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Thread: What to do after 2am

  1. #1

    Default What to do after 2am

    Where is there to go after the bars close

    I am the designated driver for my group of friend most of the time I have been asked recently by a couple of their wives to try to keep them out longer to sober up a bit before coming home and waking up the kids. I am not taking them to my place as that would defeat the purpose they would buy beer or whiskey and drink at my place which is not good and I choose to go to bars instead. I would like to find somewhere for all of us to go that's open paste 2am other than wal mart (I apologize if you happened to be one of the unfortunate souls that had to deal with them that night) would be nice if there was a pool table or something of that nature even a pinball machine would do

  2. #2

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Oh, honey, there is so much wrong with that scenario that I don't know where to start.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Only after hours place I ever knew of was club anatomy.... Never went inside, but I did drive by once. It was in back of a retail warehouse off 240 and may or penn... Forget which. I believe it's closed now.

  4. Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Pasture for cow tipping?

  5. #5

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    There is also the Wreck room off 39th and penn. they don't serve alcohol though, so conclude from that what you may...

  6. #6

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by pw405 View Post
    There is also the Wreck room off 39th and penn. they don't serve alcohol though, so conclude from that what you may...
    Also, if his friends have wives, the Wreck Room may cater to a different clientel than they fit into.

  7. #7

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Really? Nobody suggesting BOBO's?

    That greasy goodness they serve there will sober up an elephant.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What to do after 2am


  9. #9

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Uh . . . sleep?
    But seriously . . . There used to be an after-hours private club, in The County, up there on N. Sooner called "Maurice's Club" run by a gentleman reminiscent of a rural character from The Wire. I never saw anyone actually get shot or beaten half to death, but there were a couple of close calls. None of them race-based. They had a pool table but no shuffleboard. Now it's all gentrified and whatnot up towards Witcher and the first thing They did was bulldoze the place. However: someplace like that probably still exists . . . On Netflix. I hear that Luster's Motel out there on The 23 just added cable TV. =)

  10. #10

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    There's a place in the back of the center on 30th and Portland called Industry. It's 18 and up. Hope you like Loud Music and a rowdy crowd !!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Oh, honey, there is so much wrong with that scenario that I don't know where to start.
    I agree 100 percent.

    If these guys are married, with kids at home, going out each weekend and getting hammered enough to not be able to control themselves when they get home....

    For you the DDriver, i would suggest you find new friends,and i would suggest there wives in going out and finding someone who would make a better husband.

    One more soapbox item. I'm 30 now, and before I even turned 21 i figured out that NOTHING GOOD EVER HAPPENS AFTER 2am. It an incredibly depressing desperate situation. Married,dating,or single. Even in my single days if i hadnt found what I was looking for before 2am it wasnt going to happen or whatever happened i greatly regretted it when i sobered up.

    Back on topic - IHOP, dennys, waffle house, McD's and taco bell.

  12. #12

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    If these guys are married, with kids at home, going out each weekend and getting hammered enough to not be able to control themselves when they get home....
    Yeah, just a lil odd. All my friends who have gotten married have all but faded away from the going out scene AND if they're going out that much and need you to drive them, then their marriages are about to fail.

  13. #13

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post
    Where is there to go after the bars close

    I am the designated driver for my group of friend most of the time I have been asked recently by a couple of their wives to try to keep them out longer to sober up a bit before coming home and waking up the kids. I am not taking them to my place as that would defeat the purpose they would buy beer or whiskey and drink at my place which is not good and I choose to go to bars instead. I would like to find somewhere for all of us to go that's open paste 2am other than wal mart (I apologize if you happened to be one of the unfortunate souls that had to deal with them that night) would be nice if there was a pool table or something of that nature even a pinball machine would do
    First: I agree with everything that William Tell said at Post #11. Except maybe for suggesting Waffle House.
    Second: The worst possible scenario--or at least in the top two--might be waking the kids up for archery practice involving arrows and apples for no good reason.
    Third: Are those notorious cheating Indian Casinos, on the wrong side of the railroad tracks, open after 2am? Do they have coffee shops?

    I think that Hank Williams, Jr. once wrote a song about the dilemma of growing up--or not--as raised by the poster at #12.
    Didn't he?

    Edited to Add: Even though I have been 30 twice, Mr. W. Tell nails it with the classic observation: Nothing Good Happens After 2:00. The only worse time is "Four in the Morning" . . . Check it out. On Netflix . . . TED Comedy broadcasting. At about 9:30pm or so. =)

    Here's one to put you and yer pals to sleep . . .
    Well . . . your pals. If you are driving.

  14. Default Re: What to do after 2am

    I'll give you the same advice my attorney gave me at 19, NOTHING good happens after midnight and before 6am.

  15. #15

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    It's only Saturday nights we go out all of us work overnight and Saturday is our day away from the wemon the ones with kids hire a babysitter on Fridays before they go to work so the women can have their night out we all work over nights tues thru friday

    I don't think any marriages are in trouble its just one night a week 3 times a month a rowdy crowd won't bother us too much

  16. #16

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    "Be careful about overuse o' the word "rowdy" . . .

    ". . . some womyn-folk find it offensive."

    (dusk to dawn drive-in movie theater?)

  17. #17

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    with it being Saturday, does the Winchester Drive-in still run three features on weekends? I know it used to, and the last feature began well after midnight.

    However, it's been a long time since I wanted to start a movie at or after 1 am, or still be out doing anything after 1 am, with or without my lovely ... unless we had been napping from 6-10ish pm the eve before. But for quite some time, 4-5 am has been the starting the day time and not the ending the previous day time.

  18. #18

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    And therein lies the quandry wrapped in a riddle.
    (of time management wrapped in an enigma suspended by a paradox. =)

    However: The coffee served at Drive-Ins consistently proves to be superior to Starbucks.
    (and so it goes . . . =)

  19. #19

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Went to industry last night defiantly not my usual choice for somewhere to go. The place was pretty empty was funny watching people that had too much to drink try to dance while staying on their feet. It's a small little place the serve water for a buck cans of soda for $2 ans red bulls for $3 it was an odds menu of drinks they were out of red bull my buddy is passed out in his car now and I an going to sleep on his couch I love his wife's cooking

  20. #20

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post
    Went to industry last night defiantly not my usual choice for somewhere to go. The place was pretty empty was funny watching people that had too much to drink try to dance while staying on their feet.

    my buddy is passed out in his car now and I an going to sleep on his couch I love his wife's cooking
    Im not sure how old you are, but it seems like you are smart and nice guy if you can control yourself and not drink when you drive a bunch of people around while they do...

    But this sounds pathetic.

    Really ask yourself if you want the type of friends who are are so drunk they cant stand up, passing out in cars, and drinking so much they cant even be inside their own homes with out scaring their kids and their wifes (because thats what it is).

    If i was you i would concentrate on being yourself and putting your energy into being a good person and you could find a wife who is a good cook instead of someone elses wife.

  21. #21

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    There are cosmic forces at work here.

    Remember: 2 am is The Square Root of 4 am . . . Or is it?

    (did i say "cosmic"? i meant comics. Or did i?)

  22. Default Re: What to do after 2am

    flux. industry.

    there will be one more here in about a month.

  23. #23

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    this sounds pathetic.
    Also, what was your friend doing in his car!?!?! Wanting to go somewhere, or just too drunk to come inside?

    In regards to the topic...I don't necessarily agree that "nothing good happens after midnight." I wish there were more after-hours options. I understand that there are people who hold unorthodox working hours, and who can responsibly enjoy themselves late into the night. Your friends don't fall into that category.

  24. #24

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    If their married with children they shouldnt be going out in the first place. No wonder this world i going down the toilet.
    Sorry, just my 2 cents, after beinging married for 35 years.

  25. #25

    Default Re: What to do after 2am

    There used to be several 24 hour pool halls in the city. I don't know if they are still there. There was one on May Ave on the north side. Seems like there's one or two near I-240, like on 59th.

    Now, personally, the after 2am stop for me and my friends is iHOP or Waffle House.

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