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Downtown planning and civic leadership has gotten so inept and inefficient it is embarrassing. Everybody needs to drop their hard hats and walk away before more damage is done.
I think a very serious intervention is needed. We may never again successfully pull off a public works project until Wenger and Couch are long gone and nobody is promoted from within. I personally think a grassroots effort is needed to find a more innovative city manager and especially a more competent public works director.
I personally think we need Steve Mason to be our Public Works Director. Wenger is not working out. And of course, the biggest problem is when you have a city of 600,000 people where all the shots in City Hall are called by civil engineers and traffic engineers for whom a "tree" is a "fixed hazardous object." I think it's especially telling that the new central park consultants were chosen by a committee without a single urban planner on it.
MAPS3 has been bastardized to the point that many people who wanted quality of life and civic innovation, and not necessarily a chamber junta convention center, will probably never again support the renewal of the sales tax because the city broke its promise to put the convention center last.
I'd also like to bring Jeff Speck and the ULI panel back in to have them examine developments like the convention center separating two landmark green spaces, the City Arts Center locating as far as possible still within downtown from the Arts District, the demonstrative P180 screwups (now even the Myriad Gardens, where nothing works anymore, is fomenting buyer's remorse), demolishing historic buildings at a pace unprecedented since the 60s, and especially the planned I-40 Business Route through downtown, or as we like to call it, the "boulevard."
I just can't believe the fire storm of bad planning, mistakes, inept leadership, corrupt projects, and wasted opportunities. And I don't think we can wait long enough for a new generation to take over. We need immediate changes if we're going to rescue this thing.
The straw breaking the camel's back for me is how embarrassing it is to have P180 projects breaking down everywhere, those few that have been completed on time that is, while national TV crews are canvassing our city taking shots for the coming NBA finals. The past reaction to failed project management, ie MAPS1 coming in nearly $100 million over budget, was to promote Wenger to Public Works Director. I think it's time that the response for failure change from a promotion to a firing.
Laura Story is the city engineer responsible for P180. Wenger was the M3 project manager until the project had been bastardized enough to move the convention center ahead at the expense of other projects, and all the other MAPS projects under his watch came in massively over budget. Couch has been the longest-serving City Manager in OKC history and I think it's time for that to end. The problem is that all of this incompetent leadership is just following precedent, banishing new ideas, and can hardly be called "big league" in any sense of the phrase. These guys are little league and in waaaay over their heads.
If they're going to screw up every single project they touch, they should go to Tulsa instead, or anywhere.