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Thread: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

  1. Default Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    I really hope the parents of these kids saw this video and dealt with it.


    And here...... http://www.indiegogo.com/loveforkarenhklein

  2. #2

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Whoa...I would expel all of them for the year if i was the school administrator.

    I like one of the comments on the story - basically said that if that was one of his kids doing that they would of spent every single day that summer over at that ladies house mowing her yard, weeding her flower beds, vacuuming her house, cleaning her bathrooms and doing any thing that she didnt want to do. By the end of the summer they will know first hand what it means to respect someone else.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    If I did that I wouldn't be sitting down for a week plus I would be writing a public apology the this nice lady.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    I could only watch about 2 minutes of that. Heartbreaking.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Tough Love can be "heartbreaking" . . .

    This vidclip has nothing to do with race.
    It is all about the wannabee "culture"
    And the response of a seasoned citizen
    In the face of [a total punk]
    on a bus
    without any expectation
    of a reward

  6. Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Tough Love can be "heartbreaking" . . .

    This vidclip has nothing to do with race.
    It is all about the wannabee "culture"
    And the response of a seasoned citizen
    In the face of [a total punk]
    on a bus
    without any expectation
    of a reward

    Love it! And, like you said, it has nothing to do with race.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    He picked on the wrong Vet

  8. #8

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    Whoa...I would expel all of them for the year if i was the school administrator.

    I like one of the comments on the story - basically said that if that was one of his kids doing that they would of spent every single day that summer over at that ladies house mowing her yard, weeding her flower beds, vacuuming her house, cleaning her bathrooms and doing any thing that she didnt want to do. By the end of the summer they will know first hand what it means to respect someone else.
    Sadly, I get the sense that these kids are likely growing up in a household where these kinds of things are acceptable. I didn't see the entire video. I would think that were I in that position (of the lady), I would have turned and given those kids what-for. Stand up for yourself and don't let others - especially punk seventh graders - speak to you that way.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Yeah, if I was being harassed like that by some kids, composure be damned. I'd throw so much venom at them they'd be traumatized for years.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Also, she now has a $190,000 vacation fund; not just $20k now. Holy hell!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by White Peacock View Post
    Also, she now has a $190,000 vacation fund; not just $20k now. Holy hell!
    Maybe she could use some of that money to buy those kids some manners.... I'm really hoping the parents didn't know their kids were behaving this way and explained the errors of their ways to them.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    over 320K now. I hope she can retire.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    We need to create a fund to send those kids to a few years of military school.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    We need to create a fund to send those kids to a few years of military school.
    Either I've missed the stories, or the media haven't made contact yet with the parents of these kids. I'd really like to see some recompense here. This has struck a nerve. Suffice it to say were I on a bus and I saw that kind of behavior from a bunch of 13-year old kids, I'd give them a piece of my mind. They wouldn't have the chance to keep mocking me, or any other person on that bus.

  15. Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    When I first watched this yesterday, the OP had stated $20k raised, when I visited the site yesterday it was at $82k and by the time I was finished watching the video and reading the article, the amount had went up to $87.5k and i'm amazed now, it's at $351.5k. AMAZING, this woman is going to live good for the rest of her years.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Not to take anything away from the woman at the center of this, but seeing how those kids acted to an adult on that bus I am more than sure that there are other kids who ride the bus whose lives are a living hell each and every day, day after day, year after year. It's nice and all to give the lady a wad of cash, but I think if I were in that district I'd be more concerned about the nightmare that the other adolescent bus riders must be living on a daily basis.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    The woman, Ms Klein, should've asserted "You need a dermatologist" or "Why don't you zip up your pants", or "Why is your ***** so, err, little?"

    Questor is right, some kids experience this cruelty all the time. Adults have the luxury of walking off the job; at least this one does, but the kids are stuck there till graduation.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Wow, it is now at 416,705; more than 80 times the original goal with 29 days left. It has gone from giving her a vacation to a good amount to put away for retirement.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    I rode a school bus for years in the 50's and there were idiots and bullys aboard then too. That's not going to change because kids will always be immature. The language used has certainly changed since then though.

    Here's the latest update and it sounds like the kids are not getting a pass at all.


  20. #20

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowman View Post
    Wow, it is now at 416,705; more than 80 times the original goal with 29 days left. It has gone from giving her a vacation to a good amount to put away for retirement.
    I hate to be that guy in such a good natured thread - I think more than likely she will hit a million dollars in donation, it would be classy if she donated a portion (maybe a 1/5th??) to an antibullying group. I'm sure the feds will come after her for taxes since this is so public and it might help in being able to write off some to a non profit and helping a good cause.

    Either way im glad good news stories like this happen.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    I hate to be that guy in such a good natured thread - I think more than likely she will hit a million dollars in donation, it would be classy if she donated a portion (maybe a 1/5th??) to an antibullying group. I'm sure the feds will come after her for taxes since this is so public and it might help in being able to write off some to a non profit and helping a good cause.

    Either way im glad good news stories like this happen.

    IMHO, a better use would be to purchase said parents long, hard wood paddles.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    With this around half a mil now lets get ready for some fake copycat videos trying to cash in as well...Not a dig on this one just sayin

  23. Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by Easy180 View Post
    With this around half a mil now lets get ready for some fake copycat videos trying to cash in as well...Not a dig on this one just sayin
    Ohhh that's definitely coming. And probably some real videos too. I doubt this outpouring will ever be repeated, I think its pretty symbolic though and I like it.

  24. Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by WilliamTell View Post
    I hate to be that guy in such a good natured thread - I think more than likely she will hit a million dollars in donation, it would be classy if she donated a portion (maybe a 1/5th??) to an antibullying group. I'm sure the feds will come after her for taxes since this is so public and it might help in being able to write off some to a non profit and helping a good cause.

    Either way im glad good news stories like this happen.
    The amount will automatically be reported to the IRS by the website collecting the money.

    Hopefully she gets some good tax advice and is able to shelter a lot of it.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Internet Gives Harassed Bus Monitor a $20,000 Vacation

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    The amount will automatically be reported to the IRS by the website collecting the money.

    Hopefully she gets some good tax advice and is able to shelter a lot of it.
    It's a gift, so the first lifetime $5MM is not taxed.

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