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Thread: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

  1. #1

    Default OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    What's the best route to take, from OKC to Mt. Rushmore?

    I've been there once, about 13 years ago when I was working in Minnesota. I've never made the drive from OKC.

    Looks like there is no "direct" route, just lots of 2 lane highways to choose from.

    Who here has made the trip, and which route is the best? Highest Speed Limit?

    Also going to spend time in Deadwood. Plan on seeing Devils Tower, Sturgis & the Badlands.

    Any advice pertaining to route and/or sites to see, would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Just use google maps or a GPS. Go to Salina, East to Hays, and then on up to Rapid City. The first half (a little over 400 miles) is interstate, the rest consists of state and us highways but they aren't bad. The biggest problem we had was the time we went. We didn't know about the motorcycle rally. There were about 500,000 bikes/bikers/riders there in August. Not a good time to go for us.
    C. T.

  3. #3

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    If you want divided highway and higher speeds:
    North to Salina KS
    West to Denver CO
    North to Cheyenne, then on to Douglas WY
    North on state 59 to Gillette WY
    East on I-90 to Morecraft
    NNE on US 14 to State 24 to Devil's Tower
    Follow St 24 back to US 14.
    ESE to I-90; E to Spearfish, Sturgis
    It's not much further south from there to Rushmore

    the okc-cheyenne trip is about 12 hours drive time in a loaded down van, add an hour if ugly traffic at Denver. Add many hours if slick weather, or wait for better weather.

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Depends if you want to go interstate or scenic route.

  5. #5

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    I'm going up next week. Flying to Denver, then driving up I-25 to Custer SD. Then returning 2 days later.

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Quote Originally Posted by ctchandler View Post
    Go to Salina, East to Hays, and then on up to Rapid City.
    This was the route we were considering. Were going to break the trip up a little, neither of us like spending so many hours in the car.
    Heading out late Monday evening, and driving up to Wichita. Then Tuesday, drive to at least North Platte, but probably further.
    We have reservations at the Presidents Suites for the 4th, right by Mt. Rushmore, then the next two days at a casino in deadwood.

    It should be a nice relaxing trip.

    I was just looking for the fastest route with the best roads. Thanks!

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Someone suggested: The Scenic Route.

    Rent a couple of motorcycles . . . Preferably Harleys--maybe BMWs.
    Do not opt for the "Motorcycle Trailer" option (the wind can be tricky).
    Enjoy the trip.

    Frankly . . . As a driver and former motorcyclist, it is difficult for me to suggest any route from OKC to South Dakota involving Kansas, Nebraska, or even a detour into Eastern Colorado/Wyoming and then back on track that will influence your soul in a positive manner. Treat the drive as if you were traversing the Oklahoma Panhandle in a covered wagon (or '61 Chevy Station Wagon) and make the journey at night.

    On the surface, it may appear as if that is an unfair affront to our neighboring states to the north.
    Reality will prove otherwise.

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Quote Originally Posted by BigBadBen View Post
    This was the route we were considering. Were going to break the trip up a little, neither of us like spending so many hours in the car.
    Heading out late Monday evening, and driving up to Wichita. Then Tuesday, drive to at least North Platte, but probably further.
    We have reservations at the Presidents Suites for the 4th, right by Mt. Rushmore, then the next two days at a casino in deadwood.

    It should be a nice relaxing trip.

    I was just looking for the fastest route with the best roads. Thanks!
    I've done the OKC to Denver drive for 30 years. Personally, I take off and go up highway 3 to Woodward, Guymon, Boise City. Then north to Lamar, then west over to Pueblo. At Pueblo, you're on I-25 which is a 75 mph speed limit all the way until you get to Douglass Wyoming. Then cut over to the Black Hills. It's way more scenic traveling along the front range as opposed to Kansas and Nebraska. Westrn Kansas is a tough boring drive. The only obsticle is traversing Denver, but avoid the morning or evening rush hour and you'd be fine. From OKC to Denver using this route, within reason it's about an 11 hour drive.

    BTW - zip on over to Crazy Horse by Custer.....quite the spectacle.

  9. #9

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    there is 0 reason to go through colorado on the way to rushmore unless you like wasting lots and lots of time ..

    but you should 100% go see Crazy Horse ..

  10. #10

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    We used to take the Oklahoma part of The Bellaboo Trail to and from the Denver Area except for we eventually learned to avoid the Scenic Panhandle by heading north from Buffalo to scenic Minneola, Ashland, Dodge City, Garden City (Kansas) and on over to Limon, Lamar, Kit Carson (not in any particular order, Colorado) etc. None of this has anything to do with Mount Rushmore, but if you find yourself in the Denver/Golden area, there is Buffalo Bill's Grave and the Coors Brewery. And the Red Rocks Amphitheater. And, just up the road, The Rocky Flats Atomic Energy Commission Memorial/Plant.

    I envy your trip to Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Monument.
    (just not the driving part)

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    We are not going to Colorado!!!

    Our trip is focused on the Mt. Rushmore, Devils Tower, Deadwood, Crazy Horse, etc...
    Last time I was there, they were just starting on Crazy Horse, so it will be cool to see it finished.
    My wife has never been and is very excited to see it all.

    The sad part is, due to the beetle infestation trees are dying like crazy up there, and Independence Day fireworks are cancelled.
    A wild fire would kill the beetles, just sayin.....

    Ive been through Kansas & Nebraska on MANY occasions, so I am aware the lack of scenic views. A scenic route is always nice, but for this trip, I was just looking for the fastest route to our destination.

    I love Colorado, it would be great to go back (less the massive wild fires & crazy heat wave), but, it's not going to happen on this trip!
    I have relatives in the Denver/Golden area. It's a great place, just not our destination for this go round.

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    The only thing that's made progress on Crazy Horse is the gift shop.

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    The only thing that's made progress on Crazy Horse is the gift shop.
    So, it's a government funded project?

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Saw something recently on it and it is still decades away from any meaningful progress on the monument itself. If not mistaken it is being done entirely on donations???

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    The only thing that's made progress on Crazy Horse is the gift shop.
    Holy Crap!
    That's pretty much what it looked like last time I was there in 1999.


  16. #16

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    We took the back roads, up through woodward up to Dodge City, up through nebraska on the west side then to Hot Springs, SD and then Custer to Rushmore. The only thing is if you plan on taking that trip, do not plan on staying at a hotel in Dodge City Kansas, Monday-Friday because an energy and an oil company has purchased every room, at every hotel in Dodge and any cities around there for their employees and we were told it has been that way for 2 years. Rushmore was breathtaking!!!!

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC to Mt. Rushmore???

    Sturgis week, we went to the drive-in movie in Fort Collins last Saturday night and there were a bunch of trailers and RV's headed north on I-25. Some of the engineers that we work with in Minot are headed there this week.

    As far as hotels in energy areas, they are all ridiculous, a friend is doing title searches in West Texas and a Holiday Inn Express in Midland/Odessa is over $200 and the Hampton Inn in Minot is close to that, when you can find rooms.

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