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Thread: Train @ Kelly in the morning

  1. #1

    Default Train @ Kelly in the morning

    What is the deal with the train on Kelly? Twice this week it has either stopped right on the tracks and sits there or it barely moves. Seems this happens before 6:00 a.m. and seems to happen more frequently. Very irritating.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Ya know, Broadway is less than a mile to the east...

  3. #3

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    It used to do it (and I guess still does) on Danforth in the mornings. It always happened when I was trying to get my kids to school at North, all the time.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Not the same Deb. Down near Kelly is more of an industrialized area. At Danforth it goes from single to double tracked, which is where normal freight pulls over to let high priority freight pass by. Luckily, Edmond has the 2nd underpass option at Covell and they should have done the same thing at Kelly a long time ago.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Well, when it's just parked on the tracks, or just barely moving it still annoying. That was my point. Plenty of times, we were late getting someone where they needed to be, because the train was parked on the tracks and by the time you realized it was there, it was too late to get over to 2nd and avoid it. And at the time my kids were in school, the underpass on Covell was not there.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Luckily, Edmond has the 2nd underpass option at Covell and they should have done the same thing at Kelly a long time ago.
    All it takes is a spare $25M laying around.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    It seems to me that an observation of pattern recognition would solve a ton of issues. I grew up in Edmond and if I recall correctly, I would avoid certain places at certain times cause I knew it was going to be a cluster f*bomb.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    I seem to remember that a grade separation was suggested when the whole Kelly/Memorial/Broadway interchange was redone. There was a dispute over who would pay for it, the city, ODOT, or BNSF. Nothing got resolved so the grade crossing didn't change. I'm sure there were news articles about it at the time.

    EDIT: Here is one story. Looks like the actual grade crossing is in OKC, not Edmond, and it was not a priority for OKC to do anything about it.

    Last edited by UncleCyrus; 07-13-2012 at 10:08 PM. Reason: Update with story link.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Yeah kind of annoying that they put the money towards the intersection but not the railroad crossing. Kelley/Kelly would have been a good alternative for traffic leaving Edmond and still is when a train isn't coming through at rush hour.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    There's a siding somewhere around Hefner or 122nd I believe. I've seen the train blocking traffic at 7AM and 5PM before.

    It was stopped so long once that I picked my bike up and just hoped over the coupling between two cars and went on my way.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by NoOkie View Post

    It was stopped so long once that I picked my bike up and just hoped over the coupling between two cars and went on my way.
    Yeah, speaking of another thread which was created today...add that to the list of idiotic things people do. Imagine the kinetics involved with a train lurching forward. All those coupling popping one after another. What would you have done had your foot or clothing gotten caught?

    Oh and its just north of Britton. Its called Britton Siding (as the community of Britton used to be there. ;-)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    Yeah, speaking of another thread which was created today...add that to the list of idiotic things people do. Imagine the kinetics involved with a train lurching forward. All those coupling popping one after another. What would you have done had your foot or clothing gotten caught?

    Oh and its just north of Britton. Its called Britton Siding (as the community of Britton used to be there. ;-)
    I'm fully aware of the danger involved with heavy duty industrial equipment. I was also in a major hurry and decided to take the risk. I really wish the laws weren't written as such to give BNSF or whoever total access to **** all over rush hour traffic on those routes.

    I didn't realize the siding went that far south, but I guess it has to given the length of freight trains these days. I knew it cut across Hefner.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Yeah, most of the trains are usually about a mile, or a little over, long.

    And it's okay, I've done idiotic things around trains too. Wasn't trying to make you stick out, just talking about the 'act of' in general ;-)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Wow the train thing is indeed getting ridiculous. It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't just spend all that time to re-do that interchange, making it easier for folks to get on Broadway Extension. It seems that the problem is that the train backs up into Purina. It seems that it is getting to where there is a train during rush hour 3 or 4 days a week and many times it is just sitting there.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Game Genie Hint: Go on Memorial over to Lincoln and go north or go up Broadway to 33rd and go west. Now you will see the credits after you've won the game.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    I go home on lincoln... Have thought about doing that to get on. I may give it a try. The problem is I go West on 33rd and turn south onto Kelley - I usually don't know there is a train there until it is too late.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    East you mean? There is nothing but industry between Broadway and Kelly.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Why can't they put all the railroad passing sidings out in the country? It would be a lot more convenient to have trains parked out in the country waiting for another one to pass rather than blocking every street crossing inside city limits. Those trains do the same thing in Norman, and always during rush hour.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Romulack View Post
    Why can't they put all the railroad passing sidings out in the country? It would be a lot more convenient to have trains parked out in the country waiting for another one to pass rather than blocking every street crossing inside city limits. Those trains do the same thing in Norman, and always during rush hour.
    I think they were "out in the country" when they were built.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    East you mean? There is nothing but industry between Broadway and Kelly.
    Yes - East. I'm still surprised that with all the money they spent on the interchange seemingly part of it to handle traffic better on Kelley, they didn't think of this being a problem.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by Romulack View Post
    Why can't they put all the railroad passing sidings out in the country? It would be a lot more convenient to have trains parked out in the country waiting for another one to pass rather than blocking every street crossing inside city limits. Those trains do the same thing in Norman, and always during rush hour.
    These are industry spurs and freight yards. BNSF has double track in Edmond, Guthrie, south of Perry, etc. Plenty long enough for freight to pass one another.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Train @ Kelly in the morning

    The problem seems to be purina rather than the timing of the train. For some reason it seems that they are doing a lot of pickups there at rush hour these days.

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