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Thread: Friends for a Better Boulevard

  1. #626

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Mr. (Catch22),

    Thank you for your email to Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez expressing your concerns about the proposed Boulevard portion of the I-40 Relocation Project. I have been asked to respond on his behalf.

    The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has not yet made a determination as to the level of environmental studies and public involvement required for the Boulevard portion of the I-40 Relocation Project. We have requested that ODOT provide us an assessment of the social and environmental impacts associated with the project. As part of their assessment, we have asked ODOT to hold a public meeting to present what is currently being proposed and to seek public input such as the one you are providing. When this public outreach and analysis is completed, and the information received, FHWA will make its determination as to the level of environmental documentation for the Boulevard based on the specific impacts identified, their context and intensity, public input, and other factors.

    We hope that you will take advantage of this public meeting and provide your recommendations for the ultimate design for this important part of Oklahoma City’s transportation network.

    I am providing a courtesy copy of this and your email to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the City of Oklahoma City so they are aware of your concerns.


    Ivan Marrero, P.E.

    Assistant Division Administrator

    Federal Highway Administration - Oklahoma Division

    5801 N. Broadway Extension, Suite 300

    Oklahoma City, OK 73118

    Office: 405-254-3300

    Cell: 405-626-0127

    Fax: 405-254-3302

    From: (Catch22) [mailto:xxxxxxxxx@live.com]
    Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 1:30 PM
    To: Mendez, Victor (FHWA)
    Subject: Proposed OKC Downtown Boulevard/I-40 Project

    Hello Mr. Mendez,

    I am a citizen of the great state of Oklahoma and a loyal citizen of Oklahoma City. I have serious concern over the proposed Boulevard to replace I-40. From my understanding, the (or a portion of it) funding for this portion of the project is coming from Federal moneys which you have a part in distributing to ODOT (Oklahoma DOT) for the construction of the Boulevard.

    I want to make myself heard as a citizen and taxpayer of the United States and Oklahoma that I am not in favor of the proposed Boulevard. The elevated superstructure to replace the old I-40 will do nothing to create a more pedestrian friendly environment. It will continue to choke downtown development by creating a physical and psychological barrier preventing development to naturally expand from one side of the structure to the other. It will do nothing to solve the issues OKC currently faces. Oklahoma City currently scores fairly low on walkability studies, and this will only make that situation worse. This elevated Boulevard also eliminates any possibility of fixed public transit to be included now or in the future (light rail, street car, commuter rail, or even bus service with stops [Where would one get off the bus on a virtual highway in the sky "Boulevard"?]). It is also my understanding that ODOT has failed to have a public input process, they effectively have decided what the citizens want with no input from the public. This is simply unacceptable with public money, and especially federal money. There are proposals done by citizens interested in the project for an at grade boulevard in the existing right of way, with a roundabout/traffic circle on one end to slow traffic down coming off the interstate and merge them into the traffic flow. I am not an engineer, so I can't speak for the effectiveness of that. But other options should be considered. And citizens should be heard.

    In summary, the current plan by ODOT does nothing to improve overall quality of life for OKC's citizens. It is a high capacity, mostly elevated, high speed roadway through the middle of the downtown core of a major city. It will cut off transportation options for the long term future for those who do not have automobile transportation, by situation or by choice. The proposed roadway is for one use only, and that is fast automobile transportation. This needs to improve quality of life for pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, and automobiles. Not just vehicles.

    Thank you very much for your time. I hope to hear a response back.

    OKC, OK 731xx

  2. #627

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Actually, looks like that got forwarded down the line to the local division to respond. But I did send it to Mr. Mendez of the DOT.

  3. #628

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Letter from ODOT to FHWA:

    Mr. Ivan Marrero, P.E.

    At your request, we held a secret public meeting and presented our designs to a cross-section of the Oklahoma City populace hand selected by us. They all agreed our plan was best. Thank you. That is all.


  4. #629

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    Letter from ODOT to FHWA:

    Mr. Ivan Marrero, P.E.

    At your request, we held a secret public meeting and presented our designs to a cross-section of the Oklahoma City populace hand selected by us. They all agreed our plan was best. Thank you. That is all.

    Laughing out loud. This is spot on. I've often wondered if the "public meeting" was actually Couch and Ridley chatting at the urinals in ODOT's basement bathroom!

  5. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by catch22 View Post
    Mr. (Catch22),

    Thank you for your email to Federal Highway Administrator Victor Mendez expressing your concerns about the proposed Boulevard portion of the I-40 Relocation Project. I have been asked to respond on his behalf.

    The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has not yet made a determination as to the level of environmental studies and public involvement required for the Boulevard portion of the I-40 Relocation Project. We have requested that ODOT provide us an assessment of the social and environmental impacts associated with the project. As part of their assessment, we have asked ODOT to hold a public meeting to present what is currently being proposed and to seek public input such as the one you are providing. When this public outreach and analysis is completed, and the information received, FHWA will make its determination as to the level of environmental documentation for the Boulevard based on the specific impacts identified, their context and intensity, public input, and other factors.

    We hope that you will take advantage of this public meeting and provide your recommendations for the ultimate design for this important part of Oklahoma City’s transportation network.

    I am providing a courtesy copy of this and your email to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation and the City of Oklahoma City so they are aware of your concerns.


    Ivan Marrero, P.E.

    Assistant Division Administrator

    Federal Highway Administration - Oklahoma Division

    5801 N. Broadway Extension, Suite 300

    Oklahoma City, OK 73118

    Office: 405-254-3300

    Cell: 405-626-0127

    Fax: 405-254-3302

    From: (Catch22) [mailto:xxxxxxxxx@live.com]
    Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 1:30 PM
    To: Mendez, Victor (FHWA)
    Subject: Proposed OKC Downtown Boulevard/I-40 Project

    Hello Mr. Mendez,

    I am a citizen of the great state of Oklahoma and a loyal citizen of Oklahoma City. I have serious concern over the proposed Boulevard to replace I-40. From my understanding, the (or a portion of it) funding for this portion of the project is coming from Federal moneys which you have a part in distributing to ODOT (Oklahoma DOT) for the construction of the Boulevard.

    I want to make myself heard as a citizen and taxpayer of the United States and Oklahoma that I am not in favor of the proposed Boulevard. The elevated superstructure to replace the old I-40 will do nothing to create a more pedestrian friendly environment. It will continue to choke downtown development by creating a physical and psychological barrier preventing development to naturally expand from one side of the structure to the other. It will do nothing to solve the issues OKC currently faces. Oklahoma City currently scores fairly low on walkability studies, and this will only make that situation worse. This elevated Boulevard also eliminates any possibility of fixed public transit to be included now or in the future (light rail, street car, commuter rail, or even bus service with stops [Where would one get off the bus on a virtual highway in the sky "Boulevard"?]). It is also my understanding that ODOT has failed to have a public input process, they effectively have decided what the citizens want with no input from the public. This is simply unacceptable with public money, and especially federal money. There are proposals done by citizens interested in the project for an at grade boulevard in the existing right of way, with a roundabout/traffic circle on one end to slow traffic down coming off the interstate and merge them into the traffic flow. I am not an engineer, so I can't speak for the effectiveness of that. But other options should be considered. And citizens should be heard.

    In summary, the current plan by ODOT does nothing to improve overall quality of life for OKC's citizens. It is a high capacity, mostly elevated, high speed roadway through the middle of the downtown core of a major city. It will cut off transportation options for the long term future for those who do not have automobile transportation, by situation or by choice. The proposed roadway is for one use only, and that is fast automobile transportation. This needs to improve quality of life for pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, and automobiles. Not just vehicles.

    Thank you very much for your time. I hope to hear a response back.

    OKC, OK 731xx
    I got a very similar response from Elizabeth Romero.

  6. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

  7. #632

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Excellent reading, Steve...

  8. #633

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    I am continuing to send emails to everyone I can find who is related to this project. Just sent another one to the mayor...didn't get a response on the last email.

  9. #634

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    So Steve, in your blog piece you suggest ODOT will not listen to Council. Don't Jim Couch and Wenger report to Council? Jim Couch serves at the pleasure of Council. Just who does ODOT believe they should answer to? This is ridiculous.

  10. #635

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Don't forget Sen. Al McAffrey in your letters / emails. This boulevard plan lies in his Senate district. I suspect he would be responsive to citizen concerns.

  11. #636

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Reading Speck's book changed my entire perspective about urban design some years ago when I was in San Francisco. I appreciate the post. It is "spot on."

  12. #637

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

  13. #638

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    So Steve, in your blog piece you suggest ODOT will not listen to Council. Don't Jim Couch and Wenger report to Council? Jim Couch serves at the pleasure of Council. Just who does ODOT believe they should answer to? This is ridiculous.
    None of the Council members have "PE" behind their name; Couch, Clowers, and Wenger do (although Couch doesn't put his PE after his name now). The civil engineering community in OK is largely still run in the old school mentality of "engineers know best", above and beyond what the little people can understand. Therefore, PEs follow PEs and no one else. That's my snide, off-hand comment.

  14. #639

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    There's nothing snide about your comment at all. It's the truth.

    The Council is supposed to make policy and it is the job of the City Manager to carry it out. This particular debate illustrates how glaringly obvious it is that the City Manager and the Council often role-reversed.

    He is trying to sell the Council on ODOT's design, when he and his staff should be trying to sell ODOT on what the Council wants.

    And Tuesday is their chance to really clarify what it is that they want and whether they will stand up for the citizens that elected them.

  15. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    On Tuesday everyone in this thread will have the opportunity to REALLY have their voices heard or not go and then gripe about the outcome. I understand people have jobs, etc. But don't be fooled - I'm told citizen turn-out Tuesday on this topic likely will determine whether the city council gives a new instruction to Couch.

  16. #641

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    On Tuesday everyone in this thread will have the opportunity to REALLY have their voices heard or not go and then gripe about the outcome. I understand people have jobs, etc. But don't be fooled - I'm told citizen turn-out Tuesday on this topic likely will determine whether the city council gives a new instruction to Couch.
    What time?

  17. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    The meeting starts at 8:30 a.m. The question is whether the presentation will be the start or end of the meeting - which I don't know. Usually they don't get to starting the real biz of the meeting until 8:45 after they go through prayer, resolutions, etc.

  18. #643

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    City Council meetings start at 8:30. Presumably, this is a City Manager Report. Depending on the size of their docket, it will probably come up around 9:30 AM.

  19. #644

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Exactly right Steve.

  20. #645

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    The Council Agenda will be published later this afternoon. That should give an idea of what the schedule might look like and whether there is anything else contentious beforehand. Should be interesting also to look at Eric Wenger's presentation.

  21. #646

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Here is the facebook event page for this ABSOLUTELY critical City Council meeting... PLEASE COME!


  22. #647

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Just curious (translation: brain toot kind of day.) Can a govt. entity reorder an agenda after its is published, e.g., set something at the tail end of the agenda and then decide day of meeting it needs to be taken it up earlier due to some need, e.g., to accommodate someone's changed availability?

  23. #648

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Just curious (translation: brain toot kind of day.) Can a govt. entity reorder an agenda after its is published, e.g., set something at the tail end of the agenda and then decide day of meeting it needs to be taken it up earlier due to some need, e.g., to accommodate someone's changed availability?
    yes they can change the agenda order on the day of meeting

  24. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Anybody see the Journal Record today?

  25. #650

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by CuatrodeMayo View Post
    Anybody see the Journal Record today?
    I tried... but I'm not a subscriber, so I couldn't look.

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