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Thread: Healthcare Independence Rally

  1. #26

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    If you don't give people healthcare, they simply show up in the Emergency Room for all their health care, including sore throats, sunburns and diaper rashes. You cannot be turned away from an Emergency Room if you show up, nor can that hospital ship you off to a "charity" hospital, so it makes it simple to start using the ER for all health care if you have no insurance. Or, if you're too proud, you suffer at home, no matter how bad your problem. Using the ER for basic health care slows ir down for everyone, and ultimately, we pay for the healthcare of the uninsured regardless. The hospitals simply raise what they charge to the rest of us to make up the difference. The only way to avoid paying for health care for those who cannot afford it is to make it legal to turn sick people without insurance away. If you've got the moral stomach for that.....and I'm one of those "corrupt(isn't that what someone in a post above called me and my colleagues?)" doctors....you've got a stronger stomach than I do.

    Thanks Betts! Not sure why so many folks refuse to understand this very simple explanation. What makes it even worse is when folks who have lost their coverage try to do the right thing, and end up filing bankruptcy due to medical bills they'll never be able to pay.

  2. #27

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    There is an article in the current issue of Time that is worth reading about the healthcare law. Basically if you already have insurance through your employer nothing should change.

  3. #28

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Some people cannot get health insurance without the affordable healthcare act as insurance companies will discriminate certain people with preexisting conditions and you would be surprised about some of the things that they classify as preexisting conditions. I have aspergers which is a kind of autism for instance and they consider that a preexisting condition even though autism is more of a learning disability than a health problem and just because I have autism does not mean I am any more likely to have to go to the hospital. It is not as if everyone who does not have health insurance chooses not to get it but some people are discriminated by the insurance companies for a preexisting condition and not everyone can control the fact that they have a preexisting condition. I cannot control the fact that I have autism for instance as I was born with it but it will prevent me from being able to get health insurance if the affordable health care act gets repealed. I would much whether be required to get health insurance than to be unable to get it. You should learn why some people do not have insurance before casting assuming everyone who does not have it chooses not to get it.

  4. Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Way back in the thread I mentioned the exchanges, which is the part of the plan I'm actually excited about. I said they would be private plans and they will be - but they'll be administered by the states. If the states don't get one up and going (hello, Oklahoma?) one might have to opt for the federal exchange, but we're still talking private plans. They have to be run by non-profits, but Walgreens, for example, is setting up a non-profit to throw their hat into the exchange plans. It will drive people to their pharmacy, at least that's the idea. These things have the potential to bring about real competition and drive premiums down.

    I think we need to calm down and get on board with this. As I said before, it's so close to what the GOP proposed in 1994 in response to HillaryCare (The Clinton Plan) that it's truly hard to distinguish them. Now, all of a sudden, it's "socialized medicine." Far from it. It will enrich the private insurance companies if these exchanges don't work. Oklahoma needs to accept administration of a state exchange before a certain date. They need to get on the ball and just do it. Big Insurance is fighting everything in states who haven't agreed to administer their own plan, in hopes the date will pass and they won't have the chance. It's the only way they can keep their premiums high! So obviously, Big Insurance doesn't want the states to setup their own exchanges. This plan: It's what we have and it's not going to be repealed, no matter the rhetoric. So, Oklahoma, let's get with it and let the "free market" part of this work. Monopolies never do.

    Bottom line to Oklahoma Republican legislators: Cover your bases and get on board with the exchanges. The insurance companies are tricking you with their lobbying and politics. They want you NOT to let the true "free market" part of this work!

  5. Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Soonerqueen I think most of us support citizens being active in causes they support, regardless of the particulars of what those causes are. If you end up going, drop back by and let us know what you thought. And have a happy fourth of July!
    What if these citizens have no idea what the hell they are even supporting?

    And don't worry, she won't be dropping back by to give her thoughts. I doubt she even went.

  6. Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    I saw where there were some baptist preachers preaching as well. What a shock. WWJD??

  7. Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally


    I found this article and it tells better than I could about the rally Saturday. They said about 300 or more showed up, but I would say a little less than 1,000. I am actually in one of the pictures shown in the article, but I'm not telling who I am. The rally was put together in less than a week, and whoever did it, did a great job. The speakers were all very informative, and the people all very nice. The OKC Tea Party sponsored a car rally Sunday afternoon with supporters driving around OKC with placards on their cars supporting Obama being a one term President. I didn't go to that one. But while early for me, the rally was well worth attending. I'm glad I went even though my being there made no changes and didn't affect anyone but me.

  8. #33

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    What if these citizens have no idea what the hell they are even supporting?

    And don't worry, she won't be dropping back by to give her thoughts. I doubt she even went.
    I doubt you were right about that BF.

  9. #34

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Saw shots of the crowd and it looked like many there were on Medicare...Love that private insurance...Huh?...No crap?

  10. #35

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    There is an article in the current issue of Time that is worth reading about the healthcare law. Basically if you already have insurance through your employer nothing should change.
    Unless your employer decides it is cheaper to drop the insurance and pays the fine instead. That is what my former employer said he was going to do if it passed/implemented.

  11. #36

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Unless your employer decides it is cheaper to drop the insurance and pays the fine instead. That is what my former employer said he was going to do if it passed/implemented.
    Sounds like a real stand up guy. Next he will cut your wages to make you food stamp eligible.

  12. #37

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    I was having a conversation with a girl who was complaining about Obama care and the kicker is she doesn't have insurance and will be able to get it under the ACA.

  13. #38

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Unless your employer decides it is cheaper to drop the insurance and pays the fine instead. That is what my former employer said he was going to do if it passed/implemented.
    I would find another employer if they did that. Shows how they really value their employees..

  14. #39

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Unless your employer decides it is cheaper to drop the insurance and pays the fine instead. That is what my former employer said he was going to do if it passed/implemented.
    It is ALWAYS cheaper to not offer coverage...

  15. #40

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post
    The OKC Tea Party sponsored a car rally Sunday afternoon with supporters driving around OKC with placards on their cars supporting Obama being a one term President.
    It's the little things like that, that are probably gonna give Romney the edge here in Oklahoma come election day.

  16. Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    It's the little things like that, that are probably gonna give Romney the edge here in Oklahoma come election day.
    We are the reddest state in the nation. I am sure Romney will carry Oklahoma. There are a few other make or break states. Just can't predict the outcome of this election. It could be very close..

  17. #42

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt View Post
    It's the little things like that, that are probably gonna give Romney the edge here in Oklahoma come election day.
    Funny stuff

  18. Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post

    I found this article and it tells better than I could about the rally Saturday. They said about 300 or more showed up, but I would say a little less than 1,000. I am actually in one of the pictures shown in the article, but I'm not telling who I am. The rally was put together in less than a week, and whoever did it, did a great job. The speakers were all very informative, and the people all very nice. The OKC Tea Party sponsored a car rally Sunday afternoon with supporters driving around OKC with placards on their cars supporting Obama being a one term President. I didn't go to that one. But while early for me, the rally was well worth attending. I'm glad I went even though my being there made no changes and didn't affect anyone but me.
    You say the speakers were informative, what exactly did you learn?

    Also, from the link you gave, pictured was Toby Pedford. What did you learn from him? Do you know anything about him? If not, thelostogle.com can tell you more, LOL.

  19. #44

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by SoonerQueen View Post

    I found this article and it tells better than I could about the rally Saturday. They said about 300 or more showed up, but I would say a little less than 1,000. I am actually in one of the pictures shown in the article, but I'm not telling who I am. The rally was put together in less than a week, and whoever did it, did a great job. The speakers were all very informative, and the people all very nice. The OKC Tea Party sponsored a car rally Sunday afternoon with supporters driving around OKC with placards on their cars supporting Obama being a one term President. I didn't go to that one. But while early for me, the rally was well worth attending. I'm glad I went even though my being there made no changes and didn't affect anyone but me.
    I theorize that most people who are against ObamaCare have been blessed with very good health throughout their lives and just can't relate to all this fuss about the need for significant health care reform. IF there was only one or none attending the rally in a wheelchair, I wouldn't be surprised.

  20. #45

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    I saw where there were some baptist preachers preaching as well. What a shock. WWJD??
    One preacher defined Natural Law as the government NOT having control over your body. But since he is for the government controlling the reproductive lives of women, he certainly is in no way for Universal Natural Law. As the preacher said: “The most precious of your private property is your person. And when the government assumes the authority and responsibility over your body, then they have gained control over your body. Elsewhere, the article had no ideas as to what to do for health care reform. Yes, promoting the free market was mentioned, but nothing as to how to stop lobbyists working for the health care industries, who try to control market conditions. Why didn't anyone simply say vote out politicians who accept campaign money from health care companies? Oh, that wouldn't go over, if it means replacing a Republican with a Democrat.

  21. #46

    Default Re: Healthcare Independence Rally

    Quote Originally Posted by Jersey Boss View Post
    Sounds like a real stand up guy. Next he will cut your wages to make you food stamp eligible.
    Quote Originally Posted by BG918 View Post
    I would find another employer if they did that. Shows how they really value their employees..
    I had to find another employer but I don't fault them...its a basic business decision, esp if the company is struggling and they are cutting costs wherever they can to keep the doors open and as many folks employed as they can

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