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Thread: Krxo

  1. #1
    neo Guest

    Red face Krxo

    What happened to the old morning show gang on KRXO 107.7? I tuned in the other day and all I heard was stupid jokes from a guitar playing comedian...

  2. #2
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    On a crazy attempt to save money and teach Lisa and Ron a lesson, Renda Broadcasting let the guys at Citadel hire them for BOBfm, now the ratings for KRXO have slipped so far down, the format may change real soon.

  3. #3
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    speaking of KRXO, I have talked with several jocks and the story is the same, the morning show sucks big time. the three guys I chatted with have stated that they are only doing what they are told to do by saying on air the morning show is great, but, infact the whole staff can't stand the crap. you would think by all the negitive things being said about the morning slot, Renda would get the hint and do something about the situation, but, on the other hand, maybe the ship is taking on water and the captain has his mouth taped shut.
    what a waste of airtime.

  4. #4
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    What amazes me is the fact that so many radio stations have been changing their formats. I remember when KEBC was the best country station on the air(are they around anymore?). The stations that have kept the same format for years, are stations such as KMGL, KYLV, KATT, and KOMA. I'm sure I am missing some others, but these are the ones that I know of.

    So, does anyone else know of stations that have changed their formats in the last year or so? Or how about other stations that have kept the same format for years?

  5. #5
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    Well, where do we start? back in the day, KEBC WAS a country giant, but, along came Jay Phillips and the mighty Radio Equity Partners and was kicking the crap out of the Tyler boys. Just when things got really interesting, Clear Channel made R.E.P. an offer they couldn't refuse, a BUNCH of money, and we all know money talks.
    The vanity sign KEBC was kept by C.C. and to this day I believe if Tyler could get his hands on the calls he just might take'em again, but, that would be stupid on the part of Clear Channel management now wouldn't it? As for the old KEBC, look no farther than 93.3 fm, the same staff that made that station the best country in the city is the same staff you hear daily. Lynn,Bill,James,Joe,Olen, they were the guys that made KEBC, when C.C. bought out Tyler, ALL the guys showed up at KXXY, AND because these guys are who they are, KXXY overtook KEBC.
    As far as who has had a long lasting format, again, KRXO has had a great run, but, if something isn't done with programming, they can kiss it all good-bye, I don't care how strong KMGL is, if the cluster as a whole isn't strong, then you might as well start looking for most of the air staff to start posting their desire for other employment on the web site Radio Online, and believe me, the guys that work at Renda are not happy with the way things are going on Broadway and Britton, I have friends who are employed at the Classic Rock station, and have heard the horror stories. I myself have worked for KRXO, but, that was in the day of Price Communications, and later Diamond Broadcasting. I also worked for Renda in 98, but, Steve O. was P.D. and things seemed a LOT smoother.
    You want talk? look to KTOK, sorry, they are just better.
    You want rock, better have a Great C.D. collection, in this town your outta luck.
    You want Adult listening, well KMGL has that one hands down.
    You want country, kinda a gray area, unless you know the bizz, then King Kountry has no compitition, again sorry, the personal touch given by the local management has no equal. I know, I know, Dave and Dan are local, but, they still are stiffled by the reigns of San Antonio.
    They say things are darkest right before dawn, well, when the cash cows are all milked out, and the little kids get done trying to get the most toys, then radio might return to the great avenue for music, information, and companionship it once was. This is why there are so many format changes taking place at the moment, when someone comes along with insight enough to make a commitment with a great format, then a new era of broadcasting will come around. Take for instance the Radio Equity Partners view for taking out KEBC, when George Sasson was the man, he gave a commitment of seven years to make it happen,SEVEN YEARS, now adays you can't even get management to commit to seven weeks with anything new. The only reason the BUZZ is still around is the fact Matt Garrett once worked for KRXO making him a staple in the minds of the audience from the get go, that and they almost have a decent format, some of the music makes me heave, some is actually on the mark. As Okies we know what we want, it seems the powers that be, just don't pay attention to the ones that brought them to the dance.
    OK, it is time to climb down from this soap box and do some dishes, until Radio becomes fun again, IF EVER, then I am happy being Mr. MOM.

  6. #6
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo



    Seems Citadel has lurking on the harizon a three-two punch with a little mockery of sorts, looks like KYIS other wise known as KISS-fm is going soft rock, YES, just like Magic-104. All the Christmas music is a prelude to Elton John and Michael Bolten....Any Thoughts?

    SlyDog: Radio Guru, Numbers Man, Nuff Sed.

    Radio Shows That Does Not Originate Here, Can't Recognize The Bad Storms We Have In Oklahoma, You Are In Grave Danger......

  7. Default Re: Krxo

    Quote Originally Posted by slydog


    Seems Citadel has lurking on the harizon a three-two punch with a little mockery of sorts, looks like KYIS other wise known as KISS-fm is going soft rock, YES, just like Magic-104. All the Christmas music is a prelude to Elton John and Michael Bolten....Any Thoughts?

    SlyDog: Radio Guru, Numbers Man, Nuff Sed.

    Radio Shows That Does Not Originate Here, Can't Recognize The Bad Storms We Have In Oklahoma, You Are In Grave Danger......
    The "red alert" makes no sense. Citadel owns KYIS. What does this have to do with KRXO, owned by Renda? KMGL is Renda also, but the quote still is confusing. How could Renda get a curve ball from Citadel when Citadel is the company changing KYIS' format?

  8. #8
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    Sorry, thought you may know a little something of the broadcasting world, clearly you don't.
    First, I know the companies very well, I worked for Renda, and know when Citadel hired Lisa and Ron from Renda, that was ball one, fast ball I might add.
    Seond, to get the best revenue, you must have a strong cluster, and when Citadel goes after Renda by taking down Magic, Renda wouldn't much left as far as listening audience, what you think KOMA or KOKC has a fair to partly cloudy punch? Answer: NO
    Third, got your attention, na.
    Besides, I just like stiring the stew every now and again.

  9. #9
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    Wow, Mr. Anderson writes private message asking for an appology. Well Mr. Anderson, you state in your private message to me that my attention red alert is senseless, well maybe, but, to my deffense, I was trying to get attention, got it. The alert was to show that the canned shows(this meaning shows that originate from a different state, or taped for play-back at a later time, many are you know) can't send out the emergency alerts needed in time of severe weather.
    As for the comment about Citadel tossing Renda a curve ball, well duh, yes Citadel owns KISS, and again double duh, Renda owns Magic-104, don't you think if KISS swithched formats and takes Magics audience, that would be considered a curve ball, hence Citadel pitching to Renda, huh?, Huh? HUH?
    Now, Retail manager, just how is it that you know the Broadcasting bizz so well, you say you do, so if so, may I please ask as to what depth have you worked in the broadcasting business, I would love to chat in public, or private about Radio, Television, Print, or Out Door advertising, I love all aspects of Broadcasting.
    Did not mean to insult your intelligence as you say in your private message to me, so, if in deed you have some intelligence in this field, I would love to pick you brain. And, please accept my deepest appologies, but, if you have never worked in, around, or for any Broadcasting companies, then please, and I say this with all my heart, please, Kiss my Butt.
    SlyDog... : )

  10. Default Re: Krxo

    Hey, you're both great contributers to this site. Slydog, clearly, you've been in "the business" and you have insight a lot of us don't when it comes to radio. I suspect that was all you meant, and it wasn't an intentional slam on Mr. Anderson. Likewise, Mr. Anderson, you have some great insights of your own when it comes to Dell and south OKC, and I wouldn't be offended at all if you pointed that out to me a time or two.

    Neither of you meant to offend each other... let's just move on and have fun while the chat board moderators enjoy some time off. Slydog, do you think KYIS will keep Jack and Ron? And why do you think radio is damned determined to go bland when it faces a huge threat by sat-radio?

  11. Default Re: Krxo

    Quote Originally Posted by downtownguy
    Hey, you're both great contributers to this site. Slydog, clearly, you've been in "the business" and you have insight a lot of us don't when it comes to radio. I suspect that was all you meant, and it wasn't an intentional slam on Mr. Anderson. Likewise, Mr. Anderson, you have some great insights of your own when it comes to Dell and south OKC, and I wouldn't be offended at all if you pointed that out to me a time or two.

    Neither of you meant to offend each other... let's just move on and have fun while the chat board moderators enjoy some time off. Slydog, do you think KYIS will keep Jack and Ron? And why do you think radio is damned determined to go bland when it faces a huge threat by sat-radio?
    I also have been "in the business." Plus I have known most of the companies who own certain stations for years. Clarity is the only issue here.

  12. Default Re: Krxo

    I understand. My suggestion is to just let it go. I don't think anybody meant any offense here. I imagine you've gotten to witness quite a bit of the comings and goings of the Tyler empire.

  13. #13
    slydog Guest

    Default Re: Krxo

    Cool, you KNOW people in the radio world. I KNOW a lot of people too, doesn't mean I am an expert in their field of work. The point was made that my post was senseless, without much merrit, so I ask, who struck first blood here. I will state to all here and now, I do not take any crap, and I will not give much either, when warranted I can and will strike back, I don't care what income level OR the company you keep.

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