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Thread: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

  1. #1

    Default Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    I read an article on newsok which was talking about the possibility of changing their name from the Redhawks back to the Oklahoma 89ers. Matter of fact they were going to do it this year, but chose to wait. Their plan is to poll the ticket holders and find out what the overwhelming response is. Just curious but what do yall think. I remeber going to the 89ers games back at the old stadium with my grandfather when I was younger, I was real upset to hear they had changed the name in the first place. I would be thrilled to see the 89ers back in OKC.

  2. Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    I agree! The "89ers" means something local ... I don't know the origin of "Red Hawks", probably wouldn't know one if I saw it!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    I definately like the Oklahoma City 89ers. Besides "Sooners", no other name reflects our state's history so well. I never did like the logo, though. Perhaps, they could do something about that if they elect to change.

  4. Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback
    I agree! The "89ers" means something local ... I don't know the origin of "Red Hawks", probably wouldn't know one if I saw it!
    A Redhawk is a Hawk that is red in color.

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    I would have no problem with going back to 89ers, but I'd rather go back all the way, and include "city" back in. Oklahoma CITY 89ers.

  6. Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    Same here.

    Besides, "RedHawks" has that sort of awkward BiCapitalization that always makes me wince.

  7. Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    I have to agree with the last two posts.
    I'd love to see the Oklahoma City 89ers.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    The name "Redhawks" makes the team much easier to move to another market.

    I'm thinking that was a serious consideration.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    There would never not be professional baseball in OKC.

    Whether it is the Rangers AAA affiliation or not, doesn't matter much, but especially with our gem of a park, we'll continue to host AAA ball for a long time.

  10. Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    A Redhawk is a Hawk that is red in color.
    Would that be the "OU" red? Now that would be a hawk to see! :tweeted:

  11. #11

    Default Re: Red Hawks or Oklahoma 89ers?

    Here is a picture of an actual red-tailed hawk. The color isn't too much different from the color the team wears.

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