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Thread: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

  1. #1

    Default New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    Looks like they are asking permission to rezone from D-0 Suburban Office Space to PUD - Planned Urban Development. Anyone have any clue what that would be? The area they are asking to be rezoned looks like it's too small for an apartment complex but.. I don't know.

    Meeting about this is Sept. 4th in the Council Chambers.

    Letter a family member received

    Proposed Zone

  2. #2

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    So is this east of Kohl's?

  3. #3

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    Yes it's to the east of Danforth and Sante Fe. To the east of the Buffalo Wild Wings / Eileen's Cookies / CVS area etc...

  4. #4

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    according to the image in the second link it would be to the west of BWW, and east of the entrance to the Homestead addition

  5. #5

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    Sorry, I couldn't get the links to open last night, but was able to this morning. Yes, it would be on the north side of Danforth, west of the center where BWW and Eileens are located.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    Yeah I meant West of BBW. Haven't had much sleep lately

  7. #7

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    There is a house on that location already. That house was there before the land became homestead. When they sliced it all up to make Homestead, they left that house there. I don't THINK that the land to between the house and the shopping center is usable, but I may be wrong. I think it is more of a drainage area.

    Here is a satellite shot of the area:


    Edit: Looks like there is some usable space close to the shopping center inside the loop, but again, the spot closest to the house has a ditch running through it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    Drove by there last night, the sign is in front of the house. I don't know what all the zoning means, so I guess interpret that how you will.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New Rezoning Request - East of Sante Fe on Danforth (North side of Road)

    I saw in the paper today that they are wanting to put in a florist shop there. Apparently, the owners will live in the house and then build an English cottage type house to serve as the florist shop.

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