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OKC should focus on being OKC.
IMO the perception of OKC is actually pretty positive right now. I recently came back from Dallas and Memphis and was really surprised how many people spoke highly of OKC. Lots of reasons why too. Also, don't underestimate the power of the Thunder. I think the main problem is so many people have no opinion of OKC, if it even comes on their radar. That can be easily changed though.
In regards to trying to be hip, OKC has a small yet vibrant creative community that should continue to be fostered, but we will never be "hip" in the cool kids eyes. That's perfectly fine with me. I mean, not to be rude, but who cares if we are a "darling city" that looks good on House Hunters? Is that a sign of a city's health? They do the same thing with Portland and it has a 12% unemployment rate.
We are who we are: cowboy boots, buffalo burgers, wide open spaces, Thunder basketball, etc. We should embrace those things the same way Nashville dropped the "new south" BS and starting promoting itself as "Nashvegas", corny country music and all. We should also continue to exploit unique things that a lot of cities don't have, much like OKC is doing with the river and rowing sports.
People who want Austin will go to Austin no matter how hard OKC tries to imitate. Fortunately I feel that OKC is taking inspiration from several cities and kind of plotting its own path right now. If the people you know are moving to Austin just because of 6th Street, they will probably be unemployed and back in OKC within the year.