Apparently the new owners have resurrected the name of the long-gone afternoon edition and applied it to Steve's columns, for the web edition...
Ralph Sewell, the Times' long-time city editor, must be rotating in his grave at 3600 RPM or more...
I have no idea what this is about - it's news to me. Nothing announced internally about it, and certainly I'm as surprised as anyone else. As for Ralph.... well, he'd probably have started going nuts about me long ago! Now, that said... knowing that my hero, the late Mary Jo Nelson, was a Times reporter... I kinda like the idea of being attached like that...
Check, the business tab on today's edition. It's right there, and your byline on most of it...
Mary Jo was a good reporter, but I really liked MaryG and Claire Conley a bit better.
Mary Jo is completely to blame for who I am today as a reporter.
And it's not like they were going to let the trademark wither away.
I think it is pretty cool. Any chance the times might eventually become a stand alone publication a few times a week as the Oklahoman moves toward internet based distribution?
I have a soft spot for The Times...
When I was in junior high, I used to "throw" (don't think they call it this any more) the Dailey Oklahoman, The Tiimes and the Sunday Oklahoman.
The Times was easy because I could do it after school and could easily roll all the papers and fit them in one big sling bag which I could then carry on my bike, as they were usually pretty lean.
The Sunday paper was the complete opposite and you actually had to go pick them up from a drop spot, then I needed my older sister to drive the car while I delivered them.
For all this I think I made about $60 a month.
Pete: your memory brought back my own experience. When I lived up in Waterloo Iowa, my first job was a paperboy for the Des Moines Register. I had a small route. I started in the Fall, worked thru the Iowa winter with 6ft of snow on the ground, walking the route before dawn with the temp often 40 degrees below zero. Also had to collect from folks once a month. In person. No mail-ins. Did that all winter and quit in the Spring. All for $10/wk (if I collected from everyone). Course I thought I was really rolling in it as my allowance was $1/wk. LOL
Hopefully Steve can find out something but sometimes employees are the last to know
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