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Yes, it would have made a difference to me. If the baby had a health problem that was going to be incompatible with life, then perhaps he had poor tissue perfusion. Perhaps he had something abnormal in his skin turgor and quality of musculature/skeletal integrity that caused a normal amount of force to have an unusual result. That might be information not discernable prior to delivery to a physician. Ultrasounds are imperfect instruments as well. It may be that the information the doctor had made him think the baby didn't have a large enough abdomen that Ceasarian delivery was required. Again, no one would expect a 28 week baby to get stuck in the birth canal. They're so small that under normal circumstances if anything they're born too quickly. If the baby wasn't being delivered as quickly as necessary, there is usually a certain amount of traction applied to deliver them. In a term baby, forceps are applied and quite a bit of force is used. Perhaps an appropriate amount of force was used, and the problem could not have been anticipated. Sometimes bad things happen and yet no one is at fault. No one has a divine promise of a perfect baby, a perfect illness, a perfect outcome to surgery. Sometimes it's not the doctor's fault when things don't go well. Sometimes it is. It's always good to find out the precise circumstances. What is out there to be read is an article written by a "journalist". Journalism has been replaced by sensationalism in a lot of newspapers, and so I, for one, would like to know all the facts of the case before making a pronouncement about just how heinous the actions actually were.
And there are ambulance chasers. We are having trouble getting pharmaceutical companies to make vaccines to prevent disease. This is because of legal liability. A lot of lawsuits regarding vaccine issues are unfounded, and these lawsuits are putting everyone else at risk. I reviewed a lot of charts for a group of lawyers for awhile. What I found was that most of the people who thought the drug had caused them to have a heart attack or stroke were overweight, smoked, had high blood pressure, diabetes or all of the above. I wonder how many of these people got a settlement, blaming something/someone else for a problem that they likely caused by their own actions or that was cause by a health problem out of a doctor or pharmaceutical company's control. Every time you watch television late at night you hear ads soliciting legal action for drugs taken, babies born with a problem, etc. Most babies born with a health problem had them before delivery, but it might be worth a few bucks from the obstetrician. Maybe he or she will settle out of court. It's worth a try, right?
As I said in an earlier post, it's entirely possible the doctor in the story above committed gross malpractice. If so, there's not a doctor I know who would support that doctor. He should not be delivering babies if that story is completely true and there were not extenuating circumstances. I would just like to know all the facts before throwing him under the bus.