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Thread: al-zarqawi

  1. Default al-zarqawi

    what good news. hes dead! just when i thought we turned into frenchies in this war, we used 2 five hundred lb bombs to kill the guy. now thats the way to do it.

  2. Default Re: al-zarqawi

    I think they should take his unembalmed body and stick in the hot sun for the rest of the alkida (sp) people to smell. Talk about germ warfare.

  3. #3
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: al-zarqawi

    Score for the US military!!!! I'm really happy for those guys! Now we just need to get Osama and then we can throw a big party!

  4. Default Re: al-zarqawi

    this came out today. he was still alive when the iraqi police showed up. they took him and put him on a stetcher for medical care, this is where it gets good. a hummvee rolls up and when his almost lifeless body saw our boots he actually tried to roll off the stetcher to escape. hed rather be with the iraqis than face us, ha! obviously our boys just threw him back on the stretcher were he died a few minutes later. go usa

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