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Thread: Myriad Gardens

  1. #851

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    They said on the news that the package was nothing. At least they're looking into it.

  2. #852

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by skanaly View Post
    Soooo...someones got to know what happened there tonight. Police on every corner, and tape was all around the perimeter. One cop says there was a suspicious package...anyone know anything else about this?
    Could be anything, one of my favorites was police in Boston found and blew up a 'suspicious device' on the side of the road a couple years ago, turned out it was a traffic counter. Lead to some people to place stickers on practically any object on the street saying this is not a bomb.

  3. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    To continue the hand wringing, the lack of the kids' spray facility in Myriad Gardens is a MAJOR FAIL. After work today I saw camera crews roaming around the Myriad Gardens taking shots. There are media here from every corner of the globe to show our city off and we can't keep a *&#@ spray park running. It's embarrassing and bush league. This city is still not major league -- not by a long shot. There are minor league cities running circles around us.

    It's scary to think of all the incompetence associated with P180, particularly considering we're in the midst of a major boom in OKC. If this is how we handle prosperity I greatly fear what will happen here when our natty gas bubble bursts.

    From what little I know of OKC politics, it seems like it's time to give Jim Couch the gold watch and wish him well. His crony style of governance doesn't mesh well with OKC taking the next step.

    I'm thinking of all that we've discussed in the last week, including the twin unfolding debacles of the boulevard, the inability to complete the Main Street segment of P180, the failure (or willful decision) to keep lights on in a major downtown residential district, the hubbub and shutdown of Thunder Alley, etc. and I'm dismayed with the leadership happening in OKC. Time to step up our game.
    I've been saying Jim Couch needs to go for a long time, but you'd be amazed at how many people will continue to make excuses for inept city leadership and I just don't see many others calling for him to go. Unfortunately I get the sense that he has many more ruined projects to go until he retires.

  4. #854

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I hope it wasn't a box of replacement parts for the fountain and the police blew it up.

  5. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    self deleted

  6. #856

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Well it was serious, either it really was a bomb, or they were very worried. There was a couple fire trucks and ambulances. And roughly 20 cop cars

  7. #857

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by skanaly View Post
    Well it was serious, either it really was a bomb, or they were very worried. There was a couple fire trucks and ambulances. And roughly 20 cop cars
    It was a false alarm but they have to take approriate precautions.


  8. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Photo of the band shell lit up for the Finals!

  9. #859

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Or at least exchange the civil engineers' best practices manual: cities 300,000-500,000 for the newer, updated civil engineers' best practices manual: cities 500,000-800,000, which on page 32 section 3a it says explicitly to slap anyone upside the face who doesn't make sure the city is looking its best when it is on TV before the entire nation.
    He shoots...he SCORES

  10. #860

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Or at least exchange the civil engineers' best practices manual: cities 300,000-500,000 for the newer, updated civil engineers' best practices manual: cities 500,000-800,000, which on page 32 section 3a it says explicitly to slap anyone upside the face who doesn't make sure the city is looking its best when it is on TV before the entire world

  11. #861

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post

    They have an annual operating budget of $4 million and this fountain is probably the key draw for kids and has already proven to be wildly unreliable.

    After the massive investment made in this park -- with public funds -- this is not an acceptable way to operate it.
    And lets hear the uproar when 20 years from now they remodel and find boxes and boxes of new (but now worthless) fountain parts. I guess I expect more financial responsibility.

  12. #862

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Seems to me the overall solution is to find people that actually care about the darned thing. Seems to be a constant issue with several new items and projects downtown. Such a shame...

  13. #863

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I took my wife and son to see Space Jam tonight on the Amphitheater Lawn.... It was AMAZING! Perfect night for it! There was a VERY good turnout! They should really consider doing this once a week on a certain night. I posted it on Facebook and got LOTS of comments on it! ALOT of people wanting to know how often they do this and when's the next showing. How can OKCtalk get this to be a weekly thing?? I personally think it would be a HUGE success.

  14. #864

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    A couple of years ago I took my daughter to see Casablanca at the Myriad Gardens. Of course this was before all of the revovations. It was well attended even then with a much less desirable site. I have a feeling there will be more movies. I subsribe to the weekly downtown e-newsletter http://www.downtownokc.com/DowntownN...ewsletter.aspx which usually posts such goings on.

  15. #865

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Quote Originally Posted by Watson410 View Post
    I took my wife and son to see Space Jam tonight on the Amphitheater Lawn.... It was AMAZING! Perfect night for it! There was a VERY good turnout! They should really consider doing this once a week on a certain night. I posted it on Facebook and got LOTS of comments on it! ALOT of people wanting to know how often they do this and when's the next showing. How can OKCtalk get this to be a weekly thing?? I personally think it would be a HUGE success.
    Great idea.

  16. #866

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Regarding the fountains, I walked through the gardens yesterday and everything seemed to be running smoothly except for the children's fountain.

    First time I had been through since the renovation and it's all very, very impressive.

  17. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    I took some pics I plan on getting posted here eventually of the Space Jam screening the other night, but NewsOK just put up this awesome photo of deadCENTER that shows pretty much same thing. Honestly this pic is a little better, this stage of twilight occurred while the plot was too riveting for me get up and take pics, or something like that.

    This is beautiful:

  18. #868

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    What city was that shot taken?

    Seriously, amazing!

  19. #869

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    It's even more impressive being there in person... That's why I suggested earlier they need to have a weekly movie night. It would be a huge success!

  20. #870

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Stunning shot! I would definitely support a weekly downtown movie night!

  21. #871

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	OKC Skyline Thunder Flight FACEBOOK-40.jpg 
Views:	117 
Size:	602.9 KB 
ID:	1842Click image for larger version. 

Name:	OKC Skyline Thunder Flight FACEBOOK-22.jpg 
Views:	120 
Size:	565.2 KB 
ID:	1843Click image for larger version. 

Name:	untitled-1.jpg 
Views:	112 
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ID:	1844Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	1845

  22. Default Re: Myriad Gardens


  23. #873

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens


    then +1 all over again!

  24. Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Wow ^ This photo is not in the same league as the above, but this was from Space Jam the other night.. you'll notice, again, a pretty decent turnout.

  25. #875

    Default Re: Myriad Gardens

    Here's a couple pictures I took at the Space Jam movie.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Spacejam1.jpg 
Views:	94 
Size:	6.69 MB 
ID:	1846Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Spacejam2.jpg 
Views:	101 
Size:	5.32 MB 
ID:	1847

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