is fun to rile the feathers of the tea party conservatives in OKC. At least I make them think. I know they believe they're right as much as I believe I'm right. We all have different preconceptions and opinions based on our backgrounds and education. We then assimilate what we're taught and believe - I reject a lot of teachings that other people accept as truth. As some of my employees used to tell me, you don't think like anyone else we know!
    So you are a self-proclaimed troll? If they believe they are right and you believe you are right, riling them up for your own amusement is trolling.

  20. Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    So you are a self-proclaimed troll? If they believe they are right and you believe you are right, riling them up for your own amusement is trolling.
    Just like Prunepicker posts multiple daily threads in the Politics section, it is his right to do so. He just opposes everyone and anything liberal or middle of the road. Sadly, you all probably agree with him. But he's also just having fun in trying to proselytize his ideas on us all.

    I fall on the other side of the political spectrum. It is a little disquieting to call me out as a troll when posting traditional middle of the road/liberal views, even though a more selective posting on my part might be better. I hadn't posted ANYTHING for about 2 months and now that the election is approaching, I felt an obligation to God to post some pro-Keynesian posts (supporting taxing the top 2% of the wealthiest Americans).

    I also thought Oklahoma City Boulevard was a less than perfect name & just wanted some new ideas and alternative suggestions to that name. Red Earth Boulevard with a Native American theme seems (to me) to be the best suggestion so far.

    Finally, the person who creates a thread should have right to reply to any of the posts on that thread. Posting a thread makes a person feel both an ownership of the thread & an obligation to respond to those who agree or disagree.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Thunder Road sounds terrible, Thunder Avenue sounds better

  22. #22

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    Just like Prunepicker posts multiple daily threads in the Politics section, it is his right to do so. He just opposes everyone and anything liberal or middle of the road. Sadly, you all probably agree with him. But he's also just having fun in trying to proselytize his ideas on us all.

    I fall on the other side of the political spectrum. It is a little disquieting to call me out as a troll when posting traditional middle of the road/liberal views, even though a more selective posting on my part might be better. I hadn't posted ANYTHING for about 2 months and now that the election is approaching, I felt an obligation to God to post some pro-Keynesian posts (supporting taxing the top 2% of the wealthiest Americans).

    I also thought Oklahoma City Boulevard was a less than perfect name & just wanted some new ideas and alternative suggestions to that name. Red Earth Boulevard with a Native American theme seems (to me) to be the best suggestion so far.

    Finally, the person who creates a thread should have right to reply to any of the posts on that thread. Posting a thread makes a person feel both an ownership of the thread & an obligation to respond to those who agree or disagree.
    The difference between Prunepicker and you is you admit you do it for pleasure.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnH_in_OKC View Post
    ...I think Red Earth Blvd sounds cool & the Native American theme would be a BIG tourist draw plus we could possibly extend our Red Earth Boulevard beyond I-35 to the American Indian Cultural Center and Museum (if we ever get it completed).
    I like the idea. The Council has already named it (but that doesn't mean they couldn't change it, same for the issue if it was called Thunder _____, and the Thunder relocated at some point in the future). But cheaper to do it now before the thing gets built, street signs made etc. Just like the Boulevard itself, better to get the design right before it is constructed.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?


  25. #25

    Default Re: Should we name our new boulevard Thunder Road?

    May be in the minority but I really like Thunder Road.

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