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Thread: Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

  1. #1

    Default Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

    I have a question and this isn't a political thing so please don't make it one.

    I'm talking with a co-worker and he said that under Obamacare if I leave my job and go to another company I won't be able to use their insurance but will be put in a pool with other folks. I don't think this is the case but wanted to check it out. I don't plan on going anywhere but the subject came up.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

    not sure there is a way to talk about obamacare without getting political

  3. #3

    Default Re: Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

    And here it comes.. Wait for it.. Wait for it

  4. #4
    Lord Helmet Guest

    Default Re: Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

    Quote Originally Posted by BoulderSooner View Post
    not sure there is a way to talk about obamacare without getting political
    Sure there is. You answer his question factually without adding your personal .02.

    @Roadhawg that doesn't sound right to me. We've hired several folks recently and I'm certain they're given the same benefits I currently have.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

    That could possibly be true if you moved to a new company that had no coverage. Then you would maybe be picked up by an exchange. But that's not a sure thing by any means and it certainly isn't demanded.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Affordable Health Care Pla (Obamacare)

    Thanks... I was pretty sure you could get the new employers insurance, if they offered it but my co-worked insisted that under Obamacare you had to join a pool. He didn't think it was funny when I asked him if that was like joining a gym lol

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