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Thread: American Idol 2006

  1. #151
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
    each time I look at this thread today, Katharine's second song pops into my head. She did a fantastic job with that and then having the guys with the box drums was icing on the cake.
    I completely agree. Has to be one of the most unique performances I've seen on Idol this year. Kudos to Katherine. I hope it's enough to give her another week.

    By the way, I hope no one took offense to my comments above about Paris trying to be black. My attempt was not to be racist. I was just stating the obvious.

  2. #152
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Results from tonight: Kevin Covais and Anthony Federov returned and sung a duet as the 4-eyed clan! Both replaced Chris and Taylor who were voted off tonight.

    Okay, totally joking.

    Bottom 2 was Elliott and Paris.

    Paris left tonight.

  3. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    You are not right, Patrick! Silly boy!

    So glad it was Paris who left tonite. Did anyone notice her speaking voice was considerably lower and less "babyish" when she talked to Ryan this evening?

    And, I was happy to see that dialidol was wrong about Ms. Kat! She was NOT in the bottom two after all.

  4. #154
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    I wondered if she was going to shed a tear or two. When other folks have been voted off, they've shown her and she's always shedding a tear.

  5. #155
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Okay, folks. I've decided. Do they allow write ins for AI. If so I think we should all vote for Paula.

  6. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    So who watched and what'd you think?

    I think Simon was extremely hard on Katherine tonite. I still think she's great, but she just didn't do that great with Elvis songs...not her genre.

    Elliott looks like an elf. The guy has a great voice, but I just cannot get into WATCHING him perform.

    Chris was great as usual...especially the first song. Taylor had a great time and I loved him too.

    Paula is a freak and I don't understand why she still has a job.

  7. #157
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    As much as I like her, I think Katherine should go home after tonight. In the first song, she couldn't even remember her lyrics. In her 2nd song, she struggled to reach the high notes. It was horrible. As much as I think she's a good singer, I just don't think she should stay based on tonight alone.

    Chris, Taylor, and Elliott all had flawless performances.

    I think Elliott and Kat will be in the bottom 2. Who gets voted off is anyone's guess.

  8. #158
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    As much as I like her, I think Katherine should go home after tonight. In the first song, she couldn't even remember her lyrics. In her 2nd song, she struggled to reach the high notes. It was horrible. As much as I think she's a good singer, I just don't think she should stay based on tonight alone.

    Chris, Taylor, and Elliott all had flawless performances.

    I think Elliott and Kat will be in the bottom 2. Who gets voted off is anyone's guess.
    I think Katharine is up on the chopping block because of her poor performance tonight.

    The other three did have flawless performances, so it is anybody's guess at this point.

  9. #159
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    DialIdol predicts that either Chris or Katherine is going home.

    1-2Taylor Hicks61.9431.697-

    1-2Elliott Yamin60.2161.735-

    3-4Katharine McPhee54.1361.863-

    3-4Chris Daughtry53.421.877-

  10. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    It'll be Kat. We'll see, though.

    I can't imagine Chris being voted out.

  11. #161
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetdaisy
    I can't imagine Chris being voted out.
    I can't either. Regardless of what DialIdol says, I still think Katherine and Elliott will be in the bottom 2. At this point, anyone could leave.

  12. #162
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Well, the votes are in, and Dial Idol was correct. Taylor and Elliott were in the top 2. Chris and Kat were in the bottom 2.

    And Chris left us tonight.

    I'm really shocked.

  13. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Nnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  14. #164
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Did you vote Karrie?

  15. #165
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Well, the votes are in, and Dial Idol was correct. Taylor and Elliott were in the top 2. Chris and Kat were in the bottom 2.

    And Chris left us tonight.

    I'm really shocked.
    Man, this things gotta be rigged. This ain't right.

  16. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    The only negative I have to say about Chris is that all of his songs sounded the same. It got a little old for me.

    I am really shocked, though. I couldn't believe it...

    Taylor still holds his record of never being in the bottom 2 or 3. INTERESTING.

  17. #167
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    You know, it's interesting that you mention that sweetdaisy. I told my wife last night that the reason Chris probably got voted off is because people were getting tired of the same old rock songs. Seems like when he started the competition he sung a variety of songs, and in the last few weeks he sung nothing but rock songs. I think maybe he needed to go outside the box a little.

    One thing you have to realize, more people tend to like pop music than hard rock.

    The advantage Taylor has is that he's sung a variety of songs, fast and slow. I think that helps him. Same for Katherine.

  18. #168
    ImproveOKC Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    I personally think Katherine is a babe. That's why she will win American Idol. Just like Kelli Pickler shoud have.

  19. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by ImproveOKC
    Just like Kelli Pickler shoud have.
    GROSS. She's icky.

  20. #170
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Looks like the results from Dial Idol this week are too close to call and the bottom 2 is within the margin of error. I really don't think it matters because Taylor is going to win it all anyways.

    1Taylor Hicks41.6071.637-

    2-3Katharine McPhee37.691.691-

    2-3Elliott Yamin37.1171.699-

  21. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Taylor still reminds me, as Simon said, of a very good karaoke singer. And he physically works harder than any other candidate to distinguish himself. I still don't know who Taylor's fan base will be, but obviously some people are voting for him.

    I think DialIdol has it right, and that Elliott will go. He's got vocals, but I don't see any marketability. He's not quite Michael Buble or Darryl Hall.

    Simon lofted the perfect ball for Kat to hit out of the park. I knew her rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow was special, and the judges confirmed it when they said it was the best performance of the season.

    Taylor and Kat in the finals, with Taylor winning.
    Continue the Renaissance

  22. #172
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    The interesting thing is that all 3 judges said on different TV programs this past week that Elliott had the best vocals and was the best of the 3. Simon said this on Oprah, Randy on The View, and Paula to the general media.

    I do think Taylor has a unique voice, but as far as vocals go, I don't think he's better than Chris was.

    Overall, I still think Chris was the best of the 4. I think he got robbed.

  23. #173
    Rambo Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    I think Kat should still get voted off. People are quick to forget her performance last week. It was the worst of anyone's.

  24. Default Re: American Idol 2006

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Overall, I still think Chris was the best of the 4. I think he got robbed.
    Kat's my favorite, but I agree. I think AI thought he would finally be the rock guy they could place.
    Continue the Renaissance

  25. #175
    Rambo Guest

    Default Re: American Idol 2006

    My problem with Kat is that she needs to wear a bra. I'm tired of seeing her boobs shake.

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