I've driven past the pyramid a few time but have never been inside. I would like to see it sometime.
Many people visit this building just to resharpen their razorblades.
(Suggested Reading: "Them" by Jon Ronson (for more about the fascinating Alex Jones))
If Alex Jones says it, you know it's credible. He's kept us abreast of the impending martial law that's just around the corner (and has been just around the corner for years), as well as the FEMA death camps, Satanic worship in the highest ranks of society, demonic symbolism in every corporate logo, 9-11 was an inside job, et cetera, et cetera, ad nauseum.
Alex Jones (w/Jon Ronson) managed to infiltrate a meeting of The Satanic Owl Worshipers of Bohemian Grove, CA.
I was shocked to learn later that Jimmy Buffett is a member of The Cabal (it's satanic people, not satanic owls, btw).
I think he was coerced (sp?) into joining after he crashed his seaplane on account of the gremlins they planted on it.
Maybe if they had just asked him to visit a meeting as a guest and sing "Come Monday" or "Cheeseburger in Paradise" or "Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw" (instead of crashing his plane) he might have said, "OK" . . .
OH! And--according to Jon Ronson--Alex Jones ALSO knows how to infiltrate the outer limits of Bilderberger security.
More Suggested Reading: "Life Among the Apaches" (written by one of the founders of The Bohemian Grove Society!)
(Can you tell that I find Alex Jones almost as entertaining as Jesse Ventura? No? =)
I've no doubts that Bohemian Grove was founded with pagan inspiration, being originally an artist colony/retreat, which was later accosted by rich folks. But Jones calling it devil worship is a stretch. It's no more sinister than the rituals at the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos lodges in the Flintstones.
There is an interesting connection between the owl and the Mother of Demons, Lilith, however - but I doubt there's any correlation. But folks like Alex Jones can create a correlation when none are to be found.
I saw the Bohemian Grove documentary with the secret footage. Alex Jones is such a goofball.
I've no doubts that Bohemian Grove was founded with pagan inspiration, being originally an artist colony/retreat, which was later accosted by rich folks. But Jones calling it devil worship is a stretch. It's no more sinister than the rituals at the Loyal Order of Water Buffalos lodges in the Flintstones.
The original spelling of The Elks Club was The Ilks Club.
Believe it . . . Or Not . . . Excuse me, Or Else =)
BTW: Goofballs might be offended by stereotypically lumping them in with Bozos and Buffoons.
Just sayin' . . . =)
, , , and are you sure you didn't mean "co-opted" rather than "accosted"? =)
"I'm a man . . . And I can change . . . If I have to . . . I guess . . ."
Men's Prayer, Possum Lodge, Canada
Obviously, you and i (a.k.a. we) have to reshape a few more "ashlars" before [you (and i)] can join with The Satanic Owl Worshipers.
Maybe the I.O.O.F. or The Rotary could provide, like, a pre-SAT training ground or whatever.
(P.S.: Even though it is called The International Order of Odd Fellows--and is, at this point in time, nearly extinct--it is the only "Order" of it's type that could possibly be worth considering as a Fraternal Group that actually does some good vis-a-vis membership. Except for the guys who founded it, back in England, back in the day, were denied entry into The Illuminati. Mostly for not being Italian. Those Wacky Guyz with The Fez(es?) (on motorcycles) are a close second, but Ray Stevens dissed them back in The 60's so . . .)
Thanks for the fun topic, Bunty.
Not every day that you see a Red Green reference...
Disturbing Factoid: In the pyramid-shaped duct tape storage warehouse in the woods behind Possum Lodge, they have a copy of a Dagon (Babylonian fish god) Priest's hat that proves conclusively that the hat that the Popes wear is similar!
Disturbing Factoid 2: You may not see Red Green references everyday, but two days in a row is cause for concern regarding Canadian Mind Control experiments.
These guys are agents of The Forces of Darkness that reside in Canada's Great Pyramid in Halifax, NOVA Scotia . . .
WARNING: Video contains several examples of the favorite Canadian word beginning with F.
You have been warned, eh.
I think Alex Jones lives in the Outer Limits
Dang. You done got the "obscure reference" . . .
Obviously you have been exposed to too many contrails. =)
bahahaha more people need to see the trailer park boys..
Look around. They are all over the place.
Only the accents are different.
(those "cheating casinos" are a good place for a sighting . . .
"cheating casinos" and Walmarts.)
I just finished the 7th season of Trailer Park Boys a couple nights ago. I was sad that it had to end, but fortunately there will be another TPB movie soon.
Beware of the Samsquamch!
THEY have a special cage for Samsquatch in the basement of The Halifax Pyramid . . .
Remember the closing scene of "From Dusk Till Dawn"?
That is the OTHER--pyramid-shaped--corner of The NAFTA Conspiracy.(!!!)
(No: I have never read "The DaVinci Code"--although I HAVE seen every episode of "DaVinci's Inquest" (Canadian). And, until today, I thought "Kenny vs. Spenny" was/were just words on a TV Guide . . . Wait a minute . . . Is that a contrail out there? Why is there a maple leaf painted on the side of the helicopter . . . I gotta get oot o' here . . . =)
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