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Thread: Fox 25 airing "fake news"

  1. #1

    Thumbs down Fox 25 airing "fake news"

    Basically, Fox 25 is airing "news reports" made up by PR firms...


    KOKH-25 in Oklahoma City, OK, a FOX station owned by Sinclair, aired six of the VNRs tracked by CMD, making it this report's top repeat offender. Consistently, KOKH-25 failed to provide any disclosure to news audiences. The station also aired five of the six VNRs in their entirety, and kept the publicist's original narration each time.

    They should really just yank their local newscast and replace it with I Love Lucy reruns.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Fox 25 airing "fake news"

    The Andy Griffth Show would be alot better than I Love Lucy.

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