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Thread: Friends for a Better Boulevard

  1. #576

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    As much as I hope something nice happens, folks ought not blame the mayor much. He's a politico and he said what he meant.

    “Postcards of the future will be the park AND the boulevard,” Cornett said. “It needs to be A place and not just a street where we see how fast we can get cars around.” (emphasis added)

    I imagine the blvd portion which abuts the park will be rather postcard worthy, thus fulfilling the politico prophecy quite nicely.

    I'll leave it to others to ponder if folk might sometimes read a tad too much, or even way too much, into what a politico has actually said on a subject. I'll also leave it to others to ponder if, because of overly optimistic inferences being drawn, politico words are at times selected by design and are rarely off the cuff comments.

    I have my own opinions, but then, not my city, not my politico. In general terms though, when it comes to most any politico, when I view or hear comments and filter them through the strictest, most limited filter that might be available, I tend to be less disappointed in what ultimately happens.

    Again, best of luck in the effort to effect change.

  2. #577

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Wow. Read Steve's blog. Is ODOT pulling a fast one on the Public Meeting? Are they racing against the clock to get the bids on the project let before the public has a chance to be heard?


  3. #578

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    What would it take for our Governor to reign in her ODOT head? Would a call from the Republican mayor of the capitol city to the Republican governor have any impact? Would the governor respond to a public outcry of concerned citizens? Do we need to expand our letter writing campaign to include Governor Fallin?

  4. #579

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    What would it take for our Governor to reign in her ODOT head? Would a call from the Republican mayor of the capitol city to the Republican governor have any impact? Would the governor respond to a public outcry of concerned citizens? Do we need to expand our letter writing campaign to include Governor Fallin?
    Mary Fallin doesn't give a crap what OKC's inner-city citizens think. She's all about the 'burbs and the boonies. And I'm doubting Mick will make the call. It's up to the Feds and the City Council, because it seems ODOT is trying to race the clock. Steve's blog today is alarming.

    One other constituency that seems absent in this discussion is the Chamber. Surely they understand the economic development / image / quality of life issues involved with this project. Where does Roy Williams fit into this discussion? The Chamber would be a force to get Mary Fallin's attention, in my opinion. Why are they standing on the sidelines?

  5. #580

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    From the sounds of things it was great effort attempted too late. We should have had a much earlier start date to accomplish anything. ODOT is like a black widow--they build crappy webs, lol.

  6. #581

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    From the sounds of things it was great effort attempted too late. We should have had a much earlier start date to accomplish anything. ODOT is like a black widow--they build crappy webs, lol.
    It's NOT too late. That's what ODOT wants people to think. Don't fall for it.

  7. #582

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    As much as I hope something nice happens, folks ought not blame the mayor much. He's a politico and he said what he meant.

    “Postcards of the future will be the park AND the boulevard,” Cornett said. “It needs to be A place and not just a street where we see how fast we can get cars around.” (emphasis added)

    I imagine the blvd portion which abuts the park will be rather postcard worthy, thus fulfilling the politico prophecy quite nicely.

    I'll leave it to others to ponder if folk might sometimes read a tad too much, or even way too much, into what a politico has actually said on a subject. I'll also leave it to others to ponder if, because of overly optimistic inferences being drawn, politico words are at times selected by design and are rarely off the cuff comments.

    I have my own opinions, but then, not my city, not my politico. In general terms though, when it comes to most any politico, when I view or hear comments and filter them through the strictest, most limited filter that might be available, I tend to be less disappointed in what ultimately happens.

    Again, best of luck in the effort to effect change.
    The sad truth is that city officials don't really care what happens west of Walker. Its all about Maps 3 and the Core to Shore priority region.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Core_to_Shore_Planning_Areas_april_07.jpg 
Views:	165 
Size:	494.9 KB 
ID:	1927

  8. #583

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Mary Fallin doesn't give a crap what OKC's inner-city citizens think. She's all about the 'burbs and the boonies. And I'm doubting Mick will make the call. It's up to the Feds and the City Council, because it seems ODOT is trying to race the clock. Steve's blog today is alarming.

    One other constituency that seems absent in this discussion is the Chamber. Surely they understand the economic development / image / quality of life issues involved with this project. Where does Roy Williams fit into this discussion? The Chamber would be a force to get Mary Fallin's attention, in my opinion. Why are they standing on the sidelines?
    I hope you are wrong about Governor Fallin, but fear you may be at least partially correct. I would like to see Mayor Cornett (whom I respect and think has done a very good job) get out front on this issue. I think he could have some influence with Governor Fallin. If nothing else, I would like to hear him reiterate his statements about an iconic boulevard thereby putting Gary Ridley on the spot to explain his statement about not building something the city doesn't want.

    Would the Chamber be responsive to a citizen group? Would it not be better to have a coalition of business owners contact the Chamber with their concerns?

  9. #584

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    I hope you are wrong about Governor Fallin, but fear you may be at least partially correct. I would like to see Mayor Cornett (whom I respect and think has done a very good job) get out front on this issue. I think he could have some influence with Governor Fallin. If nothing else, I would like to hear him reiterate his statements about an iconic boulevard thereby putting Gary Ridley on the spot to explain his statement about not building something the city doesn't want.

    Would the Chamber be responsive to a citizen group? Would it not be better to have a coalition of business owners contact the Chamber with their concerns?
    First things first would be the City Council to officially protest the design. As far as I can tell its just a few council members speaking out against the design(jawboning).

    The City Councils proactiveness has been nonexistant.

  10. #585

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by CaptDave View Post
    Would it not be better to have a coalition of business owners contact the Chamber with their concerns?
    Yes, you're right, particularly if they are dues-paying Chamber members.

  11. #586

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    It's NOT too late. That's what ODOT wants people to think. Don't fall for it.
    Referring to your post #586...

  12. #587

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    The sad truth is that city officials don't really care what happens west of Walker. Its all about Maps 3 and the Core to Shore priority region.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Core_to_Shore_Planning_Areas_april_07.jpg 
Views:	165 
Size:	494.9 KB 
ID:	1927
    The west side is over half the develop able land of C2S, which would practically be cut off from this

  13. #588

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Ok the Governor's email is governor AT oklaosf.state.ok.us Please be diplomatic when emailing her. I asked her to remind Gary Ridley that he is a public employee and simply avoiding public input isn't acceptable. Ridley was appointed by Brad Henry, so if anyone has his email, you could post that if you think he would be more sympathetic.

  14. #589

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    The west side is over half the develop able land of C2S, which would practically be cut off from this
    Half of the "planned" area (not really planned when an important detail is left to ODOT) . Most of the "priority" area would be unaffected.

    Its the project 180 plan: Only finish 50 percent. Lol

  15. #590

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    The sad truth is that city officials don't really care what happens west of Walker. Its all about Maps 3 and the Core to Shore priority region.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Core_to_Shore_Planning_Areas_april_07.jpg 
Views:	165 
Size:	494.9 KB 
ID:	1927
    Looking at that Core to Shore map again it appears the city had an idea what ODOT was planning to do with the route back in 2007. They drew in where the intersections on the boulevard were going to go.

  16. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    From what I've heard, Pete White will not be at Tuesday's meeting, when ODOT will be presenting this atrocity.
    Well that would be a shock to me. I know I will be there. Who else will be there?

  17. #592

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    I'm still disturbed by Steve's blog today. Anyone else read it?

  18. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    Looking at that Core to Shore map again it appears the city had an idea what ODOT was planning to do with the route back in 2007. They drew in where the intersections on the boulevard were going to go.
    Guys, where did this map come from? Are you not seeing what I'm seeing? It shows an "at grade boulevard" through Western Avenue. Forgive me if this has already been discussed. I don't have time to visit OKC Talk daily anymore....

  19. #594

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    I'm still disturbed by Steve's blog today. Anyone else read it?
    About ODOT letting the contract from Penn to Western in August? There was always little to no chance that could actually be stopped. There is somewhat more of a chance to do something about the elevated bridge from Western to just short of Walker. So far there is no additional lettings scheduled through October.

    Western to Penn plan sheets: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/contr...ULL%20FILE.pdf
    To sum up: removal of concrete barrier and roadway along median, reduce roadway to 4 lanes(2 lanes each direction), plant sod in center of median, "rehabilitate" Penn, Virginia, Indiana, Blackwelder, and Sheridan off-ramp bridges, repave roadway with asphalt, new lighting, and reduce speed to 45mph.

  20. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    As for Cornett, Fallin, the Chamber, etc.....what makes anyone here think they don't support the ODOT plan? Is there something on record that says they don't? I mention this only because many of the same interests as those with Neil McCaleb, and the "Concrete Mafia," etc. are all intertwined. And sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Continued silence from some of these people gives you your answer as to why they're not getting involved. Money talks. Power & influence follows the money and vice versa.

    Thank God we have Steve Lackmeyer - and OKCTalk.

  21. #596

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Guys, where did this map come from? Are you not seeing what I'm seeing? It shows an "at grade boulevard" through Western Avenue. Forgive me if this has already been discussed. I don't have time to visit OKC Talk daily anymore....
    The city's website. My interpretation of the map is the "at grade boulevard" is directly below the word "New At Grade boulevard". If you look closely the blue line between Western and Walker has a black line running down the middle of it(Depicting a bridge with a barrier wall or two separated bridges built side by side?). Also, no intersections between Western and Walker are drawn in.(Because they didn't envision there being intersections there)

    Lack of communication indeed. City officials certainly didn't have any imaginative ideas on what to do with this area. Their crazy if they thought ODOT was going to come up with a imaginative idea on their own. A dialog with the public should have been opened a long time ago.

  22. #597

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by MikeOKC View Post
    As for Cornett, Fallin, the Chamber, etc.....what makes anyone here think they don't support the ODOT plan? Is there something on record that says they don't? I mention this only because many of the same interests as those with Neil McCaleb, and the "Concrete Mafia," etc. are all intertwined. And sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Continued silence from some of these people gives you your answer as to why they're not getting involved. Money talks. Power & influence follows the money and vice versa.

    Thank God we have Steve Lackmeyer - and OKCTalk.
    Yeah, I think their just bidding their time until they can say "Oh well, its the evil ODOT's fault" and why would ODOT care, they have nothing to lose. The city planners and the Core to Shore advisory groups weren't able to put two to two together? Right...............

    The only way this fight has a chance of being won is to call out the city officials.They do have something to lose. That is if our fellow citizens actually care what happens with the boulevard.

  23. #598

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    This thread is at least 4 years too late if you actually wanted a major change in design.

  24. Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    About ODOT letting the contract from Penn to Western in August? There was always little to no chance that could actually be stopped. There is somewhat more of a chance to do something about the elevated bridge from Western to just short of Walker. So far there is no additional lettings scheduled through October.

    Western to Penn plan sheets: http://www.okladot.state.ok.us/contr...ULL%20FILE.pdf
    To sum up: removal of concrete barrier and roadway along median, reduce roadway to 4 lanes(2 lanes each direction), plant sod in center of median, "rehabilitate" Penn, Virginia, Indiana, Blackwelder, and Sheridan off-ramp bridges, repave roadway with asphalt, new lighting, and reduce speed to 45mph.
    My eyes just popped out of their sockets. They're letting contracts all the way up to Western Avenue now??

  25. #600

    Default Re: Friends for a Better Boulevard

    Quote Originally Posted by jn1780 View Post
    The only way this fight has a chance of being won is to call out the city officials.They do have something to lose. That is if our fellow citizens actually care what happens with the boulevard.
    For those of you who are passionate about this being done right, and believe that City Council would/could influence ODOT (and I agree that they can), D-Day is this coming Tuesday, July 31st, at City Hall- 8:30 AM.


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