BBC News - US confirms its Libya ambassador killed in Benghazi
The US ambassador to Libya is among four Americans killed in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, President Barack Obama has confirmed.
BBC News - US confirms its Libya ambassador killed in Benghazi
The US ambassador to Libya is among four Americans killed in an attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, President Barack Obama has confirmed.
That's too bad... Sounds like another Iraq, no plan was in place for when the leader was taken out.
Who should have been doing this planning?
Wouldn't that be the Arab Spring crowd?
They would need to be part of it I'm sure.
Did I hear--or interpret correctly--on NPR this morning, that the "cause" behind this event and those in other Islamic areas was a Youtube Video dissing Mohammed? (or Muhammed or Muhammad or [however it needs to be spelled] to avoid The Wrath of Morons?)
I've seen a lot of images of radicals throughout the compound and significant damage to buildings, but nothing yet showing that we've regained control and have combat troops on the scene. Do we not do that any longer, or do we simply surrender our embassy and withdraw when our ambassador is murder and our compound seized?
This is an interesting story about what is upsetting them As protests spread, mystery shrouds anti-Islam film -
I don't think the embassy has surrendered at all and the local police are handling it, just as what would happen if an embassy was attacked in any other country, with the exception of Iran several years ago. The pictures I've seen of the crowd has been outside the embassy grounds.
Yep, seems to have been a genuinely good person. Too bad.
Again: All of this was touched off by a friggin' Youtube video?
It ain't like someone shot Archduke Ferdinand in The Balkans . . . Geez.
(can you imagine even poll "christians" or "jews" doing stuff like this at MOMA or The Endowment for The Arts over pissing on crucifixes or torahs?)
The NPR and Christian Science Monitor articles on this today have been eye-opening.
This seems like it was an opportunity to use this protest as an excuse to hit our ebassy on the anneversary of 9/11
Many here recall an American named Andres Serrano who submerged a crucifix in a glass of urine, photographed it and named the photo "Piss Christ." It became a focal point in the discussion of public funding for the arts. Although the photo was destroyed last year, I don't recall Christianas attacking U.S. Embassies around the world following Serrano's incident for the desecration of a crucifix.
A CSM article that HwtJ refered me to (post 19) says this very likely was more about using religion to flex and aggregate power. Not so much about ideology.
By all accounts he seed like a good guy and it is a shame to see this taken out on him. The Middle East is a very dangerous place to be, especially if you are American. Make me really appreciative that I don't live there. It has been that way as long as i can remember and I don't think it will ever change.
Looks like new info is coming out Obama has been skipping security briefings since the 5th and the State Dept. knew about the potential danger 48 hours prior.
Report: State Dept. Had ‘Credible Information’ 48 Hours Prior to Libya Consulate Attack |
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