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Thread: Cheesecake Factory

  1. #26

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    I have to disagree with you about the PF Chang's/Bravo Cucina/Red Robin. I think that's the one bright spot in that whole area and is easily nicer than Lower Bricktown--it's just really small.

    Instead of seperating all those restaurants by parking lots like all the others, they clumped them together with a nice fountain plaza in the middle and they landed some pretty upscale restaurants (especially Bravo).

    And I was just there and there ARE trees, Patrick. Obviously not big ones yet, but the area looks really nice IMO.
    I agree. The Memorial Square development has the highest standards as far as architectural & landscaping of anywhere outside Spring Creek.

  2. #27
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    I agree. The Memorial Square development has the highest standards as far as architectural & landscaping of anywhere outside Spring Creek.
    I agree as well. I just wish the buildings weren't so boxy.

  3. Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I agree as well. I just wish the buildings weren't so boxy.
    Are you referring to the two retail buildings?
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  4. #29
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84
    Are you referring to the two retail buildings?
    Those and the Italian restaurant. Red Robin and PF Chang's look fine.

  5. #30

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    I'm going to put my money that you won't see a new restaurant or development on the East Wharf of Lake Hefner. I helped launch the study group for possible future development on it. So far, no progress has been made for future development to my knowledge. In fact, I'm sure you would hear a lot of enthusiasts and others chirping in discontent far in advance if any further development were to occur.

  6. Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Although I think a restaurant as upscale and exclusive as Cheesecake Factory belongs in Bricktown somewhere, I'm okay with it going at Penn Square because it only helps solidify it as the most upscale indoor mall in the state and second only to Utica Square for shopping centers in general.

    For example, Houston's Cheesecake Factory is in the Galleria, where as Kansas City's is in it's own building in the Plaza, which IMO is much more interesting. Ours will be more like Houston's--at an upscale mall instead of a trendy tourist area.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  7. #32

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    The Plaza is as much mall as it is tourist area. Wish we had something similar!

  8. #33

    Question Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    any word on this lately? This isn't going to be one of those, "Did you hear great Plains Disney is going in Shawnee?" deals is it?

  9. #34
    Join Date
    May 2005
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    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    When did Cheesecake Factory go upscale? I haven't been to one in maybe 2-3 years and then it was kind of glorified Chili's, like the lakeside restaurants. Good to hear it's come up in the world, and just in time for OKC.

  10. #35
    quailcreekgal Guest

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    I holding out for a Whole Foods Market.....not likely considering OK liquor laws.

  11. #36
    Patrick Guest

    Default Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Construction on Cheesecake Factory at Penn Square has begun on the north side of the property.

    Also, Elephant Restaurant and Bar is now open.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Thanks Patrick.

    Happen to know the projected opening date for the CF?

  13. #38

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Wow, glad to hear C.F. is confirmed and is under construction. Yes, what is the ET for completion.

  14. #39
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    I'm thinking I was told Spring of 2007. But, that seems like a ways off. Let me ask and I'll get back to you guys.

  15. #40
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Here's the scoop.

    Cheesecake Factory will be complete in 17 weeks, opening in late October.

    Sephora will open in th eold Casual Corner/Petite Sophisticate space in October. The Arty Crafty store there now is only termporary.

    Replacement of all of the HVAC units is nearing completion.

    Continued work on the roof is taking place. The entire roof will be replaced over the next 3 years.

    They are currently working on a comprehensive plan to upgrade the exterior of the property over the next 2 years. New entrances, new landscaping and repaving all of the north parking fields.

  16. #41

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Yeah, late fall so they have all the kinks out by the start holiday season.

  17. Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Had a couple friends dine at the Elephant Bar...nothing special. The food was subpar, service was okay, but its mostly about the theme and definitely not the food. How Hooters of them. LOL

  18. #43
    orionsnu Guest

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Sounds good!

  19. #44

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    we went to elephant bar for lunch almost two weeks ago and didn't think it was all that bad. the food wasn't unique, but they had a great selection. while the food wasn't the best thing i'd ever had, i wouldn't call it subpar. i do agree, though, that they put more effort into the atmosphere than anything else.

    is cheesecake factory going to be free standing? i was at penn square this past saturday... if i remember right, the parking lot just to the northwest of the mall was being graded. is this the spot? -M

  20. #45

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Quote Originally Posted by mmm
    if i remember right, the parking lot just to the northwest of the mall was being graded. is this the spot? -M
    Ding! Ding! Ding!

  21. #46

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    ha. what do i win?

    i've heard good things about this chain, but my concern would be parking... perhaps it'll only be an issue during the holidays. -M

  22. #47
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Construction on Cheesecake Factory starting

    Parking might be an issue over the next few years, but with exterior renovations coming up, they do plan to add two levels to the parking garage, or possibly build another garage.

  23. #48

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    So is Cheesecake Factory actually under construction by Penn Square? Is this confirmed?

  24. #49

    Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Yes it is official and yes it is currently under construction.

  25. Default Re: Anyone hungry for some Cheesecake?

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918
    So is Cheesecake Factory actually under construction by Penn Square? Is this confirmed?
    Simon is making no secret of it. I sent them an email inquiry about a week ago and they replied that the CF would open in October(as Patrick stated), and that the staff would be onhand in late September.

    I don't know why CF hasn't updated their website concerning the Penn Square site. I also asked about a Tulsa location and they said that CF currently has no plans for Tulsa but that they're always looking for new opportunities.

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