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Thread: Edmond Ideas

  1. #51

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    The ideas listed above are thoughtful and terrific. The Edmond city council included money in the next budget to pay for updating the downtown plan. If you watch thier budget meeetings on TV or online, its clear thier economic development priorities are I-35 and also downtown. I still think the I-35 project should be near 2nd or 15th rather than Covell, or somewhere between downtown and UCO. But, the city has already paid for the property, so I'll stop ranting about it.

    If I was a developer, I would be looking closely at three areas for mixed-use or multi-family residential, (1) along the west side of Broadway from Hurd to Ayers, and (2) along Campbell between Broadway and University, and (3) along Littler from 3rd to 5th. Sunflower Market is a game changer and the success of it, and the other great new restaurants downtown, is people. I also think the city needs to work on their crosswalks and stormwater problems, as they are significant and a barrier to walkability.

  2. Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Maybe I should go check out this Sunflower Market .. I just hate the idea of driving all the way up there.

  3. #53

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Here is one idea, Bury all the utilty lines underground! BTW They need to remodel that shopping center east of lowes I think it is called Bryant Sqaure

  4. Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Buried utilities is preferred by most knowledgeable urban design critics, however I have witnessed the nightmares that can arise from underground utilities if you ever try and do street improvements like beautification, embedded rail streetcar, etc. OKC buried its utilities thinking it would never do any of those things, and now there is a multi-million per mile added cost to each of these projects (Project 180 and the streetcar) just because we wanted buried utilities to the max.

    So while I am obviously an urbanist, I guess I stand out in cautioning against burying utilities in some situations. I wouldn't do it in Downtown Edmond or anywhere near Downtown Edmond, for example - bc I could reasonably foresee heightened public expectations for these areas several decades out, perhaps in ways we wouldn't expect today. Don't preclude anything in the future.

  5. #55

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Yeah, your probaly right, but they are so ugly and on both sides of the streets in a some of cases. And I also don't think it would be a problem in like a case where they are widening Covell as they most likely will not be widening that road for a very long time.

  6. #56

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Heard from a reliable source that mixed-use retail and apartments are going to be built on Campbell between Boulevard and University. This would be wonderful, as the city improved the streetscape there several years ago to make a better downtown and UCO connection. Glad to see developers seeing the potential. My only concern is the Methodist Church owns a huge lot across the street that they say is for parking. That would be terrible, I hope they sell it for a better use.

  7. #57

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    I realize this is an old thread but as I haven't posted here in a long while...

    I hope I don't regret posting here again.

    We've all heard the phrase "Don't Edmond my Norman." But from what some of you are saying in this thread, you are asking for them to Norman your Edmond. I don't understand this desire or perceived need for development out at I-35 and Covell or the I-35 corridor. And there is mention on here of the desire for big box stores on I-35? That is exactly what Edmond does not want or need. Leave that to OKC.

    Edmond has plenty of development. It doesn't need to ease restrictions on building and development. Tight restrictions on such things is how you get the new development at Spring Creek on 15th and Bryant. It doesn't have a large setback and it the buildings are not set in a perfect grid perpendicular or parallel to the roads. The materials used there look nice and unique, the landscaping is nice and they didn't just clear cut all vegetation when developing that area. That's what sets a development like that apart from your run-of-the-mill strip shopping centers. Edmond needs great development not more development. The shopping area at 33rd and Broadway looks so much better than it did when Wal-Mart was there. I hate when big box stores build with a huge set back and then smaller stores are built in what is basically the big box store's parking lot. It looks tacky and lacks any design element and it is not pleasing to the eye. Last time I was in Dallas and its suburbs, I saw many shopping areas that looked nice with good landscaping and were clean and far better than many of the strip shopping centers you see in Oklahoma. I don't understand why we can't have these developments in Oklahoma.

    As for downtown; I'm on board with switching angled parking to parallel. Then the rest of the parking should be in back. I don't think the downtown should become a glut of restaurants though. A few is nice but you need something to do after dinner. There needs to be some diversity of downtown business for after 5pm. Also, making downtown just two lanes may not be a bad idea. Edmond could definitely stand to be more walkable. They should really try to make a connection between UCO and downtown.

    Concerning traffic; I don't know what the solution is. The thing is, Edmond streets were never meant to carry this much traffic. Once upon a time it was just a small, quiet, bedroom community. No matter how many lanes you build, Edmond won't be able to handle the capacity because of the way it's built. And the more friendly you make Edmond to cars the less friendly it becomes to pedestrians. And I'm not sure I agree with synchronized lights. I used to drive Highway 9 in Norman a lot and its lights were synchronized. It was nice if you it caught just right. But if you didn't catch it right then you were stopping at every light. You had to speed like a nascar driver to try to catch a green light, then you could slow back down to the speed limit and hit greens the rest of the way. But having people speed and drive crazy trying to catch a green light does the opposite of what the purpose of synchronized lights are intended to do. For one it wastes gas and two it's not safe. And when you get drivers hitting every single light because they didn't happen to hit it just right, then drivers get angry. Catching a synchronized light is about like catching a leprechaun. Maybe not that bad, but you get my point.

  8. #58

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    With the University North Park Development in Norman, high-density residential policies being put in place, new transportation infrastructure being put in place, pedestrian friendly improvements, and pro-business minded Norman Economic Development Authority, Norman is separating itself from the traditional suburban cities like Edmond, Yukon/Mustang, Broken Arrow, and being more dynamic from an urban standpoint. Edmond still reminds me of a traditional suburb, just rooftops, restaurants, and banks, therefore big box retailers are going to be drawn to that area. The best thing Edmond has going for them is the emergence of a "medical corridor" along I-35/Covell that can spur housing and public projects.

  9. #59

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    UNP is the perfect example of the rug being pulled out from underneath the citizens. It was sold to the public as an upscale development but now has big box retailers, a discount tire store and I wouldn't be surprised if there's a nail salon in there too. UNP is just an over sized strip mall. What a waste of potential.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    But some of places might have been need. Big Box stores are okay by I-35.

  11. #61

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Just because they put in big box stores, it doesn't mean they have to all be in ugly strip malls. I don't think anyone wants anymore of those. Shopping Centers can be done nicely.

  12. #62

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by mgsports View Post
    But some of places might have been need. Big Box stores are okay by I-35.
    I'm assuming you typed this on a phone. Not sure what you're trying to say here.

    It would be very difficult to get a nice looking big box store built. They would need a new design, different materials, they would have to disturb the existing land as little as possible, they would need to have good landscaping. This is far outside their norm. Big box stores just wanna come in and slam down their cookie cutter and be done. If you won't let them build the way they want to, then they're on to the next town. Plus, I'm not sure that Edmond wants a Best Buy that will be empty in 18 months.

    No, to get something that's built with nice materials, well kept and well landscaped, you need a landlord who will take care of the property and just rent the spaces out to businesses. Either that or a company that is local or has a conscience. Most big box stores don't.

  13. #63

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I'm assuming you typed this on a phone. Not sure what you're trying to say here.

    It would be very difficult to get a nice looking big box store built. They would need a new design, different materials, they would have to disturb the existing land as little as possible, they would need to have good landscaping. This is far outside their norm. Big box stores just wanna come in and slam down their cookie cutter and be done. If you won't let them build the way they want to, then they're on to the next town. Plus, I'm not sure that Edmond wants a Best Buy that will be empty in 18 months.

    No, to get something that's built with nice materials, well kept and well landscaped, you need a landlord who will take care of the property and just rent the spaces out to businesses. Either that or a company that is local or has a conscience. Most big box stores don't.
    UNP is a perfect example on the how the City can implement design standards on big box retailers. I don't know if you have been to UNP lately but ALL their stores are held at a high design standard, from Academy to Target to Mathis Bros they all have the same type of architecture, nice landscaping, and a pedestrian friendly environment. All new developments in UNP are held at a high standard, so your assumption about big box retailers in not entirely true.

  14. #64

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    I haven't been to UNP since Academy was built. So unless things have changed drastically since then, my point stands.

  15. #65

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by traxx View Post
    I haven't been to UNP since Academy was built. So unless things have changed drastically since then, my point stands.
    UNP was touted as an upscale development when the economy was in a much different place.

    The developers got blindsided by national conditions, but I wouldn't say the rug was pulled beneath them. There were countless similar proposals across the nation that weren't even built. Many of the upscale stores that were touted for UNP originally are pretty much in survival mode and will not be expanding anytime soon, if they make it that long.

    I actually agree the UNP design is done very tastefully, considering it's big box. They've made the best out of a crappy situation.

  16. #66

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by adaniel View Post
    UNP was touted as an upscale development when the economy was in a much different place.

    The developers got blindsided by national conditions, but I wouldn't say the rug was pulled beneath them. There were countless similar proposals across the nation that weren't even built. Many of the upscale stores that were touted for UNP originally are pretty much in survival mode and will not be expanding anytime soon, if they make it that long.

    I actually agree the UNP design is done very tastefully, considering it's big box. They've made the best out of a crappy situation.
    You make good points. Maybe you're right. I do still feel that some of the crappiness of UNP started before the economy went South but there is truth to what you say.

  17. #67

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Earlier in this thread someone suggested Bryant Square should be remodeled. I'd beg to differ. The parking is very simple, makes sense. So what if you want to hit the fabric shop and Steinmart? Unless you have a disability, you WALK, which is generally good for you. Might be nice if there were stores on both sides but that would mean turning it into something else and that intersection, imo, is the worst in Edmond already.

    Also, Bryant Square seems to have a decent occupancy rate unlike, say, Kelly Square (whatever it's called) just south of Edmond Rd, where there's a Curves and a few unremarkable specialty shops, and lots of vacancies.

  18. #68

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by boscorama View Post
    Earlier in this thread someone suggested Bryant Square should be remodeled. I'd beg to differ. The parking is very simple, makes sense. So what if you want to hit the fabric shop and Steinmart? Unless you have a disability, you WALK, which is generally good for you. Might be nice if there were stores on both sides but that would mean turning it into something else and that intersection, imo, is the worst in Edmond already.

    Also, Bryant Square seems to have a decent occupancy rate unlike, say, Kelly Square (whatever it's called) just south of Edmond Rd, where there's a Curves and a few unremarkable specialty shops, and lots of vacancies.
    That shopping center is just ugly, no way around it. Its cheap and tacky looking. That is the exact kind of shopping center that Edmond does not need. Just a big ugly, cheap looking strip mall. It could at least be dressed up a bit. Look how much better the smaller center across the street, where Panda Express looks since they revamped it. It's still a strip mall, but at least it looks nicer.

    And that parking lot is huge and people drive across it like there's not one else around. It's just dangerous because people just drive crazy across it. Maybe they could at least put in a few islands, and plant some decent trees or something which would help it look better, add a bit of shade and maybe force people to not drive diagonally across the entire lot at 30mph.

  19. #69

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    I have to agree, I wouldn't be mad if Bryant Square was demolished. That parking lot is pathetic, the huge slope - cracks and potholes everywhere. Honestly the parking lot is way too big and the store frontage is tacky. However, across the street is that little strip next to 7-Eleven and that building next to TacoBell/KFC, both extremely ugly.

    Speaking of Bryant, when is this road going to be repaved? It is getting ridiculous. Now that Coltrane is brand new and nobody drives on it, it would work as a detour for Bryant construction/repave.

  20. #70

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous. View Post
    I have to agree, I wouldn't be mad if Bryant Square was demolished. That parking lot is pathetic, the huge slope - cracks and potholes everywhere. Honestly the parking lot is way too big and the store frontage is tacky. However, across the street is that little strip next to 7-Eleven and that building next to TacoBell/KFC, both extremely ugly.

    Speaking of Bryant, when is this road going to be repaved? It is getting ridiculous. Now that Coltrane is brand new and nobody drives on it, it would work as a detour for Bryant construction/repave.
    Oh man, that thing where the the 7-11 is just needs a bulldozer. It's deplorable.

    I agree about the sttreets. Bryant is getting pretty bad. I take Coltrane as a detour most of the time anyway. There's so much less traffic, and less stop lights. They did Danforth a couple of weeks ago, so maybe they will get around to Bryant soon. I wish they would come repair the streets in my neighborhood. There's a pot hole big enough to loose a small child in near my house. They came and fixed some small ones, but never did a thing about the big one.

  21. #71

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Yet another article I have come across! Edmond wants to protect green infrastructure | NewsOK.com

  22. #72

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Does anyone know if this convention/conference center on Covell and I is going to come with any retail development?

  23. #73

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    Does anyone know if this convention/conference center on Covell and I is going to come with any retail development?
    There will be retail in that area.

    Going to add an idea onto the thread. With the new Public Safety Center coming, the city admin staff will later be moved into a refurbished building which is the current police station. Maybe it's just me, but doesn't that seem to just extend the issues of using a building which has been remodeled as much as it can be. The new Public Safety Center is going to lay the ground work for government "downtown" buildings. Wouldn't it be smart to demolish the old police station and also build a true City Hall which matches the architecture and the vision of revising downtown? When one comes to Edmond for business, be it an individual or a commercial business, they need to be welcomed to our city buildings by a positive image, something that looks "government"! Could even add the City Attorneys Office, Court Clerk, and City Courts to the multistory building allowing for attractively designed parking garages to be built on the NE and SW corners of 1st and Littler. Maybe even freeing up space for a new and modernized Downtown Community Center on one of the corners with a parking garage going it at the current DCC location.

  24. #74

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by Hollywood View Post
    There will be retail in that area.

    Going to add an idea onto the thread. With the new Public Safety Center coming, the city admin staff will later be moved into a refurbished building which is the current police station. Maybe it's just me, but doesn't that seem to just extend the issues of using a building which has been remodeled as much as it can be. The new Public Safety Center is going to lay the ground work for government "downtown" buildings. Wouldn't it be smart to demolish the old police station and also build a true City Hall which matches the architecture and the vision of revising downtown? When one comes to Edmond for business, be it an individual or a commercial business, they need to be welcomed to our city buildings by a positive image, something that looks "government"! Could even add the City Attorneys Office, Court Clerk, and City Courts to the multistory building allowing for attractively designed parking garages to be built on the NE and SW corners of 1st and Littler. Maybe even freeing up space for a new and modernized Downtown Community Center on one of the corners with a parking garage going it at the current DCC location.
    I agree. We should do something like Fairview, Texas (North Dallas suburb) that went from a single story 1950's ranch style home to this:
    temp fairview town hall.jpg

    Or Frisco, TX city hall (near Fairview):temp frisco city hall.jpg

    Both towns are smaller than Edmond but growing quickly. Fairview has a fairly small but very upscale tax base.

    That being said, I would much rather Edmond focus on Downtown first. If they were going to do something with Town Hall, I would hope they would keep it downtown so that employees can help form a core of consumers for lunch, dinner, and shopping.

  25. #75

    Default Re: Edmond Ideas

    Quote Originally Posted by cjohnson.405 View Post
    I agree. We should do something like Fairview, Texas (North Dallas suburb) that went from a single story 1950's ranch style home...

    Both towns are smaller than Edmond but growing quickly. Fairview has a fairly small but very upscale tax base.

    That being said, I would much rather Edmond focus on Downtown first. If they were going to do something with Town Hall, I would hope they would keep it downtown so that employees can help form a core of consumers for lunch, dinner, and shopping.
    I only mentioned doing it now, after the PSC is finished as a way to limit the relocation and moving around of employees and services. Not to mention, limit the amount of rent and improvements made to temporary facilities as is being done for Admin staff while the PSC is constructed. City needs to do their part downtown (forgetting the art!) while private business takes the step on their side working concurrently.

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