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Thread: a la mode, inc.

  1. #1

    Default a la mode, inc.

    Wanted to necro this thread: http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=7429

    But wasn't able to do so. Just curious if anyone knows anyone that works at a la mode, inc or has in the past year and what working conditions are like?


  2. #2

    Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Brad View Post
    Wanted to necro this thread: http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.php?t=7429

    But wasn't able to do so. Just curious if anyone knows anyone that works at a la mode, inc or has in the past year and what working conditions are like?

    The 2 people I know who worked for them had a neutral opinion of the company. Good environment but expect to give your life to them.

    Here is a thread posted on here in 2006 about this company.


  3. #3

    Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    I know of one person who has worked for them. Very positive opinion. Pay scales are apparently a weakness, however. Lots of free food available in fridges for staffers, and the other thread talks about cots in the back that the SW guys are apparently expected to use (eg they expect you there overnight frequently enough to provide cots), so a developer needs to approach with caution/eyes wide open.

  4. #4

    Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    I know someone that works there and he loves it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    OKCisOK4me: is this a developer or sales/marketer? I have two small children, one 3, one 3 months, so working 12 hours days and potentially having all-nighters is not going to be possible unless I want to be divorced.

  6. Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    Everything I've ever heard about it -- and I have one friend who works there now and one who used to -- has been positive.

  7. Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    ...ask how often they've had lay-offs and reductions, and what people were involved.

  8. #8

    Default Re: a la mode, inc.

    had a friend who worked there for a few years in marketing. got paid really well, but worked a lot. liked the working conditions, seemed to be a fairly young workforce. unfortunately he got caught up in layoffs a few years ago.

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