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Thread: The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

  1. Default The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

    A lot of things are going to start happening in the Original Mile and this is probably the best place to keep track of it.

    Dates for any of these:
    City buys land for Town Center Plaza
    First Building Built in Town Center Plaza
    Town Center Plaza Opens
    New Bomber Water Tower Construction
    Anything else... etc.

    July 16, 2012 - Deconstruction of Midwest City Bomber Water Tower

  2. #2

    Default Re: The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

    I took a photo of the foundation for the new MWC water tower dated August 30, 2009

    Foundation for New MWC Water Tower by woodyrr, on Flickr

    And took a photo when the paint job was completed on June 26, 2010

    The New Midwest City Bomber Water Tower! by woodyrr, on Flickr

    I don't have a time for the first building, but this is an in progress shot of the building where the Petsmart, Rue 21 and Lane Bryant is. This was taken on August 25, 2007.

    Town Center In Progress.jpg
    Last edited by woodyrr; 07-21-2012 at 08:09 AM. Reason: Added Photo

  3. #3

    Default Re: The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

    This might be a stupid question, but I don't know to much about MWC. What is the Original Mile and where is it?

  4. #4

    Default Re: The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

    Quote Originally Posted by Plutonic Panda View Post
    This might be a stupid question, but I don't know to much about MWC. What is the Original Mile and where is it?
    Midwest Blvd. on the East Air Depot on the West. NE 15th on the North and SE 29th on the South.

  5. Default Re: The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

    From Wikipedia: W.P. "Bill" Atkinson bought land in the area that would become Midwest City after hearing speculation that an air field was going to be built nearby. The city, which was incorporated on March 11, 1943, was named for the air field's original designation as the Midwest Air Depot.[3] When Major General Clarence L. Tinker of Pawhuska, Oklahoma became the first American general killed in World War II (June 7, 1942) near Wake Island, the airfield was renamed in his honor.[6]

    The original mile was the 1st square mile built just on the Northern border of Tinker Air Force Base formely Midwest Air Depot. The square mile is bordered by SE 15th Street to the north, SE 29th Street to the South, S Air Depot Blvd. to the west and Midwest Blvd to the East. The Original Mile represents the oldest part of Midwest City with housing dating back to the early 1940s.

    A few links:

    Check the post in this section about the Revitalization Plan

  6. #6

    Default Re: The Original Mile Revitalization: Time Line

    Quote Originally Posted by rondvu View Post
    Midwest Blvd. on the East Air Depot on the West. NE 15th on the North and SE 29th on the South.
    Quote Originally Posted by mmonroe View Post
    From Wikipedia: W.P. "Bill" Atkinson bought land in the area that would become Midwest City after hearing speculation that an air field was going to be built nearby. The city, which was incorporated on March 11, 1943, was named for the air field's original designation as the Midwest Air Depot.[3] When Major General Clarence L. Tinker of Pawhuska, Oklahoma became the first American general killed in World War II (June 7, 1942) near Wake Island, the airfield was renamed in his honor.[6]

    The original mile was the 1st square mile built just on the Northern border of Tinker Air Force Base formely Midwest Air Depot. The square mile is bordered by SE 15th Street to the north, SE 29th Street to the South, S Air Depot Blvd. to the west and Midwest Blvd to the East. The Original Mile represents the oldest part of Midwest City with housing dating back to the early 1940s.

    A few links:

    Check the post in this section about the Revitalization Plan
    Wow. Thanks for the info, that is pretty cool. I'll definitely have to check that out next time i'm up there .

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