What kind of 'knowledgeable folk' believes it matters not what the public thinks when it comes to our courts? Actually, my 'obsession' with exposing 'Johns' wholeheartedly biased me against the defendant - so much so the articles I wrote leading up to his trial were pretty much one-sided against him. That is why I went to the trial - to see him convicted. It was only after sitting through the trial that it became apparent he was not guilty (or at the very least was not proven guilty). I'm imagining you're such a 'sheep' you couldn't even recite the facts of the case beyond what the media elected to publish. Yet, you'd stand so matter of fact behind the verdict.
I guess in the multitude of cases where people are later exonerated you'd say those juries got it right too? As previously pointed out, we have ADA's willing to withhold witnesses and play other tricks to try and convict at all costs.
I can't go into items that will most likely be used for appeal but the prosecutors relied solely on the statements of the two men (one the victim's pimp and the other his friend) that claim to have found Lopez having sex with the dead prostitute Lori Green. Problem is, the forensic and physical evidence proved the defendant had not had sex with the victim and his story never wavered and there was zero motive. The witnesses admitted to smoking crack for 15hrs straight before the event took place and to committing crimes all day long (theft and stolen checks mostly). They also admitted to stripping the defendant of his pants (and discarded them at a different location) and then beating him so badly he had to be hospitalized. Both witnesses are convicted felons and known for violence. The defendant was small in stature, had a job and no criminal record and no motive. The victim was beaten beyond recognition (41 crime scene photos) and had a very visible bruise on her face that was long and straight (like a broom handle). There was no weapon of any sort found in the defendant's car - but the witness pimp admitted to using a broom handle to break out the defendant's windows of the car. The defendant had no bruising on his knuckles and none of Lori's blood was found on him. Also, EMSA testified there was a large amount of fecal matter in the passenger seat and that none was found on Lopez. The two witnesses accounts of what happened were in general the same, but none of the details matched (who was where and did what).
I believe the evidence showed that Green, her pimp (Big Mike) and their friend Jimmy Palmer had been doing drugs all day. Later that night (around 2am) they were feening for drugs. Palmer took Green to a Hispanic bar at 34/Robinson to solicit patrons. Big Mike stayed at the dope house so he could wait for Green to bring him money for his next fix. When Green was picked up by Lopez she picked where they were to park (I've never seen a killer let the girl pick the parking spot). They parked behind the dope house where Big Mike was. Big Mike testified that he saw them pull up. The owner of the dope house, KC, said Big Mike became antsy and was pacing back and forth between a window and the back door wanting Green to hurry up. After several minutes Big Mike went out to the car to see what was taking her so long (I suspect because he was tweaking wanting more drugs). Big Mike testified that the whole time he could see Lopez having straight sex with Green through the window (no DNA or other evidence found to show they had sex). Big Mike testified he hit the window to get Lopez's attention and that Lopez turned and put up one finger - as to say, "Just a minute (I'm still having sex)." (not exactly what someone having sex with a corpse would do). Big Mike says at that point he noticed Green was bloody and unresponsive. Big Mike testified that Palmer had pulled up in his truck and Big Mike grabbed a broom out of the truck and began breaking out the back and rear side window of the car (not the front driver's side as you'd expect). Big mike then claims he somehow got the passenger side door open by reaching through the broken out rear driver's side window and reaching past Lopez and Green and unlocking the passenger side door (not the driver's side). Big Mike then testified that he reached into the passenger side, across Green, and grabbed Lopez and drug him out of the car (across Green's body) and only hit him one time (two other witnesses said multiple times) and Big Mike testified that he began to stomp Lopez with his feet and that Palmer joined in. When a neighbor yelled she was calling police, Big Mike fled the scene with Lopez's pants.
Lopez says he picked up Green and she told him where to park. He gave her $20 for oral sex and he motioned for her to take her pants down. Lopez testified that Lori had undone his pants and was manually stimulating him when Big Mike, Palmer and possibly other approached his car. They tried to open his doors and when they couldn't they began breaking out his windows. Lopez did not know why they were doing this. Lopez testified that Big mike opened the driver's side door (not passenger) and hit him in the face with the broom handle and also hit Lori (as seen in Green's bruising). Lopez also said he was not having straight sex with Green and that Green was leaning over into the driver's seat. Big Mike testified Lopez was on top of Green in the passenger seat and it was reclined. In the police photos the passenger seat is reclined, however, EMSA workers testified that when they arrived the passenger seat was straight up and down as Lopez said it was.
Lopez then testified that he was dragged from the car and that Green tried to grab his shirt as he was removed from the car. Lopez has no idea who killed Green or why - as he was naked and unconscious on the ground.
I suspect this was a combination of drug feening, a robbery gone wrong or jealous rage from Big Mike. I've known Big Mike for awhile and he is a very large and very violent man. When he gets high he gets jealous of his woman (Green) having sex with others. I think when Lopez put his finger up to him that Big Mike took it as disrespect and he exploded. Green most likely was telling him off over the attack (she was not shy to argue loudly with him) and he attacked her.
Makes far more sense than some small framed Hispanic who only had 4 beers and no criminal record picking up a hooker to kill her.