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Thread: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

  1. #51

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by ThomPaine View Post
    You should maybe save the hate speech fueled by "news" reports posted on The Blaze for the Politics forum. This is one of the weakest posts I have seen from you. Shameful.
    My suggestion is that you start watching the news. The WH fairytale has fallen to pieces. In this case, Obama shot first and aimed, later. As did Hillary. Their story is ludicrous and everyone knows it. Even CBS and the like are coming out and expressing disbelief that they tried to spin this like this. And the man went to Vegas, Letterman and swanky campaign parties when there was a successful 911 terrorist attack on our consulate resulting in the assassination of our ambassador. THAT's shameful.

  2. #52

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    My suggestion is that you start watching the news. The WH fairytale has fallen to pieces. In this case, Obama shot first and aimed, later. As did Hillary. Their story is ludicrous and everyone knows it. Even CBS and the like are coming out and expressing disbelief that they tried to spin this like this. And the man went to Vegas, Letterman and swanky campaign parties when there was a successful 911 terrorist attack on our consulate resulting in the assassination of our ambassador. THAT's shameful.
    So is it safe to say you are leaning towards Romney now?

  3. #53

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    So is it safe to say you are leaning towards Romney now?
    Don't get the connection between this life lost and the election ?

  4. #54

  5. #55

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Some of the truth may be starting to come out of the Libya coverup, here's to hoping the house of cards falls.

    UPDATE 1-U.S. officials sought security before Libya attack- lawmakers | Reuters

  6. #56

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    I saw this article, too, and wondered if it was a blame-deflection move by an embassy official waving around a standard, recurring annual request from the embassy for security improvements (maybe they have a boilerplate request for funds every year and that request just so happened to be tied to security improvements in Benghazi if there happened to be any end-of-year money laying around?) or was it a legitimate request denied by State? Was it denied by State because there were other funding requests out there that seemed to be more pressing? There is so much about this that we, the American public simply cannot know. If it happens to be a pressing need that the consullate presented but was denied where there were clearly no more pressing matters, that's a shame, but it would be very hard to say without the benefit of hindsight.

  7. #57

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Some of the truth may be starting to come out of the Libya coverup, here's to hoping the house of cards falls.

    UPDATE 1-U.S. officials sought security before Libya attack- lawmakers | Reuters
    I've heard Issa is available if y'all need him

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