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Thread: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

  1. Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    To be fair to the POTUS (who I have no love for), he's out on the campaign trail. The security briefing can be put on paper and read which is what he has been doing. It is not the POTUS who orders additional security at embassies but the State Department.

  2. #27

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    To be fair to the POTUS (who I have no love for), he's out on the campaign trail. The security briefing can be put on paper and read which is what he has been doing. It is not the POTUS who orders additional security at embassies but the State Department.
    I believe, but may be wrong, the hosting country also has a say on if they want armed Marines at the embassy.

  3. #28

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Looks like new info is coming out Obama has been skipping security briefings since the 5th and the State Dept. knew about the potential danger 48 hours prior.

    Report: State Dept. Had ‘Credible Information’ 48 Hours Prior to Libya Consulate Attack | TheBlaze.com
    Getting "news" from the Blaze is like getting it from the Daily Show.

  4. #29

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Bill View Post
    Getting "news" from the Blaze is like getting it from the Daily Show.
    Except the Daily Show if funny

  5. #30

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalo Bill View Post
    Getting "news" from the Blaze is like getting it from the Daily Show.
    Is this source any better?

    Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination - World Politics - World - The Independent

    According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.
    Sadly, these types of attacks have to be responded to with over-the-top retaliation. Otherwise they just embolden the terrorist. Remember all of the small attacks that led up to 9/11? Kobar Towers, the embassies in Africa, USS Cole, etc...

    If we have no interest in doing that then we should 100% withdraw from the region and try to get the rest of the world to keep anyone from getting in or out.

  6. #31

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.
    We had a meteorologist on one of the ships I was stationed on that we called Doom-and-Gloom. He perfectly predicted every bit of bad weather we ran into ... and a lot we didn't. There is a new warning every day with vaguely credible information. Some intel factories report them all under the assumption that they won't be responsible for ignoring a threat but crying wolf is OK. With each new day a smart intel factory tracking threats can correlate them to actions. We now know that that source was valid -- sadly at the cost of four lives. That's the nature of the beast (and it is a beast).

  7. #32

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I believe, but may be wrong, the hosting country also has a say on if they want armed Marines at the embassy.
    that would be wrong

  8. #33

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    OK... I wasn't sure what control the hosting country had over security.

  9. #34

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Is this source any better?

    Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination - World Politics - World - The Independent

    Sadly, these types of attacks have to be responded to with over-the-top retaliation. Otherwise they just embolden the terrorist. Remember all of the small attacks that led up to 9/11? Kobar Towers, the embassies in Africa, USS Cole, etc...

    If we have no interest in doing that then we should 100% withdraw from the region and try to get the rest of the world to keep anyone from getting in or out.
    Slightly better. Slightly different.

  10. #35

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    I'm loathe to play the "we knew something and did nothing" game, unless I see something that says we had SPECIFIC and ACTIONABLE intelligence. Generic "we might get hit somewhere/sometime" rumors are useless. It's the same game people played post 9/11.

    Now I'm more interested in discussing if what is going on now is a result of the past 3.75 years of foreign policy. At some point, the current administration has to own that.

  11. #36

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Thought this was pretty interesting, it shows all of the different protest occurrences around the world.

  12. #37

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by BlackmoreRulz View Post
    Thought this was pretty interesting, it shows all of the different protest occurrences around the world.
    Amsterdam really?
    Who woulda thought this would ever happen in the Netherlands. Are we not too far off from this here?
    Hopefully they are having 2nd thoughts on multiculturism and diversity........

  13. #38

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Hopefully they are having 2nd thoughts on multiculturism and diversity........
    Ooops accidentally sounded like Libyans who dun the killin.

  14. #39

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    Ooops accidentally sounded like Libyans who dun the killin.
    Looks like someone needs to go over some spelling lessons with Tipper......

  15. #40

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    I saw the pictures of him being drug through the streets and it's very disturbing in the least.........

  16. #41

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    someone at state should be fired / go to jail over this ..

  17. #42

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    someone at state should be fired / go to jail over this ..
    How about we punish the people who did it instead?

  18. #43

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I saw the pictures of him being drug through the streets and it's very disturbing in the least.........
    Agreed. It makes you sick to see any of it. Poor soul.

  19. #44

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    someone at state should be fired / go to jail over this ..
    I agree. And at this point, Hillary hasn't even come forward - nor has Obama - to clean up,explain, apologize for all the falsehoods and misinformation they gave out regarding "the video," the claim that it was spontaneous, the absurd decisions regarding security - and the falsehoods provided about that by the state department. Hillary seems to have gone to ground. Coward.

  20. #45

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Agreed. It makes you sick to see any of it. Poor soul.
    Part of what bothers me is that I had read the release and it said a rocket powered grenade had hit them in the compound. When I saw the pictures, his body was in tact, not as if it had been blown to bits. He died a brutal death by beating.

  21. #46

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by sidburgess View Post
    I thought the doctors said he died of smoke inhalation.
    His body was brutally beaten. He was drug through the streets by thugs. Very disturbing to see those pictures of him being kicked around.

  22. #47

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Trying desperately to tie this to Obama....Almost there...

  23. #48

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    I saw the pictures of him being drug through the streets and it's very disturbing in the least.........
    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I agree. And at this point, Hillary hasn't even come forward - nor has Obama - to clean up,explain, apologize for all the falsehoods and misinformation they gave out regarding "the video," the claim that it was spontaneous, the absurd decisions regarding security - and the falsehoods provided about that by the state department. Hillary seems to have gone to ground. Coward.
    This is disturbing for sure. You mean falsehoods like people here saying the Libyans who tried to help the Ambassador drug him through the street and beat him? In that part of the world you can't call 911 and have an ambulance show up nearly anywhere within a few minutes. He was handled in a manner consistent with the Libyan's sense of urgency to get him medical attention - there was no beating or dragging - they were merely carrying him to a random car because that was the only transport method available.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bellaboo View Post
    His body was brutally beaten. He was drug through the streets by thugs. Very disturbing to see those pictures of him being kicked around.
    Those "thugs" were trying to get the Ambassador to a hospital. Can you set aside your prejudice for a second and consider that maybe they were saying "Allah akhbar" because he was alive?

  24. #49

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I agree. And at this point, Hillary hasn't even come forward - nor has Obama - to clean up,explain, apologize for all the falsehoods and misinformation they gave out regarding "the video," the claim that it was spontaneous, the absurd decisions regarding security - and the falsehoods provided about that by the state department. Hillary seems to have gone to ground. Coward.
    You should maybe save the hate speech fueled by "news" reports posted on The Blaze for the Politics forum. This is one of the weakest posts I have seen from you. Shameful.

  25. #50

    Default Re: US Ambassador to Libya, killed.

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    This is disturbing for sure. You mean falsehoods like people here saying the Libyans who tried to help the Ambassador drug him through the street and beat him? In that part of the world you can't call 911 and have an ambulance show up nearly anywhere within a few minutes. He was handled in a manner consistent with the Libyan's sense of urgency to get him medical attention - there was no beating or dragging - they were merely carrying him to a random car because that was the only transport method available.

    I have an email with 2 still pics. He is over someone's shoulder being carried......the other picture has him in the street, being picked up or grabbed
    Those "thugs" were trying to get the Ambassador to a hospital. Can you set aside your prejudice for a second and consider that maybe they were saying "Allah akhbar" because he was alive?

    I have an email with 2 still pics. He is over someone's shoulder being carried......the other picture has him in the street, being picked up or grabbed from behind. He's purple/blue and it is tramatizing.
    Is this how they took him to the hospital ? It is very disturbing, his face has suffered trauma. I tried to embed in this but I couldn't get it to copy...not to good with PC's.....

    I'm not blaming anyone, but it just isn't good.
    Like you say, maybe this was all they had to get him where he needed to go.....

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