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Thread: Gaillardia

  1. #1

    Default Gaillardia

    Hey guys, first time poster and long time reader. I have heard from a few people that Gaillardia is in serious financial trouble right now. Anyone have any inside information? My sources are pretty credible (one is a member) but I notice that they are still building houses, so it looks from the outside that things are going well.

    Any ideas?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Housing construction in the addition should have nothing to do with the financial viability of the Country Club. Seperate issues.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    yes it does as the construction vehicle track mud they get fined $500 bucks(6 times for me in the last 3 years) sad part is they fine these guys a weeks pay for something rain will take care of I hope the next F-5 that comes through oklahoma levels that place

  4. Default Re: Gaillardia

    I can understand having an issue with a nail - I used to get nails in my tires a lot when my parents' neighborhood on S. May was still under construction and it made me livid. However, penalizing construction workers for trailing mud is pathetic. I am sorry that happened to you, 1972.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Also have a source that says they have serious mismanagement of club money going on at the general manager level. I think the owner of the country club lives in Arkansas, but they have a general manager that runs the club. Hate to see it go away, I have played golf there once and really enjoyed it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post
    yes it does as the construction vehicle track mud they get fined $500 bucks(6 times for me in the last 3 years) sad part is they fine these guys a weeks pay for something rain will take care of I hope the next F-5 that comes through oklahoma levels that place
    My god, I hope your cat doesn't claw up the side of your sofa...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by thunderup_1968 View Post
    Also have a source that says they have serious mismanagement of club money going on at the general manager level. I think the owner of the country club lives in Arkansas, but they have a general manager that runs the club. Hate to see it go away, I have played golf there once and really enjoyed it.
    it won 't go away ... worst case is that the company folds .. and a new one buys the club .... or the members buy the club as a group and make it an equity partnership

  8. #8

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    A $500 fine for construction workers' vehicles trailing mud?(!)
    Who levies the fine? That Ted Baxter character from "Caddyshack"?
    Or The Doofus from Nichols Hills who put up those "No Thru Trucks" signs on Penn?

    A better question might be: Who the hell would actually pay it?
    (I would just fart in their general direction.)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    A $500 fine for construction workers' vehicles trailing mud?(!)
    Who levies the fine? That Ted Baxter character from "Caddyshack"?
    Or The Doofus from Nichols Hills who put up those "No Thru Trucks" signs on Penn?

    A better question might be: Who the hell would actually pay it?
    (I would just fart in their general direction.)
    I often wonder the same thing myself. Unless a fine is levied by an authorized state official or if you own a home covered by a deed restriction then I wouldn't pay anything. Of course, since it is private property they could bar someone from entering if they don't pay - but that might be grounds for extortion since there probably isn't any kind of appeals process.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by Just the facts View Post
    I often wonder the same thing myself. Unless a fine is levied by an authorized state official or if you own a home covered by a deed restriction then I wouldn't pay anything. Of course, since it is private property they could bar someone from entering if they don't pay - but that might be grounds for extortion since there probably isn't any kind of appeals process.

    I have a builder friend who once, and only once, built in there and also suffered the infamous mud track fine. He blew it off. The HOA (I believe) put a lein on the property and it had to be paid in order to close. Crazy rich nutheads...

  11. #11

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    I have also heard that they do not or did not allow people to walk up and down the sidewalks/streets. That seems WAY to extreme but more than one person told me this a couple years back.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Oh yeah, it's SUCH a travesty that people actually don't want mud tracked through their neighborhood. You guys act like they are doing this just to be aholes... I live in a cookie cutter home neighborhood in Noble, but if a truck tracked mud all over the streets near my house, I'd be pissed too. Why is it that this mud is falling off YOUR truck, yet it's somehow not YOUR problem? How about instead of blaming THEM for being rich aholes, we talk about other people not owning up to their own personal accountability.

    And, if personal accountability just isn't your thing... how about this? If you don't like their rules, then stay the hell out of their neighborhood. It's not a difficult concept.

    Oh, and wishing for an F-5 tornado to destroy a neighborhood and kill people, without a doubt, makes you a horrible human being. Maybe if you had a better outlook on life and actually held yourself to a higher standard of accountability then you wouldn't have so many bad things happen to you and you wouldn't have to blame others for your failures.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    I long for the days when paved roads miraculously appeared and houses just sort of sprung up from the soil overnight . . . like mushrooms.
    No pesky construction workers and very little mud was involved. The bull**** was also negligible.
    (Does this discussion put the "Gay" in Gaillardia r' whut?)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    well when its your job or pay the fine what are you going to do right?? and they levy the fine against the homeowners home what kind of contractor wants a bad reputation there no one.

    What the hell am I supposed to do to get the mud off my tires?? Hire a water truck to follow me out of the place or maybe have the fire department come and spray it away. homeowners at galardia never would let me park my concrete truck into the driveway in the driveway. and with the little water I have left after adding to the concrete and making a mud pit washing the truck afterwards is not enough for me to pull out into the street wash my tires and wash the street afterwards.

    You can not legally wash down your truck on the road as that is a 10k EPA fine.

    They want mud off their streets good for them but they should eb the ones paying the fines for tracked mud when they call us to work on theor property

  15. #15

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    In order to cut down on the mud in the streets from construction traffic, they experimented with this . . .
    but got too many complaints from residents about the rotor wash bending their lawn grass....

  16. #16

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    They even tried a longer tow cable from the helicopters but the the residents did not like houses blowing in the wind into thier homes,

  17. #17

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by 1972ford View Post
    well when its your job or pay the fine what are you going to do right?? and they levy the fine against the homeowners home what kind of contractor wants a bad reputation there no one.

    What the hell am I supposed to do to get the mud off my tires?? Hire a water truck to follow me out of the place or maybe have the fire department come and spray it away. homeowners at galardia never would let me park my concrete truck into the driveway in the driveway. and with the little water I have left after adding to the concrete and making a mud pit washing the truck afterwards is not enough for me to pull out into the street wash my tires and wash the street afterwards.

    You can not legally wash down your truck on the road as that is a 10k EPA fine.

    They want mud off their streets good for them but they should eb the ones paying the fines for tracked mud when they call us to work on theor property
    Oh well since you put it THAT WAY, I guess it's COMPLETELY reasonable to hope for a devastating tornado that ruins lives and kills people... what was I thinking?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    The rule seems a little crazy, but I doubt it has been levied at the sight of any spec of dirt on a road.

    Im sure it is there to keep large chunks/amounts and carelessness down. Its dumb to think a truck driver will not track any mud, but I have seen plenty of truck drivers carry out half a yards worth of soil and deposit it on the road.

    And if I am paying that much for a house and HOA cost, I sure as hell do not want some careless person leaving crap all over the roads. Thats the difference between living in gallardia and anywhere else in the city.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    "originally posted by WichitaSooner"

    Oh well since you put it THAT WAY, I guess it's COMPLETELY reasonable to hope for a devastating tornado that ruins lives and kills people... what was I thinking?
    at least I would remember to charge an extra $500 per trip when I am helping to rebuild that place J/K

    And think about it I said the next F-5 we get at least the people there have storm shelters and great homeowners insurance I can't say that for anywhere esle in the state.

    You guys may have to warm up to my sense of humor although when I talk about the east side I am a little more serious

  20. #20

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    In order to cut down on the mud in the streets from construction traffic, they experimented with this . . .
    but got too many complaints from residents about the rotor wash bending their lawn grass....

  21. #21

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Financial trouble meaning the resisdents there cant afford their mortgage? Words cannot describe how I feel when I past by Gaillardia on 150th, simply beautiful

  22. #22

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Its not only Gaillardia that will fine you. All gated additions will do it , and if your a builder and dont control the mud even in small additions the city can fine them. You can walk or run up and down the sidewalks in Gaillardia geez..... And im pretty sure the Clay Bennett and the Gaylords still own the subdivision

  23. #23

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    How much is the fine for parking on your lawn ?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by blangtang View Post
    How much is the fine for parking on your lawn ?
    Doubt it is as much an issue in Gallardia as most houses have parking for 6-9 cars per house in the driveway, then at least a three car garage. Most places the fine is because you can damage city owned underground pipes.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Gaillardia

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Doubt it is as much an issue in Gallardia as most houses have parking for 6-9 cars per house in the driveway, then at least a three car garage. Most places the fine is because you can damage city owned underground pipes.
    Nothing to do with water lines. Reasons are twofold: it looks trashy and can be a Stormwater quality issue if it makes ruts.

    Google MS4 sometime and you will see why mud in the street is actually a big deal. EPA regulations about the Clean Water Act are so onerous that they place cities in a very tough place, forcing them to regulate things like mud in te street and grass clippings in the street.

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