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Thread: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

  1. #26

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by stick47 View Post
    When you sign up for the program they email you the day before to notify you what the following days rate will be between 2PM and 7 PM. I received an email at 3PM yesterday that today's rate is 23 cents. Due to the heavy A/C demand I suppose.
    Did you catch the updated price? They doubled it from the 23 cents they told you to 46 cents (see the Smart Meter thread http://www.okctalk.com/showthread.ph...827#post556827)

  2. Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today


    Websters alternative definition of crooks:


    First quarter profits for 2012: 24.8 Million dollars.

    CEO Peter Delaney 2011 base salary: $5,360,990.00
    Sean Traucschke 2011 base salary... $1,446,110.00
    E. Keith Marshall 2011 base salary...: $1,128,280.00

    They even pay their PR guy, Paul Renfro, half a million dollars a year.

    This is for a public utility. (For profit, of course.)

    Power For Profit is working out wonderfully for OG&E.

    God Bless America.

  3. #28

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Wow. I had no idea OG&E's CEO got paid that much. Total BS in my opinion. What does he even have to do as a CEO of a public utility company? AM I wrong to think that there a millions of people out there that could do the job just as well?

  4. #29

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    I've said it in other threads, but smart hours is a scam and is the same scam that enron ran.....

  5. #30

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Wow. I had no idea OG&E's CEO got paid that much. Total BS in my opinion. What does he even have to do as a CEO of a public utility company? AM I wrong to think that there a millions of people out there that could do the job just as well?
    not close to the truth ..

  6. #31

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Wow. I had no idea OG&E's CEO got paid that much. Total BS in my opinion. What does he even have to do as a CEO of a public utility company? AM I wrong to think that there a millions of people out there that could do the job just as well?
    I would guess you are wrong about others doing his job, but I agree that the pay seems exorbitant.

  7. #32

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    not close to the truth ..
    Ok, hundreds of thousands could do his job. It's not like og&e is apple or citi bank. The only thing that would seem difficult is when it comes time to build new power plants. The other times it would appear you just keep on letting those power plants run and bill people as they use it. Knowing that they were granted a rate hike recently with a CEO making $5+ mil doesn't sit well.

  8. #33

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Over three thousand employees. His job is not easy unless he has an incredible set of people immediately under him.

  9. #34

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by HewenttoJared View Post
    Over three thousand employees. His job is not easy unless he has an incredible set of people immediately under him.
    we agree ..

  10. Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by onthestrip View Post
    Wow. I had no idea OG&E's CEO got paid that much. Total BS in my opinion. What does he even have to do as a CEO of a public utility company? AM I wrong to think that there a millions of people out there that could do the job just as well?
    That's an extremely naive statement. While his salary seems up there, I'm certainly in no position to know if its fair or not for what he does, has done and has planned.

  11. #36

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    That's an extremely naive statement. While his salary seems up there, I'm certainly in no position to know if its fair or not for what he does, has done and has planned.
    Seems high to me. The base salary of the CEO of my company is $1.2 million. We have 40,000+ employees and billions in revenue.

    Admittedly, there are a lot of performance incentives and equity awards tacked onto it, but the base is significantly lower.

  12. #37

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by NoOkie View Post
    Seems high to me. The base salary of the CEO of my company is $1.2 million. We have 40,000+ employees and billions in revenue.

    Admittedly, there are a lot of performance incentives and equity awards tacked onto it, but the base is significantly lower.

    with out the total compensation /responsibilities of both ... it is hard to compare ....

    i will say that good executive leadership is a very scarce thing and companies pay to get the right person

  13. #38

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    And it gets passed on to the ratepayers...adjusting the amount charged by as much as 10 times...at their whim

  14. Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by NoOkie View Post
    Seems high to me. The base salary of the CEO of my company is $1.2 million. We have 40,000+ employees and billions in revenue.

    Admittedly, there are a lot of performance incentives and equity awards tacked onto it, but the base is significantly lower.
    Its all relative. There are lawyers in this city that make far more than your CEO and they may only have less than a dozen employees. A young guy (40's) I know owns a telecommunications company with only about 1,000 employees and he makes around $250,000/month base. Its impossible to justify salaries simply by the number of employees and revenue.

    People point fingers at pastors with high salaries, though most of those high salaries are because the pastor has a very low base and gets a percentage of what he can attract in donations. The better the church does, the better he does.

  15. Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Summer pricing just recently ended - we just got our "Here's how you stack up with Smart Hours."

    We were only on it two months, but the first month we saved $81 and the second we saved $68.

    Not bad. Now that the Smart Hours are over, I can set it wherever I want and still pay less than customers not on Smart Hours without even trying.

  16. #41

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    Summer pricing just recently ended - we just got our "Here's how you stack up with Smart Hours."

    We were only on it two months, but the first month we saved $81 and the second we saved $68.

    Not bad. Now that the Smart Hours are over, I can set it wherever I want and still pay less than customers not on Smart Hours without even trying.
    Wait till next year after your locked in. Sucker.

  17. #42

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    And it gets passed on to the ratepayers...adjusting the amount charged by as much as 10 times...at their whim
    Larry, you never pay more than 10x the normal price. The normal price they charge is 12 cents. That's what you or anybody else pays with the normal plan or fixed monthly billing. Maybe it's like 11.3 or something, I'm on an iPad so I'm rounding!

    By participating in smart hours, you get a steep discount during off peak times, more than half what you "fixed rate suckers" pay.

    So, saying you pay 10x the normal rate is not factual. Let's try this: "OGE will charge up to 4x the normal rate they charge customers who do not participate smart hours"

    If you insist on using your 10% figure, you'll want to use this one: " OGE will charge up to 10x the off-peak price to customers who participate in Smart Hours. These are the only customers who get to pay the discounted rate"

    The off peak rate is not available to customers who don't use smart hours.

    Having said that, my energy costs for the summer were of course the lowest they have ever been. Overall, I was very happy with smart hours, it was only an issue back when it was 110 outside, the house would get quite warm during the day. Luckily, I live in a home that has a great AC and great insulation, so it was cooled quite rapidly.

    I agree that the program may not be for everybody, or even for some peoples schedule. If I got home at 4pm, I don't know if I would be too crazy about being hot, but it's honestly not THAT expensive to run just the AC for a while.

    When I am back on the desktop, I'll provide some analysis regarding the peak rates, etc.

  18. #43

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Double post
    Last edited by pw405; 10-02-2012 at 06:20 PM. Reason: Double post

  19. #44

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    pw405: the 10 times was apparently a lower figure than the info others posted in the other thread. It is really up to 17 times as much or 1700%. Totally at their discretion. Do you get charged at a lower "regular" rate than others at times? Absolutely. But it doesn't take to many of those days when they can charge you the up to 17 times rate (and everything that falls in between) to make up for any savings.

  20. #45

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    One thing is for sure - OG&E isn't going to do anything that reduces their revenue. Even if person A turns off their AC unit that doesn't mean OG&E cuts back on electicity production by the same amount. Less load on the grid just causes items still using power to use more.

  21. Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    Wait till next year after your locked in. Sucker.
    That statement makes no sense at all.

  22. #47

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    pw405: the 10 times was apparently a lower figure than the info others posted in the other thread. It is really up to 17 times as much or 1700%. Totally at their discretion. Do you get charged at a lower "regular" rate than others at times? Absolutely. But it doesn't take to many of those days when they can charge you the up to 17 times rate (and everything that falls in between) to make up for any savings.
    17 times? Show me the numbers.

    The lowest price you can pay is 4.5 cents. 17 x 4.5 = 76.5 cents per kwh.

    After showing me the numbers, pass whatever you are smoking because I want to be so high that 76.5 = 50!

  23. #48

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    That statement makes no sense at all.
    Lol, ya... "oh no, don't lock me in to something that is cheaper"

  24. #49

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    pw405: the 10 times was apparently a lower figure than the info others posted in the other thread. It is really up to 17 times as much or 1700%. Totally at their discretion. Do you get charged at a lower "regular" rate than others at times? Absolutely. But it doesn't take to many of those days when they can charge you the up to 17 times rate (and everything that falls in between) to make up for any savings.
    Also, the price can be at their discretion... BUT they can only charge for 120 hours of critical peak per year, some of which needs to reserved for winter when ice takes out power too.

  25. #50

    Default Re: OG&E Summer Tier Pricing Starts Today

    Over last 4 months my bills this year are $321 smaller than last summer (june-sept). Not bad.

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