My sister is going to be in town this weekend with her kids. Im guessing the thunderstorm fountain still isn't fixed, right? But the other spray area where the ice rink is during the winter is fully working?
My sister is going to be in town this weekend with her kids. Im guessing the thunderstorm fountain still isn't fixed, right? But the other spray area where the ice rink is during the winter is fully working?
Funny you should ask. I asked that question on their facebook page today and this was the response:
The damage that occurred when the pipe broke was severe. Two motherboards that control the water, sound and lights in the fountain were "fried" -- for lack of a better word. They are repairing the motherboards and adding features that will ...hopefully prevent this from happening again. It is being worked on and progress is being made, but it will take some time. Along with our guests, we are extremely eager to see it up and running again. Thanks for hanging in there with us!
Myriad Gardens facebook page? or is it a generic OKC facebook page?
Sweet! Sounds like it will be ready just in time for winter!![]()
Really glad to see this... Vertical plantings to cover several of the exposed concrete surfaces:
What are they going to cover them with? Ivy?
You'd think...
Once again, lack of over-site. Like when the city accepted the installed irrigation system and the fact that 20+ water quick-couplers (so you can attach hoses or sprinkler heads) were clearly indicated in the plans, but never installed - noticed, of-course, by the horticultural staff that needed to use them.
On a similar vein, the cost of the electrical board that needs to be replaced is around $150,000 - thus the hesitation of the insurance company. Also, it is more complex than just a board "switch out".
Has anyone noticed the dying large trees in the dog park? Artificial turf (for the dogs) has kept water - and greatly increased the heat to the trees.
Equally distressing is what is happening in the conservatory (Crystal Bridge). Designed as a "Natural setting" with realistic looking cliffs and waterfalls, there are appearing large planters and hanging pots to "dress-up" the conservatory - something you can find in any mall. Far worse is the total neglect for pruning the plants that are quickly over-growing their space. The Willow-Leaf Ficus in the center is covering everything around it. This plant is easily pruned. Most distressing, upon inquiry, I was told the staff is "not allowed" to clean or prune - only water. That the new director "does not like the Crystal Bridge, has no back ground in tropical conservatories, and wants to change it all". The speculation is that she wants it to become messy and over-grown so that she can be given money for (by grants from corporate donors - i.e. Devon whom she is actively courting) to "remake" the conservatory into something she prefers. There are many unique botanical specimens that are being actively neglected (like several prize winning orchids and large donations) so that she can get what she wants. My personal hope is this is just a ploy to get needed funds for more horticultural staff. Since the design of the interior is literally set in concrete and steel for this "naturalistic" setting, an attempt to change it into a "tea garden" is ridiculous. What she really needs to do is hire someone "who knows conservatories" and will work with what is there. The current selection of hanging pots (on the bridge in the conservatory) hides some of the most attractive features inside the conservatory and can't even be used for wedding because they are so large they cover everything. Currently, all the potted plants (all the pots, etc.) is a "botanical joke", even at facilities that extensively use such ornamentation (like the Atlanta Botanical Garden) they keep them away from the conservatory and the natural display of plants. A couple of pots to "dress-up" for weddings is understandable, but having them everywhere hiding the collection is unprofessional and in-appropriate for the current design of the interior of the Crystal Bridge.
TAlan, sounds like you are really close to the situation. Are you just observing or are you involved with the gardens? How do you know the intention of the new director? Was this not known, or should have been known, when she was given the job?
Maureen Heffernan has a reasonably good resume and it appears she knows horticulture. It seem like her philosophies would have been discussed before being hired and one would assume she wouldn't need to "trick" management to get her way. Her tenures at other places would indicate her tendencies if a proper background check was made.
2 questions: (1) Is the water structure fixed, and (2) is there any news on the restaurant is going in? Is there a timetable for a decision?
I'm not 100% certain who you think TAlan is, but I have a strong suspicion of who you (and others) think it is. If you think it is who I think you think it is, I'm pretty sure you are incorrect. Did any of that make sense?
Besides the fact that some of his previous posts don't fit the right timeline for the person who I think you think he is - nor does the spelling of his name - I sincerely doubt that the person who I think you think it is would be airing these issues here, after having known him for close to 20 years.
Perhaps TAlan should clarify that he is NOT who you think he is, if he is not. If he has the experience he says he has (and I don't doubt that at all), I'm sure he knows who you might (perhaps incorrectly) suspect that he is. It would be unfortunate if he let an easily-assumed misconception take on a life of its own on here.
One thing I AM certain of: this was a new personal high point for convoluted writing.
OK. . .who(m) ever TAlan is (or isn't). . .there is a problem with the upkeep of the MG. . .and there should be someone/point of contact at the MG to whom these issues can be addressed . I understand (gov't) contracting, but there seems (to me) to be some issues that have unadressed beyond what I would expect. If I need to contact my City councilman, I am more than willing to do so. This area is just too important to let it " lie fallow". . .in the heat of an Oklahoma summer, if there is anything in a preimum public space that should not be opertional , it's the fountains (Thunder??) in a prime public space. Did the fountains in Brickitown go down?? Recognize it's a different entity, but the issue is the same.
You are probably talking about the Thunder fountain. Yep it is broke. Something about the electrical box being flooded out, but I think it was just built on the cheap. I'd be surprised if its working by October. Personally I would have them just completely redo it right than make little quick patch-up fixes that will require more work a few months from now. Your kids can splash around in the small fountains where the skating rink is.
I was there a few days ago and the wave pool was on...maybe I'm thinking of something else. The waterfall was off for a bit but it has been back on for at least a few weeks.
The trees by the dog park are shedding their leaves prematurely. However, that species of trees (can't think of the name) is highly prone to heat stress. I have a feeling that weeks of unrelenting 100+ temps did them in more than anything. The same type of trees line Walker Avenue in Heritage Hills and they look far worse than the ones in MBG, as in, they've probably lost 50% of their leaves. I personally think they should have skipped on planting those trees, but what's done is done.
I'm not in the business of calling anyone a liar, but I can only speak from my experience. As a resident of Midtown I go the the MBG at least once a week as it serves as my "neighborhood park" and there has been no noticeable change in the park and maintenance. It sounds like from reading these posts the main problems are in the Conservatory. I can't speak for that since I've only been in there once and have no idea what one should look like. If anything, now that its cooled off the park has become very busy, and lots of people are discovering it. I certainly understand people's concerns given the fact that this city's history of park maintenance is spotty at best. But considering that the park's heavy use and the exceptional drought we are in I have no complaints, outside the Thunder Fountain. Just my 0.02.
To clear things up, I am not the former Director of the Gardens.
The lack of grounds maintenance is actually more obvious when seen over a longer space of time. None-the-less, I suspect the outside grounds does look better since the horticultural staff for the conservatory has been ordered "out" after watering. Specifically, they have been asked to work on the outside grounds. The staff of the Myriad Gardens was listed at 50 when the new director was hired (though I doubt this is accurate) and there are currently only 4 horticulturist. I know that the funding for the gardens still comes from the city, and in order to meet her staff requirements, the new director has re-directed monies from the hort. staff to the foundation staff. There use to be as many "part-time" horticulturist (meaning hourly with no benefits and not part of the city
union) as regular hort. staff - and now there are none. The horticultural staff has a significant body of experience and knowledge and yet she refuses to listen to all of them - and despite stating that she hates to "mico-manage" is doing just that in every aspect. It is still my hope she is trying to learn the gardens and what it all involves. But it is also obvious there is a purposeful neglect in the conservatory. I also know that members of the foundation who hired her are displeased with what she has done to the conservatory - one of the areas of the garden that was working before the current changes. Worst, most of th- e staff who was not directly hired by her (ie, the new foundation staff) relate that there is great discord and despair.
It is both her and the Cities intention to separate the gardens from the cities management and budget (not a bad plan), similar to the zoo. I suspect she decided on a "slash and burn" policy with former staff - and apparently the conservatory.
This wednesday evening is the last Movie under the Stars.... remember that it starts at 9, but probably best to get there around 8:30 to get a good spot on the grass... this week they are playing "Sherlock Holmes". I know i'll be there!
I wish they would have been smart enough to do some sort of advertising for this... (maybe they did?) I've been waiting for this to happen since they showed Space Jam during the NBA Finals and wouldn't have known anything about it at all until I walked across the Gardens bridge this weekend. Oh well, maybe next year I guess. I'm really bummed I didn't know anything about it though.
Use the Myriad Gardens website: , there is a location to "join" for facebook, you will get daily notification of events, etc.
I'm with Watson. I don't know what I would use at this point, but I really wish there was a place/publication/website where you could go and get information on a lot of what is going on around the city. It currently feels like I'd have to check 10 or 12 different websites/Facebook pages/Twitter just to try and figure out what's going on around town to make a decision. Wimgo was pretty useless, but I'm thinking something along those lines done better.
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