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Thread: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

  1. #1

    Default The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    Heard the news?! The Spy FM, after their long history and battles with Clear Channel Radio, are now partnering with KOSU ensuring strong coverage.

    100,000 Watts in both OKC and Tulsa markets!

    This is huge.

  2. #2

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    91.7 in OKC and 107.5 in Tulsa.

  3. #3

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    Does that get rid of my access to NPR on KOSU?

  4. #4

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    No. During the day it's KOSU, evening programing starting at 7:00 PM to 5:00 AM switches over to Spy format.

    So if you asking if the classical music is gone, its not on the high-def channels, but on the terrestrial broadcast airwaves, it is gone.

  5. #5

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    Thats great news! That could be a fantastic partnership. Hopefully something a kin to the KCRW style of public radio. Cool in studio performances and the like. I'm really happy that 2 of my favorite broadcasting organizations in OK will be teaming up! I hope this goes well enough to have a cool AM drive time show that mixes elements of news, culture, music etc..

  6. Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    Woot woot!! I prefer KGOU's programming and only occasionally listen to KOSU, but if they can replace Ben Allen's voice with The SpyFM I'm down..

  7. #7

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    thats good news but i wish it was 24-7

  8. #8

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    The Spy on KOSU starts tonight at 7pm...

  9. #9

    Default Re: The SpyFM will now actually be on Significant Radio Airwaves-KOSU Partnership

    does The Spy, like, ever intersperse/integrate . . . like . . . old Bob and Ray radio audio clips into the mix?
    i bet mojohoneyman knows . . . his peripheral vision is astounding. =)

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