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Thread: Does anyone know of any

  1. #1

    Default Does anyone know of any

    Does anyone know of any ponds around south OKC or Moore area that are not controlled by OKC parks dept so you can fish with just a state fishing license and not have to get the city fishing permit?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Shadowlake @ SW 104th and Penn

  3. #3

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Just a head's up. All the lakes/ponds inside additions like Rivendell, Fountains, Cascata, Lakeridge Run, Lake Ridge, etc. are all private property lakes, and the only way you can fish there is to have an invitation from the specific owner and fish only according to the rules of the specific addition. To fish at any of these areas w/o the property owner's direct permission and presence [in most cases] is to be subject to trespassing charges.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Years ago you could fish at Kitchen Lake (119th and Sooner). It was one of those places at which you would drop a dollar in the "honor system" box. Not saying that you could "catch" fish at Kitchen Lake, but you could fish. I imagine there is a good chance that this large pond has been privatized by now.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Years ago you could fish at Kitchen Lake (119th and Sooner). It was one of those places at which you would drop a dollar in the "honor system" box. Not saying that you could "catch" fish at Kitchen Lake, but you could fish. I imagine there is a good chance that this large pond has been privatized by now.
    Just watch out for the kitchen lake witch.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Quote Originally Posted by old okie View Post
    Just a head's up. All the lakes/ponds inside additions like Rivendell, Fountains, Cascata, Lakeridge Run, Lake Ridge, etc. are all private property lakes, and the only way you can fish there is to have an invitation from the specific owner and fish only according to the rules of the specific addition. To fish at any of these areas w/o the property owner's direct permission and presence [in most cases] is to be subject to trespassing charges.
    A friend of ours lives in one of these additions with a pond in it and has said we are welcome to come fishing there anytime, they dont stand out there with us but we can see there house from the pond.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Quote Originally Posted by Achilleslastand View Post
    Just watch out for the kitchen lake witch.
    My brother and I once went fishing (a.k.a. worm and minnow drowning) at Kitchen Lake. At one point, some water bird (I'm almost sure that it was a loon) dove down after my brother's bait and managed to get itself hooked. He reeled it in and we spent about ten minutes trying to get the hook out of its mouth. Do you realize how sharp a loon's beak can be? And how freaked out they get when caught in a situation like this? I guess it is possible that the bird could have been cursed by the Kitchen Lake Witch . . . Or maybe it was her "familiar" . . . I wish that we had had a shakey video camera to record the action and to prove that this isn't just a "fish story."

  8. #8

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    wow... you have to have both a state license and a city one to fish? Talk about double dipping the fishermen.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    wow... you have to have both a state license and a city one to fish? Talk about double dipping the fishermen.
    There was another one of those "Honor System Put-a-Buck-in-The-Box" ponds, only requiring any sort of license if you got caught, on the far southeast side of OKC, at which I was fishing early one spring morning (with the approved paperwork, btw). It was unusually calm and serene. Perfect fishing conditions. I was on one side of a narrow neck of the pond casting across the water and slowly reeling back. There was a medium-sized log, next to the bank, on the other side of the water and, at one point, I saw a squirrel hop onto it, sniff around a little, then pick something up in its little paws and start nibbling on it. Suddenly, the log spun over and the squirrel disappeared into the water! I watched to see if it would pop up and climb onto the other bank . . . but it never emerged. I thought to myself: That's really weird..

    But not as weird as seeing that big fin come up out of the water and place another acorn on the log.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any


  11. #11

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Gotta go +1. I enjoyed that.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    My family used to fish at a pond at SW 44th and Meridian when I was a wee one. The pond is still there, but I'm not sure if people still fish there. We were never interrupted for permits and so forth.

    There's also a pond outside of the AT&T building at Memorial and Portland. I see people fishing there from time to time.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    "Never interrupted for permits and so forth" is The Essence of Fishing.
    Well . . . Isn't it? =)

    Heck . . . I've seen folks out there in Eastern Oklahoma County doing just that.
    Like even from The (banks) of the North Canadian River and from tiny concrete bridges over all of the drainage ditches connected thereto. =)

    The only potential "problem" is getting run over by the herds of non-fishing bicycle riders that replaced the buffalo when you turn to show off your catch . . .

    To lighten The Mood . . .
    Instead of hiking up to those clear mountain lakes on the eastern slope of the Rockies (back in the day) in order to fish, I was at Tulagi's (on The Hill) listening to this guy describe the relative value of my choices. =) (cryptic? mebbe)

    and this is why it would be difficult to prove i am a "racist" =)

  14. #14

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Good choice

  15. #15

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Yeah . . . But I'm still a "bigot" . . . =)

  16. #16

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Quote Originally Posted by RadicalModerate View Post
    Yeah . . . But I'm still a "bigot" . . . =)
    The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    yeah . . . i was thinking about joining a two-step program

    but i'm prejudiced against that sort of stuff so i went fishing instead.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    wow... you have to have both a state license and a city one to fish? Talk about double dipping the fishermen.
    Much of the revenue colleted from city fishing licenses goes directly into the program to support fishing in the City. The City has its own fisheries management programs (one of the only municipalities to do so), and works with the State Department of Wildlife Conservation to stock and manage the fish populations at City-owned waters, including Lakes Hefner, Draper and Overholser, in addition to the "Close to Home" waters, which include Edwards Park Lake, Dolese Youth Park Pond, Kids Lake at Hefner, Crystal Lake, Zoo Lake, the wetland ponds at Route 66 Parks, and the ponds at South Lakes Park.

    Fishing permits cost $3.50 for a daily permit, and $18.50 for an annual permit. It's not a lot of scratch for something that is provided to the public. Were it not for the City's municipal hatchery, the fishing opportunities within Oklahoma City would be greatly diminished.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    Thanks for the info.

  20. Default Re: Does anyone know of any

    thats almost the price of a license... don't know why anyone would get a daily.

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