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Thread: Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

  1. #1

    Default Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

    Why is there always certain church group working this corner every Saturday all day long begging for money? I know if they get permits they are allowed to do this? But this group seriously gets in the road and out in the center lanes and goes to your car window and asks for your change. They are in the lanes when the lights turn green and I can see one of them getting run over easily as they try to get back to the medians when the traffic starts moving.

    I am not against giving churchs money, as I go to church every sunday and tithe but I dont feel that this group should be walking out into the lanes of vehicles stuck at the light. The intimidate me when they come just a foot from my car window.

    I see this as a liability for the city as what if one of these guys get run over and try to sue the driver or city.

    My question is ...are they allowed to go out into the traffic lanes at the red light??

  2. #2

    Default Re: Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

    There is a "church" and I think the same one, they beg around 23rd and Penn. it makes me embarrassed and disgusted as a Christian that they are out their begging in Jesus name. They should be giving not begging. They give you like a tootsie roll lollipop and a mini-flyer with the church info on it if you give. I've seriously thought about calling the pastor to see why they do this and how he justifies it Biblically.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

    Those fliers are for a reform church that apparently helps heal those who have been afflicted by a life of drugs. They claim they don't get a commission but if you give money to the actual church to let them know who talked to you. Sounds like a commission to me and honestly a scam. They come into my work all the time and I tell them 5 feet in to turn around and go right back out as it says "no soliciting" next to our front door.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

    What is OKC's panhandling policy? Is this considered panhandling?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    What is OKC's panhandling policy? Is this considered panhandling?
    I think the panhandling policy says something about they can step into the street and cant approach you...of which this "church" does both. So are they legal in doing what they do? Someone with insight into this please let me know. They add to the congestion of this intersection every saturday as we have to wait for them to get out of the street when the light turns green.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Saturday's @ Penn and Kilpatrick/Memorial

    Quote Originally Posted by Questor View Post
    What is OKC's panhandling policy? Is this considered panhandling?
    Not if you have a permit, hence the permit.

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