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Thread: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

  1. #1

    Default Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Synchronize the lights downtown to allow for better traffic flow?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Will the city ever..............

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Synchronize the lights downtown to allow for better traffic flow?
    I'm sure they will once construction is complete.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Will the city ever..............

    So in about 10 years time?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Will the city ever..............

    I have yet to find a city that seems to be able to do this.......

  5. #5

    Default Re: Will the city ever..............

    Amarillo has done a good job synchronizing the lights on the major streets downtown. People actually expect the lights to change, so it's quite humorous when there's construction and the lights aren't synchronized. Lots of rear-end collisions.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Will the city ever..............

    Is it just me or are all the lights throughout the city just completely crazy now?

    I'll be sitting at a red light for 1-2 minutes....no traffic coming from any direction. All the sudden a large pack of cars come on the perpendicular street. It then gives them all a red light...and I get a green to go. Seems the signal/timing is just stupid now. There's also some lights that will change for absolutely no reason....I am beginning to think there is someone in the traffic enginering department following me around changing the lights against my favor with a remote control just to make me mad... lol.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Will the city ever..............

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Is it just me or are all the lights throughout the city just completely crazy now?

    I'll be sitting at a red light for 1-2 minutes....no traffic coming from any direction. All the sudden a large pack of cars come on the perpendicular street. It then gives them all a red light...and I get a green to go. Seems the signal/timing is just stupid now. There's also some lights that will change for absolutely no reason....I am beginning to think there is someone in the traffic enginering department following me around changing the lights against my favor with a remote control just to make me mad... lol.
    When I was a small boy, I truely and honestly believed that each intersection had an underground control center operated by elves with green suits and feathers in their hats. I'm beginning to think that it might be true.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Synchronize the lights downtown

    In defense of The Ministry of Traffic Signals (as a prole in a'automobile who has to navigate the streets) I have to say that everytime I've mentioned an "issue" to Them [that would be the TMoTS/,OKC]--(as long as it wasn't strictly selfish) it has been fixed within a fortnight.

    Although The Double Left Turn From The Exit Ramp Off of The Dead End Northbound "FreeParkHefnerWay" onto westbound Memorial took just a bit longer. (and required virtually no interruption of traffic flow)

    All things considered, I think that the synchronization of traffic signals is a good thing.
    It reduces the wastage of fuel and time while, simultaneously, reducing anger and anxiety which are the basic elements of so-called "road rage".

    I trust that the City Fathers (and their backers) are taking this (that is, synchronized traffic signals at major intersections) into account in the design and development of The Four Lanes of The OnGrade Boulevard With Shoulders BikePaths, Pedestrian Walkways and Plantings. Really. I do.

    After all . . . If you don't do it right the first time . . .
    You get to do it all over again.
    (at at least three to five times the cost)

    Another suggestion . . .
    To keep the traffic moving in an orderly, efficient manner, might it be advisable to suggest to traffic officers to focus on CyberDriver violators rather than Seatbelt Enforcement?

    P.S. To Catch22: Yes. It's just you. =) <<<<--joke
    Yet . . . Have you noticed how I-35 is never "done"? . . .
    Or how that Grand Blvd. replacement over by the Cowboy Hall of Fame that remained uncompleted from at least '74 to '80-something) is set for tearing up and re-doing again? =)

    P.S. To OP:
    Knock off the Crazy **** . . . OK?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Just curious, who do you contact to complain about traffic signals?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    I promise I will look that up and post it right here.
    Some things are no joking matter.
    This is one of them.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by F2point8 View Post
    Just curious, who do you contact to complain about traffic signals?
    I would try:

    Traffic Management (405) 297-2531
    Traffic Operations (405) 297-2648

  12. #12

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Of course they are all triggered by pedestrians, so any synchronization will be completely skewed with much pedestrian traffic. And really, that's what we want. What city downtown can you move through easily? Perhaps it's better to discourage car traffic.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Oddly enough, for two days in a row - southbound EK Gaylord/Shields has been in perfect sync from Sheraton to EB I-40 ramp. Yesterday it was at 3:12 pm. Today it was at 2:55 pm. In both instances, I was getting onto I-40 less than 4 minutes after pulling out of Century Center garage. The only delay today was a confused out-of-towner going west on EB side of Main Street. I kept my speed at 35 mph and kept thinking that I must be dreaming!

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    There have been several times in the last six months where, between 5-5:30 only, I've made it from Reno and Classen to 23rd and Classen without hitting a light, and there was opposing traffic at many intersections. I presumed the fabled traffic light software upgrade was in place on this portion of road, but was it merely coincidence? Anyone else experience this?

  15. Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by F2point8 View Post
    Just curious, who do you contact to complain about traffic signals?
    Traffic signals can also be reported through the (in)Action Center online.

  16. Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Of course they are all triggered by pedestrians, so any synchronization will be completely skewed with much pedestrian traffic. And really, that's what we want. What city downtown can you move through easily? Perhaps it's better to discourage car traffic.
    Was just about to say...

    The lights are set to prioritize pedestrians and to purposely allow motor vehicles to travel in 4-5 block chunks, which I think is a good balance between preventing people from whizzing through downtown and at the same time accommodating comfortable vehicular circulation. If you're not able to go at least 3-4 blocks before being stopped, then there probably is an issue.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Sorry to report that my call to OKC Traffic this morning yielded only the fact that the person who answered the phone was completely unaware of how to direct my call to The Mid-Level Supervisor With That Italian Name (Sergio?) who was very helpful, on two separate occassions in the past, in getting the damn malfunctioning light on Penn at the T-intersection with "Private School Boulevard" fixed.

    The operator asked if she could help me and I told her, "No, I just wanted to write a Thank You note to whoever it was who was so helpful in correcting the problem."

    I suppose that this will have to suffice in that regard.

    (Previously--maybe two years ago?--The Phone Answering Gal said, "Oh! You mean ['Sergio'] . . ." and put the call right through. I guess there have been major shakeups in the Good Ol' Boy/Good Ol' Gal network downtown. On the other hand, I might have been talking to a temp. =)

  18. Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?


  19. #19

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    The "Phone Technician/Re-Director" at "The OKC Hub" said that: "There are over 300 men in here and . . ."
    (i understood her use of ellipses . . . or maybe i didn't =)

    It is always better not to capitalize "damn" when explaining, by phone, a particularly personally annoying traffic signal, to a "servant o' the people" . . .

    Nor (neither?) does it demonstate neither veracity nor profundity to press on with determining the identity of "the go-to guy" (down at Traffic Control) . . . on account of the fact that: "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" =)

    Personally . . . I prefer Homemade Pomodoro (ala Tyler F.) t' [I]"Prego!!!"[/I
    However . . . It would be unfair to admit that I did see that OKC has begun to import B]"Rao's"[/B] (on the shelves of the local Homeland next to the expensive bread and cheese) which is the best.
    I guess. Capice? =)

    i know . . i know . . .
    "selfish pleasures/anti-road rage" =)
    i hope they have fine-tuned the lights on a certain, un-named, contributory to wherever it is.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    The "Phone Technician/Re-Director" at "The OKC Hub" said that: "There are over 300 men in here and . . ."
    (i understood her use of ellipses . . . or maybe i didn't =)

    It is always better not to capitalize "damn" when explaining, by phone, a particularly personally annoying traffic signal, to a "servant o' the people" . . .

    Nor (neither?) does it demonstate neither veracity nor profundity to press on with determining the identity of "the go-to guy" (down at Traffic Control) . . . on account of the fact that: "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished" =)

    Personally . . . I prefer Homemade Pomodoro (ala Tyler F.) t' [I]"Prego!!!"[/I
    However . . . It would be unfair to admit that I did see that OKC has begun to import B]"Rao's"[/B] (on the shelves of the local Homeland next to the expensive bread and cheese) which is the best.
    I guess. Capice? =)

    i know . . i know . . .
    "selfish pleasures/anti-road rage" =)
    i hope they have fine-tuned the lights on a certain, un-named, contributory to wherever it is.
    What the hell did I just read?

  21. #21

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    I'm not sure . . .
    What DID you "read"?
    More importantly . . .
    did you read it with comprehension?
    or is the metaphorical finger
    up your nose
    ignore button.

    In any case, I support your question.

    On Second Thought . . .
    You didn't read at all nor did you try to do so.
    You just had a CyberSpazzAttack (CPA) . . .
    And, for that . . . you are forgiven.

    (i'm a man . . . and i can change . . .if i want to . . . i guess... [Possum Lodge, Canada, EH? =)]

    p.S. FER that there clarification that seems to be so important to CyberMidAmericans not in the normal NAFTA sense o' all that . . . roll with the flow . . . think aboot John Lennon as he emerged from the fog o' The Yogi . . . and stepped up to the plate in order to compose: Tomorrow Never Knows.

    Sorry . . .
    There are TrafficLights and then there are TrafficLight.
    As lazy as The Irish are, my heart was warmed by . . .
    (etc. Google it, Dude. Like, t' answer yer own typed question, BTW . . . =)

    Frankly . . . I'm not sure whether t' make the referece here t'
    GeofferyChaucer . . . Joe Paterno . . . or Ira Parsegan . ..

    Fer Shure I like The Thunder.
    And all of the exceptional, extraordinary, talented individuals who comprise the team.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Yes. The traffic lights downtown should be synchronized.
    And (by gosh) the techknology--without the k in the middle--is there to so do.
    This is some Bolshevik Revolution intended to mess with pedestran traffic patterns . . .
    It is an Opprotunity to Move Forward!
    Into the last 10% of The Previous Millenium!

    (could someone please fax the clue to Provix? thanks.)

  23. #23

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    To Provix:
    It is not hell.
    It is only traffic.
    And the lights attached thereto.

    Think of it only as an exercise of the so-called "little grey" cells
    as compared to "sheeps brains on a plate".

    Read it again, slowly . . .
    There is no Hall Monitor to sell you on something ala carte.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Downtown traffic light are not going to be synchronized, at least not how many of man of you think they should. They most likely will be set to 20 second cycling with the Walk option being called every time. If you think you are going to be able to drive all the way through downtown without stopping you are going to be disappointed.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Synchronizing the lights downtown?

    Yet . . . What if The Streets Are Paved With Gold . . .?
    Or atleast Good Intentions instead of Gold? . . . As on the road through the poppies to The Emerald City?
    Not like The Road To Hell as described by The Mytholgists . . .
    (oy vey . . . mon deiu . . . fer cryin' out loud . . . etc)

    Nah . . I ain't buyin' into that [fertilizer]
    Nope . . . Not me . . . By golly . . .

    (Edited to Add: Yet I do like your suggestions/recommendations regarding keeping "The Proposed Boulevard" on an On-Grade Even Keel. I think I already voiced my User-Friendly Opinon of the New! Improved!! Proposed Up and Down Roadway Cutting Through The Heart O' The City . . . "Springlake 'Boulvevard'" . . . "Wedgewood 'Boulevard" . . . ShowBizPizza 'Boulevard')

    Excuse Me: For just a moment I imagined I was some crazy crazy urban planner who hadn't figured out the bigger picture yet. Knock off that crazy, dangerous stuff, Achilles. When you hit me in the back of the leg it hurt.

    (someone draft a note to "the obscure-reference translation challenged)

    (oops) . . i fergot the "intellectually" "lazy" =) sorry

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