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Thread: Movie Trivia

  1. #1
    Todd Guest

    Default Movie Trivia

    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to our first "can you guess this movie" contest. The premise is really pretty simple. I will post hints and clues to a movie. These hints and clues could be actual lines from the movie, character names, song titles...well you get the idea. Each contest we'll be giving away some good stuff either OKCTalk gear or gift certificates so don't expect a cake walk.

    Here is the catch. You can only reply ONE time with your guess. Once you reply to the thread the answer is revealed.

    Good luck!

    OKCTalk Original T-shirt

    Clue #1
    Stay the hell away from my husband.

    Clue #2
    Big Betty

    And the answer is:
    [HIDE-REPLY]North Country[/HIDE-REPLY]
    Last edited by Todd; 06-11-2006 at 07:46 PM.

  2. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Married to the Mob

  3. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Fatal Attraction

  4. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd
    Hello Everyone!

    Welcome to our first "can you guess this movie" contest. The premise is really pretty simple. I will post hints and clues to a movie. These hints and clues could be actual lines from the movie, character names, song titles...well you get the idea. Each contest we'll be giving away some good stuff either OKCTalk gear or gift certificates so don't expect a cake walk.

    Here is the catch. You can only reply ONE time with your guess. Once you reply to the thread the answer is revealed.

    Good luck!

    OKCTalk Original T-shirt

    Clue #1
    Stay the hell away from my husband.

    Clue #2
    Big Betty

    And the answer is:
    *** hidden content ***
    North Country with Charlize Theron (movie)

    Alias, TV Series

  5. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    This is a cool idea, Todd.

    Now, how often are you going to update the clues? I see you posted a second one...does that relate to the original question? Thanks!

  6. #6
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: Movie Trivia


    Looks like I'll have to step this up a notch...LOL

    PM me your addy along with your size and I'll get a T-shirt headed your way.

  7. #7
    Todd Guest

    Default Re: Movie Trivia

    I am kind of testing the system to see what works best. Please pass along any ideas.

  8. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Quote Originally Posted by Todd

    Looks like I'll have to step this up a notch...LOL

    PM me your addy along with your size and I'll get a T-shirt headed your way.
    Yea! :tweeted:

    If you want to make it tougher, probably would be best to not use a phrase that can be googled as easily. It's amazing how much stuff is on the internet, including movie quotes & scripts. Now, I ain't complaining, mind you!

  9. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    YAY, Doug! Congrats!

    I'm embarassed, b/c I figured Todd would've picked something that WASN'T easy to Google. So I didn't even try it. Silly ME!

  10. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
    YAY, Doug! Congrats!

    I'm embarassed, b/c I figured Todd would've picked something that WASN'T easy to Google. So I didn't even try it. Silly ME!
    Ha ha! Well, to be honest, I DID have the sense that I was cheating as when taking a test back in the school days ... but ... I did it anyway! :tweeted:

  11. Talking Re: Movie Trivia

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
    Ha ha! Well, to be honest, I DID have the sense that I was cheating as when taking a test back in the school days ... but ... I did it anyway! :tweeted:

    It's only cheating if you get caught. :spin:

    And since you volunteered the information, and didn't "get caught"....it's all good.

  12. Default Re: Movie Trivia


    I don't know if this would help in future Movies Trivia future contests, but a pre-google test might help before posting the contest. For example, consider this quote from Conan the Barbarian:

    Mongol General: We have won again. That is good! But what is best in life?

    Mongolian trainee: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcon on your wrist, wind in your hair!

    Mongol General: Wrong! Conan, what is best in life?

    Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women!

    Mongol General: That is good.
    Sooooo ... to help "un-googalize" a search ...

    Tip: Hear the lamentation of the women ... would be too easy...

    Tip: Do you want to live forever? would also be too easy (unless coupled with a distinctive qualifier, since that's an oft said quote) ... and ...

    Tip: I ask you, Father Crom, grant me victory, grant me revenge. And if you will not grant them to me; then the hell with you! ... would also be too easy.

    But, if the tip were,

    Tip: slut is dead doesn't immediately give the answer, even though ...

    Tip: slut is dead already does ... see http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082198/quotes

    Please forgive me ... I'm just having fun. I LOVE CONAN! :boff: And, of course, I love my movies favorites, whether they be "award winnning" or not!! :spin:

  13. Default Re: Movie Trivia


    Doug, you had an awful lot of time on your hands tonite.

  14. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy

    Doug, you had an awful lot of time on your hands tonite.
    It's been a respite at the end of a hard day! Time is everything in terms of space-left-to-go-until-you-die, and, for me, movies are of such a high priority ... they can capture our spirit, fantacies, and realities ... and, to be sure, one can never get tired of hearing about "the lamentation of the women", can one?

    Go, Conan, go! :boff:

  15. #15
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Movie Trivia

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
    North Country with Charlize Theron (movie)
    Never seen this one. Is it any good?

  16. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    I've not seen it, but it sounds good. From http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0395972/

    Tagline: All She Wanted Was To Make A Living. Instead She Made History.

    Plot Outline: A fictionalized account of the first major successful sexual harassment case in the United States -- Jenson vs. Eveleth Mines, where a woman who endured a range of abuse while working as a miner filed and won the landmark 1984 lawsuit.

  17. Default Re: Movie Trivia

    When's the next Movie Trivia, Todd? I'm ready to win my OKCTalk Coffee Mug!!!

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