FOX25 did story last night on No Boundaries Int'l and their new S. Robinson HOPE House.
FOX25 did story last night on No Boundaries Int'l and their new S. Robinson HOPE House.
post repeated.
Hey Brian - just wondering (this morning) after listening to the news - was this person, Luis E. Ruiz, known on the streets? Or was he pretty much "underground"? Either way, scary dude........
After his arrest, people on the streets claimed to have known (or known of) him. But I never saw or heard his name prior to the arrest. So, not sure how 'known' he was or if people are just trying to have a connection to the story. Based on his bio I'd guess many people would have known him as I'm certain he was most likely a street level dealer as an extension of the larger more secretive organization.
There are lots of things going on behind the scenes right now. If the rumors (which are pretty believed by law enforcement) are true that the incident was video recorded then several more people will be arrested.
I'm glad they got the guy who did that.
Get them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a horrible, dispictable way to get an evil message out.......
Here is the Search Warrant paperwork that is being reported today. I redacted the witness's cell phone number (its still good). I'm shocked police would put that number in a public document knowing that the witness was in fear for her life from these murderers. I only left her name because it is being widely reported.
Oklahoman's article:
Search Warrant: Decided to remove link to affidavit until I redact the witness's name also. Other media outlets have since removed the witness's name from their reports - EXCEPT FOR THE DAILY OKLAHOMAN - Who released her name while also acknowledging she is in fear for her life.
Here is the redacted Search Warrant Affidavit......
No Boundaries International is have a benefit concert at the UCO Jazz Lab on Thursday night (7/26/2012) from 7-10pm. Proceeds benefit their Project HOPE initiative.
In today's Oklahoman....
Ministry to prostitutes moving into house in OKC near S Robinson Avenue
Read more:
Has prostitution in OKC expanded to downtown? Saw a couple of hookers walking on Robinson and Park Ave.
Probably not prostitutes. But I have seen some women that i guess work in offices downtown that put some 'hollywood hookers' to shame based on how they were dressed. I often wonder what kind of office they work in.
However, some actual hookers do have to walk from the jail downtown back to Robinson after their release from custody.
Any good first hand footage Brian?
One might wonder if Skirvin guests/arrestees were trolling on S Robinson or were trolling the net for their companion de jour.
I'd guess the latter, but perhaps I am being overly kind.
On the topic of prostitution in OKC. I've spent the last three days at the OK CO courthouse sitting in on Oklahoma vs. Lopez regarding the alleged murder and necrophilia of Robinson prostitute Lori Green (39).
I knew Lori for a few years and have followed this case since her senseless murder in 2011. It really seemed cut and dry - Lopez picks up hooker, parks with her, beats/strangles and kills her and is caught by her pimp and other man while he is still having sex with her dead body.
However, with closing arguments set for tomorrow morning - I'm convinced the prosecutors have not proven their case. I'm not willing to go so far as to say Lopez is innocent, but he certainly has not been proven guilty and prosecutors have played a few dirty tricks to try and ensure a guilty verdict.
Michael McBride is representing the accused and he's doing a damn good job with what he's got. I will be very interested to hear what the verdict is.
Back in the late 50s when I was the Oklahoman's police reporter, the Skirvin got the same preferential treatment -- in fact the policy was NOT to mention the name of any of the upper-crust establishments. Most of the time we never bothered to report vice-squad arrests, because they didn't happen often. The usual happening in those days was that the arresting officer let the girl go if she agreed to snitch for him, and he gave the john a stiff warning. However at that time most of the girls were freelancing, at least that was the word around the cop shop... Trafficking was not recognized as a major problem here.
Last edited by Jim Kyle; 08-29-2012 at 09:24 PM. Reason: spelling
The jury found Lopez guilty and gave him a sentence with the possibility of parole. Obviously the prosecuter proved the case in chief and the defense attorney was obviously bested by the truth. I am convinced that the DA did prove his case hence the guilty verdict.
Based on what? Were you in the courtroom? I was - along with a few volunteers with No Boundaries and two others. While all of us are biased against 'Johns' we all agreed he was not proven guilty at all.
To simply be convinced because of a guilty verdict is naive considering you have no idea what was presented in court.
It does not matter what I think nor what you or the others think is important. All the matters to knowledgable folks is what the jury believed. You are just as much a non-lawyer as am I and most on this board. Your prostitution obsession makes you no better a judge of what a jury will do than anybody else. Admit your judgement was in complete error and the system worked.
So here is a news flash accept the verdict as it is and move on.
Don't know the case and have no opinion on adequacy of the verdict.
But, as to the reference of the state atty(s) pulling some trick, if accurate they are foolish and it should be exposed.
Their boss recently canned someone, or was it two someones, for pulling a fast one in a case, and then being brash enough to gloat and brag on what they caused to transpire.
So it someone did play fast and loose, I hope it comes to light. When it's deemed acceptable to play fast and loose with an alleged necro freak, it's a short slide on a steep slope for it to be acceptable should it happen to me and you or friends and loved ones.
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