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Thread: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

  1. #26

    Default Re: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    If departments want black/whites so bad, why not employ or teach employees to vinyl wrap?

    I have vinyl wrapped an entire car before with zero experience. It isn't difficult, just time consuming. A dedicated person (or two) that can wrap two white doors and a roof should not be very expensive. Vinyl is basically free when you buy a large roll - the cost of 'vinyl wrap jobs' is all in the labor. I would personally wrap patrol cars on the side, for a department if one was to need someone to do so for a fee less than vinyl shops.
    We looked into that but after speaking with graphics shops determined that the paint was the best way to go. The quality would be better and as told by the graphics guys, the paint would be damaged anyway when we removed the vinyl since the cars are take homes and have a ten year service life. If an agency hot seats their cars and runs them 24/7 requiring a constant rotation of the fleet I think the vinyl wrap fits the role better. Long term, paint.

  2. #27

    Default Re: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

    Quote Originally Posted by MadMonk View Post
    Well, I learned something new today. Thanks!

    I was wondering what the sign on the hood was for and did some research. I found some interesting info about it, if anyone else was wondering.

    Kind of looks like what they have in Japan.

  3. #28

    Default Re: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

    Is that what the Science Patrol uses now?

  4. #29

    Default Re: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

    The police car looks cool

  5. #30

    Default Re: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

    Let oppression and racial profiling continue. We all know since the OKCPD got new toys their gonna go on a brutality spree.

  6. #31

    Default Re: New OKC Police Cruisers hitting the streets.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Is that what the Science Patrol uses now?

    How can anyone read those Japanese subtitles so fast?
    All I could make out at the start was HWTG and ZIPPY.
    And don't they know Corvairs tip over?

    BTW: I saw an Oklahoma Highway Patrol version of one of these vehicles the other day.
    Sharp! (and menacing).

    Let oppression and racial profiling continue. We all know since the OKCPD got new toys their gonna go on a brutality spree.
    Just be glad you don't live in New Jersey . . .

    On the other hand, they have to drive VW Things.
    Here's the "unmarked" version . . .

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