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If you feel the need to have what is right or wrong told to you by someone else, then by all means go to another church, there are plenty around that would willingly tell you how to live your life. Craig used to give that message quite often when I went there, Lifechurch may only be a gateway along your path to Christ. If you feel like you need more structure or just are not feeling that it is the right place, then ask one of the staff and they could help you find some other church that might "feed you" more to your needs. I know several who did and the staff was more than happy to help them along their way. One thing that my wife noticed in going there was that many of Craig's sermons were much more pointed and Biblical based than what she had heard in her own traditional Baptist church, he said many things that she knew would've offended many in her congregation because he was challenging to the audience. Just like in any situation, some will take up the challenge, some will ignore and will be offended. I think a person is more inquisitive about their faith and makes decisions for themselves really makes a more informed Christian rather than someone who just eats what is fed to them by others. Some of the "hungriest" Christians that I knew there came to Lifechurch from older, more established churches in the OKC area because they felt more challenged there than at their previous places of worship because much of their faith was left up to them to explore instead of being told one way to think. Just because a church is big doesn't mean that it has a watered down message, in fact I have seen small churches that were plain vanilla because they were afraid to run anybody off.
Not everyone wants a dogmatic church, many of the people who do are the type that don't like to think for themselves and prefer someone to do the thinking for them. That was definitely the case for a few that I knew who went to more "structured" churches. Ultimately it is up to the individual and how they choose live and that is true no matter what type of church it is. I knew many from much stricter churches who would do the same thing that you talked about, I saw many people that I knew were heavily involved in their churches come into Skaggs on Saturdays then go get trashed and then show up for church on Sunday as if nothing happened. That type of behavior is nothing new nor is it limited to any particular faith or denomination.
To me I don't care if people prefer a more structured or looser format, I'm just glad there are plenty of options for all out there.